Friday, July 04, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

January 9, 2014

This B list actress who divides her time between stage and screen and television is a good actress. Not the greatest person in the world but a good actress. She was on the phone the other day while standing in line for her car and was screaming at her agent or manager. Basically even though she is twice the age of the character she apparently thought she could still pass for a 20 year old and was ticked off her agent couldn't get her the role or at least a chance to read for it. When she got off the phone she asked a man standing close by how old he thought she was. He was trying to be nice but guessed an age two years older than our actress. "That's f**king ridiculous," was her response.

Kristin Chenoweth


  1. Hahahahaahhh ahahahahaha , 20.........

  2. Don't believe it. SHES GALINDA

  3. I've always gotten a creep vibe off of her.

    Oh, and get the fuck over yourself, honey!

  4. A cocktail toast for all you die-hard readers and commenters.

    You've been the entertainment portion of today's reveals.

    1. Tigercat, Cheers and Happy Friday 4th! We WILL have fun! just not, lol

  5. She small so maybe she thinks small can pass for young?
    FSP got this but a lot of others were right there.

  6. I really liked her on Glee and GCB

    1. GCB was the best. So upset when it got cancelled.

  7. Oh and suck it Good Witchy-bitchy-poo!

  8. I like Rach Arounds original guess of John Travolta.

  9. Can't stand her.

  10. Little doesn't equal young. I'm kinda sad bc I like her.

  11. She's a human chihuahua

    1. @airhead - Ahahaha!!

    2. Did anyone seel that episode of Ellen where they showed her making our with her dog?!

  12. Enty remember the good old days when Michael K used to link to Reveal Day on D-Listed? He doesn't do that anymore.

    1. That's because reveal day sucks and Michael K is above this mess

  13. @Ray, whatever happened to Rach Around? I missed a week and she seemingly vanished.

    1. People were mean to her and she dipped out. Some say she is still here and posting but who can you believe on the internet?

  14. Anonymous5:59 PM

    the mirrors in her house are liars i'll bet they all burst out laughing when she leaves.

  15. Tigercat she pops by once in a very while as Bee Haven and one other.

  16. Rach was a possible troll and fled when accused of being so.

    Michael K. stopped when TOE left and the blinds became untrustworthy.

  17. Kristin thinks she's still a pixie.

  18. She really knows how to turn it on when on a talk show. Not the first blind where she is portrayed badly. I bet she farted when she stomped away from that guy.

  19. The Original Enty'

    1. I thought it was something like that. Too many blinds and reveals nowadays. Makes reveal day much much less exciting or revealing. Too many 'who got drunk and sleep with someone' blinds.

    2. Haha I was right. :-P

  20. @All Thanks for the 411. Sometimes when you step in after a troll war, you miss the explanatory drama-rama and you wonder.

    @Steamy Hell yeah! Cheers right back atcha!

  21. Lol. That braod can pass for 20 like I could pass for wearing a men's medium.

  22. What is it with women and age? Generally, I don't talk about my age with casual acquaintances just because I want others to judge me for me. As in I don't want others to assign traits based on a number. But I don't hide it and I certainly do not have my head up my ass and think I look substantially younger than my age. Nor do I terrorize others into going along with such a fallacy.

    I used to have a friend who believed she looked at least 10 years younger. She didn't. She looked good, but she did look her age or a couple of years younger on a good day. But she would ask people to guess her age and the way she did it was so awkward that no one dared tell the truth - they would purposely low-ball it and breathe a sigh of relief when she backed off. Then she would use their guesses as 'proof' that she did indeed look substantially younger. She was so freaky about age that she forbade her friends to reveal or discuss THEIR age when with her or at a party etc. because then people might make the association like, "hey, if she is 30, why is she hanging out with people who are 40?" Total whack job when it came to age.

    She was always criticizing my appearance. In her eyes, I couldn't do anything right.

    I spotted her a couple of times on the street in the past year after having not seen her for almost 15 years. She now looks 15-20 years older than her age. And she looks evil. Her eyes are dead looking. Her face is lumpyish. She lost a lot of weight and maybe that has something to do with the weird distribution of facial fat. But I swear she could play a zombie on The Walking Dead with minimal make-up.

    I didn't even recognize her at first and was creeped out when she looked at me. It wasn't until a minute later that I clued in who it was.

    For someone who was obsessed with her appearance, this is a disturbing turn of events.

    1. Damn Unkown - we won't be able to keep up with the reveals and threads if you write these short stories. I like what you're cooking though.

    2. I smell what you're cooking.

    3. I got carded for a rated R movie recently.

    4. Unknown. .mommy issues. .4 sure

    5. Good read, unknown and an excellent opening to a book!!!!

  23. One story - one story, Texas Rose. give me a break ;-)

    1. sorry unknown - i'm getting punch drunk reading these.

  24. @Unknown your friend kinda reminds me of a woman I read about in a magazine who was a plastic surgery addict at age 24 because she couldn't stand the idea of how "old" she was getting. Kept having surgery to look younger. At freaking 24 years old.

    I've never understood people (and it's usually women) who are so upset about aging. I mean, the only alternative is to be dead. You can't get younger.

    Kristin Chenoweth is too perky for me.

  25. Who does Kristen think she is??
    Gabrielle Carteris or Something? ??!!!

  26. If it was for theater she may have been able to pull it off. Not for TV or film.

    Michael K still links to some of the blinds here.

  27. @ Krissie - actually she couldn't have surgery. Forgot all about this. She was prone to keloids and she used to say that she'd better age well because she would never be able to have plastic surgery.

  28. Honey, it's time to take a good long look in the mirror.

  29. Age like Helen Mirren.

    That is all.

  30. Anyone putting on that perky a facade is hiding a seriously repressed beyotch inside. She's so saccharine it makes me want to hurl.

  31. She has not aged well. I saw her do a Wendy Williams bday tribute the other day and she looked old.

  32. I think each one of her wrinkles is about 20. Alternatively, Kristen, they are talking about your age, not the age of your boob job.

  33. One way to look a little younger is to stop dyeing her hair that cool blonde. It's terrible. Having said that, there is nothing undesirable about looking your damn age.

  34. She may be the size of a prepubescent teenage girl but her face... is not.

  35. I get told I look younger than my age. People lie. I look every day of it.
