Thursday, July 17, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

March 3, 2014

This still young former almost A+ list mostly movie actress who is in danger of dropping to a C lister despite her A list name recognition had to be carried from a party last night because she was so drunk. That was the second time this weekend and during the night her long term boyfriend begged her to stop drinking. She said f**k you.

Kirsten Dunst


  1. A hot mess she and Lindsay should get together and invite Reesie and Michelle Rodrieguez to the party too.

    1. And Ho-Hilton, Kardashians,Kesha

  2. Interesting ad popped up: Being the life of the party can be the death of you.

  3. Isn't there a fenced area where we can keep the Kirsten's, Lindsay's, Rumer's, Kartrashians, etc and the rest of us move on and lead happy lives? No offense but some people will not change no matter what you do. They have no interest in cleaning up and growing up so let them be.

  4. Loving an addict (any kind of love) is incredibly difficult and painful and no one understands or will ever understand it's complexities until they experience it for themselves.

    This makes me sad for both of them, especially for Garrett though. Death is the easy way out. If she dies, he's gonna be the one spending the rest of his life living with these memories.

  5. Kirsten and I are the same age and I cannot imagine wanting or being able to get that level of intoxicated anymore. Sometime after 25 my liver and metabolism just stopped allowing it: two or three glasses of wine and I just can't continue-there's no ability or desire.

  6. ItsCourtneyD - I suggest that you move to Europe and start a court case. Recently their courts authorized a right to privacy so that people can ask that internet links to their bad behavior must be taken down. It is only a small step to right not to be offended. Then we can insist that links to those people you mention be deleted from the internet!

  7. If she won't accept the need for change, then she isn't at rock bottom yet. Dude should assist her to that point by having vile sex with her, while she is loaded, and allowing someone to hack the cell phone video and put it on the net.

    1. And he should definitely pee on her.

    2. Probably the only sex they ever have any way

    3. Sure, yes, because a drunk man just needs some help, but a drunk woman clearly should be raped publicly and punish for her sins. Excellent moral logic there.

  8. Sad, I really love her as an actress. She seems like a genuinely sweet person. This is awful. :(

  9. OT: where's @talkstoomuch or have I just overlooked her??

  10. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Pretty sure she has the frist comment here.

  11. Hells bells. Comments are showing up on here but names aren't. I don't know half of who's commented because I can't read it. Sorry!

  12. She used to be a pretty decent actress and god knows she was everywhere in everything. What the hell happened? You look at some of these men and women and they seem to have a lot going their way and then they just chuck it. Most people that party like that have got a problem somewhere else.
    If she's not willing to try to get it together, Garrett should leave her to it. No need for him to get dragged down in it if she's loving the drama. Not unless he gets off on the chaos too. Who knows maybe he does?

  13. The whole mentality of removing people from things for being drunk when alcohol is served makes no sense. Alcohol doesn't taste good. Dr. Pepper tastes good. Orange Juice tastes good. Whiskey doesn't taste good. The only good thing whiskey and other alcoholic beverages have is the feeling you get once you've had quite a bit of it.

    You drink alcohol to get drunk. To punish and shame someone for doing what the item is for is illogical. What if you got kicked out of an arcade because you beat the high score on the Ms. Pac-Man machine? Isn't that what the scores are for? It's the same thing with alcohol, you drink to get drunk. if you provide the alcohol, then it is your responsibility when people get drunk. Kicking them out and onto the street is basically showing you are a horrible person and couldn't care less if that person dies, gets hurt or injures or kills someone else.

  14. Count - your sensitivity and caring have once again brought a tear to my eye. I can only hope they follow your sage advice and post that video because I would love to see that.

  15. nice Kiki

    Garrett is hot-he should move on

  16. Sorry Shockwave, but I find beer to be delicious. Your theory is wrong. I drink a beer because I crave the taste sometimes.

    1. Jessi I just fell in love with you. Beer and wine can greatly enhance a meal but a cold beer on a hot day is heaven in my world.

  17. Beer isn't really alcohol. When I say alcohol, I mean high alcohol content, better mixed with something else (although beer with tomato juice is awesome during a hot summer day). I know some good alcohol is pretty good straight but for the most part it's just there to get blitzed on.

    1. Shock- common misconception. Beer is most certainly alcohol, and "im not an alcoholic because i only drink beer" is a common thing fir alkie to say. You are and it is.

    2. Omg! That is awesome news. I'm going to call up my dad immediately and tell him he didn't waste all those years he could have spent with me. Here we thought he was an alcoholic.But seeing as his drink of choice was beer, we can't blame it on alcohol. I guess he was just a dick who had no interest in his only child.
      Thank you, Shockwave!!!!

  18. "Beer isn't really alcohol." Thank god.

  19. Kiki likes to get f***ing twisted

  20. @Unknown, I just laughed out loud for real!

  21. I can't help but like her and really hope she gets her act together. If she doesn't want to stop drinking altogether, then at least try to limit yourself.

  22. all right relax people---What shockwave said makes perfect sense IF you substitute the word liquor with alcohol There is liquor and there is beer and cider. You don't really see many people drinking beer at high-end clubs and events. Beer gives a more mellow drunk compared to liquor. However obviously there are many alcoholics that only drink beer

    1. Derek I think you are correct about what Shockwave is trying to get across. But I also believe her perception is slightly off in a naive and not malicious way.

  23. I swear I read these reveals on AGC the other day....


  25. Maybe everything feels lackluster after Trip Fontaine.

  26. I remember an old poster here who used to write novels like Shockwave does...

    1. Shockwave does seem so familiar

  27. ItsCourtneyD said
    Isn't there a fenced area where we can keep the Kirsten's, Lindsay's, Rumer's, Kartrashians, etc and the rest of us move on and lead happy lives?

    Area 69.

  28. @Lily: I love when silly broads try to put words into my mouth. It is so cute.

    Feel free to further erode the meaning of "rape", though. You broads who find rape in everything just make things harder for women dealing with actual rape. But you don't care about them, just your own agenda, right?

  29. Oh Kiki, no. I hope she can come back from this.

  30. enty has always had it out for Kiki, I don't not believe this but I take whatever he posts on her w.much salt.

  31. Pip, I don't hide who I am, however, who I am is not necessarily who I used to be.
