Friday, July 04, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

January 3, 2014

This former B list mostly television actress spent TEN minutes texting back and forth to her A list mostly movie actor husband yesterday to make sure he approved of what she was about to order at a restaurant. She spent the entire meal texting him and kept apologizing to her friend sitting across from her. The former actress seemed panicked the entire time. She is headed for a meltdown.

Blake Lively


  1. This will not end well

  2. I just feel bad for her. I hope she gets out soon.

  3. yeah yeah call enty blahblahblah

  4. Derek said it frist.

  5. Sad.
    Honestly not a good way to live life.


    Ryan find out who hates you now

  7. The frist of many conflicting blinds about who controls who in Ryan and Blake's relationship.

  8. The question is... Is he truly controlling, as Enty is implying, or is she so insecure and neurotic that she requires constant validation?

    1. Very good point, Charlie.

      It's also possible that they are perfect for each other in a sad, unhealthy way. Shrug. Assuming no abuse, its their lives.

    2. Well put observation.

  9. Why would yiu let anyone have that much control over... unless its S&M Madame Posey...

    1. Gweeds, I'm starting to get a sense aboot you

  10. How the eff is Reynolds Alist? Someone got some plaining to do? Still dont think he that hot.

  11. Stop making me look good Enty! Kristin and VIP get more right than I do

  12. Who has the time to micromanage someone else's life like this? Exhausting!

    1. Actors, I guess, have the time.

      (Then again, I make the time for this here. Lol)

  13. I'm tired of these blinds, Some are like this and others are "she" is the manipulative one. If both are true , that is a twisted relationship and is best left alone until the Marriage bed begins burning...

  14. Looks like a bs blind to me. :)

  15. is Reynolds a recruiter for CO$ or training to be one?

    or is she just that high maintenance?

  16. That I like ricotta and its fine, smooth texture?

    1. Something like that, but with more whipping, Gweeds

  17. This could be her insecurities or his controlling, not sure which :(

    1. exactly JG. Her neediness (if this is on her) is actually the submissive role in a S&M relationship. She controls him by forcing him to spend his free time thinking about HER to Tell her what to do..

  18. No wonder Scarlet J divorced him. She seems to be too independent and with too much of a mind of her own to stay married to a control freak.

    1. Zilla3 (can't help but wonder if there were two other Zillas), I'm constantly amazed Scarlett had anything to do with him.

      Unless they bonded over the child performer thing. Hmm.

  19. Wow, she must be a real spontaneous, a realTomcat in bed...texting Ryan in midst of act, missionary position naturally.." Um, is that ok? Should I move left? My hipbone stabbing you, like you like honey, cuz I only ate celery this week???
    It's 4 minutes, finished yet hone???what else can I it ok if I want to go bake cookies now"

  20. Maybe she has an eating disorder or something and he was trying to make sure she ate.
    I feel like I'm grasping at straws though. It's not normal behavior.
    Granted my hubby has called me when out a million times bc he can't find something and is lost without me. LOL.

  21. Loving the play by play Tricia.

  22. I'd be pissed if I was the friend. Put your phone away when you're out with your friends. So rude.

  23. @ sherry...ahh to be a fly on that wall....wait no, even the fly would choose to be swatted to death me thinks...

  24. No way would I put up with that crap

  25. My relationship is like that. I texted my husband today to see if it was ok to leave the fan on when I left for work. Having a controlling partner can initially seem really helpful, especially if you're emotionally vulnerable. I have a hard time imagining how I would even deal with being alone and I'm sure Blake feels the same way. (That sounds really terrible but it's not the worst thing in the world.)

    1. Props to u for ur reveal. (-:

      Controlling men have some good points, I've found they do everything for u. Lol. I'm the baby of our family, and only girl, with many older brothers and a controlling father. I'm used to a lot of men taking over in some ways.
      It's not that I don't want to be helpful and a good person, I do, but i just do the things tbe controlling people aren't tending to. If they like to control everything, usually it's kind if a relief. Lol.

      (Says the woman who also must have alone time! Lol)

  26. He Ryan has control issues, which could be the case since my husband and him have the same b-day and that is his problem), or she is super, super needy. I'll bet it's both.

    @derekharvey - Cute photo..

  27. Ryan is a recovering alcoholic....I've said that elsewhere here RE: him as blind guesses etc...he doesn't drink, hasn't for a long time, when he got sober career took off, as usually does.....I imagine the self control he excercises on a daily basis is immense..he doesn't talk about it, because it was never a public problem..caught it in time.

    Seems the type A control thing has bled into all aspects of his life and relationships..('s why he and Sandra B were together for a bit)

  28. He wanted her to order more wasabi so she would be hot and spicy later on

  29. I don't like Blake, but damn girl, you need to run away fast from your hot, crazy and controlling husband. RR---such a waste of a hot white boy.

  30. It's awful that a guy thinks he can control a woman's diet. And, she is stupid to allow this controlling behavior from him. She obviously married him for his money. It's the only reason she puts up with it.

  31. I guess if she was by herself and they have an understanding, OK. If she was with other people and requiring his approval via text for the antipasto platter, though, that's just bad form.

    LOL @ tricia shaw - "should I move my hipbone to the left? Can I make cookies?"

  32. That gorgeous woman needs a different man...or no man at all!

  33. Living a life like this sounds absolutely exhausting!

  34. Ryan and Blake related BIs are reaching sci-fi levels....he is controling, she is a famewhore, she slept with Leo the night before her first date with Reynolds...fantasyland to its best!

  35. she could get any guy she wanted

    run blake run

    i would however, let Ryan "control" me once or twice

  36. I'm not a Ryan Reynolds fan but I don't know if I believe Ryan is THIS controlling. The blinds about what he makes blake do get more and more detailed and silly. Next there will be a blind about them in which Blake has to ask his permission to pee and how he has to come in and flush the toilet for her because she's not allowed to do it on her own.

  37. Disbelieve. Ryan has never had this type of rumour with any of his other gf's or wives.

  38. More reveals!!!!!!

    This be the sloooooooooowest reveal day evah.

    Gratitude to the Entys along with a few whipcracks.

  39. Imagine how pissed he was when the cans in the cupboards weren't lined up properly and she left the hand towels all mussed up....

  40. She was just making sure he was focused on her and not with someone else.

  41. This sounds like some Sleeping With the Enemy shit.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Lol They were in Dubai for her Gucci Event and then heading to Maldives for vacation at that time. There were some pictures of them in Maldives and both looked so happy.

  44. So...the most bland, boring couple in Hollywood are also the most co-dependent and icky. NEXT.
