Friday, July 04, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

January 3, 2014

This A list mostly movie actress who used to be A+ and unfortunately by rule is not allowed to drop beneath B list was her usual miserable self the other day. While at the airport she had a group of staffers and her own bodyguards herd people out of the way so the photographer she hired could get clear shots of her family. The process took 15 minutes because she had to check the photos after every ten or twenty shots until she was satisfied.

Nicole Kidman


  1. I loved her in Bewitched the movie.

  2. Does she imagine kids all look amazing at airports or something? This is the second one like this. My kids always look as though they were kidnapped and kept in a hole for three days after flying

  3. Not at all shocking. Poor Keith. And happy reveal day!!

  4. Cue Nicole fans in 3... 2....

  5. Hold on Enty didn't you drop somebody from A list to B list this year because YOU didn't like that person? Like they care.

  6. Hiring a personal pap is not unheard of.

  7. I've rushed back from an interminable work course to read an interminable revealed blind.

  8. Go to Olan Mills like the rest of us.

    1. @OneEyeCharlie LOL! You never cease to make me giggle. Thanks, Darlin'. You're one of my favs. :-)

    2. Nothing like a lovely staged family portrait hanging on your parents' sitting room wall 30 years after it was taken with full 1980s hairstyles and fashion going on.

    3. Those portraits are the best!!!

  9. NK is not aging well

  10. The new fun bags are an unnecessary distraction from the layer of permafrost that is her face.

  11. We all knew this one.
    I did love NK in Pratical Magic though.

    1. What was that scary film she was in? That was good. Not so goodso as I remember what it was called. But good.

    2. She was also amazing in To Die For.

    3. The Others with the 9th Doctor Who ( Christopher Eccelson ) is the movie I think you mean Violet.
      That was indeed scary.

    4. Oh love The Others!.

  12. Anonymous11:12 AM

    im like this at a family functions. i do not like candid shots of me and my relaxed holiday tomfoolery. I check all MY photos with a deceivingly light-hearted smile if i dont approve of it and it is not deleted the offender will get one of two choices: either their brains or the camera (phone) will be on the table in twenty seconds. i dislike taking photos. i detest bad photos.

    ...shit get REAL in Philly

    1. @fancyscreenname I hear ya, Darlin'. Most of the pics I might be in only show the back of my head. LOL.

      I turn so fast, it's a wonder I've never gotten whiplash. HA!

    2. I've been pretty lucky in that for years it was just my inlaws taking pictures at parties (guess who always got missed or cropped out?) so there are no pictures of me at all really until 6 months ago. And then I kinda made up for lost time.

  13. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I LOOOOOVED her in To Die For...

  14. I'm a Nicole stan! Well, borderline stan. I'm putting on my rose colored glasses now.

  15. Meh, 15 minutes. Takes longer than to get through a TSA check when you forgot that your water bottle is more than eight ounces.

  16. no big surprise here

  17. Must be exhausting to be her.

  18. Everyone in Nashville knows Nicole doesn't have to get bodyguards to keep people back. We all part like the Red Sea as we genuflect. One time she farted and when the methane crystals hit the warm air and vaporized, the entire crowd orgasmed.

    1. Maybe being near her will help keep me cool when I'm there later this month.

  19. How did this bitch get a contract with Tommy???

  20. Who allows this crap in a public space? Just try pushing me, let alone my family, for shit like this (e.g., grocery store aisles).

  21. I've met both of them..they were nice but this is tre'obnoxious behaviour. Ugh.

  22. I met the woman who gave her facials once/month for about ten years. She said Nicole is nothing like her public image. She is actually very nice and sweet in real life. Not sure if I believe that, but she said don't believe everything you hear about her.
