Thursday, July 17, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

March 3, 2014

This B list mostly television actress from a famous family stars on a very hit cable show. In the bathroom last night she opened her clutch and the metal wouldn't open so it took a lot of force. When it did open fifty pills flew across the floor and our actress was on hands and knees scrambling to pick them all up. In her first visit to the bathroom she spent some time purging the food she ate earlier.

Emma Roberts


  1. Purge then pop pills? Girrrrrrrl you in danger.

    1. Wait so was the clutch just full of loose pills? Can she not invest in a $2 altoids tin at the very least?

    2. @Riven- amateurs!

  2. Like we weren't aware of this.

  3. So the pills were suppositories?

  4. Whatever chick. Appreciate what you have it's a lot more then others.

  5. Tin could have popped open when it hit floor too.

  6. She is very much Eric Roberts daughter. He through away a potentially amazing career with his addictions and it looks like his daughter is heading down the same road

  7. Both Emma and Evan Peters have signed for the fourth season of AHS. Hope they get it together before then.

    Although, most of the last season's cast has signed, so we'll be watching for Lange, Bates and Bassett.

  8. Ha-ha, oh my first thought was also an Altoid tin. If the pills are white no one will look twice.

  9. Her family is fucked she continues the trend

  10. why do people who get the lucky break of being born into "easy lives" with career paths laid out for them constantly screw them up

    there's a question for the ages

  11. HOT! That dude probably won't leave her because her gag reflex is long gone.

  12. One would think that Ryan Murphy would be the lookout for this type of thing and try to help the people on his shows..

  13. I remember the good old days when you kept weed in a film canister. Sigh.

  14. Or a mini Tylenol bottle with the snap lock cap. That thing ain't popping off for nothin.

  15. My god mother once gave me a prayer wheel necklace. She pointed out that it could be unscrewed and I could hide pot in there. lol

    Even is adorable. I don't understand why he stays with Emma. She seems like she's as much of a mess as her father was/is. Too bad because she could have rode the nepotism train all the way to the bank. She might not be a great actress but you don't have to be to do the kind of films she was doing.

    Dear Evan,
    If you ever break up with that trainwreck I'm here for you. I even promise never to lay a hand on you.

  16. Word on the "streets" recently has been that she's graduated from pills to an all liquid diet. And I'm not talking about the occasional or longer than normal juice fast but full time, 24/7 comsuming nothing but liquids. I really don't understand where these celebrities get their iron (and totally unhealthy) willpower from.

    The only time I ever tried out a juice cleanse it only lasted as long as it took me to drive to Whole Foods to pick up the bottles and walk back out on my way back home! *The deli did me in

  17. Ryan Murphy probably doesn't care. You only have the throw a stone on the glee set to find someone else addicted to drugs.

  18. She doesn't have a cool tin or something to keep it in? Seriously, Emma act like a lady.

  19. Man, she a mess. Her father must be so upset.

  20. She's overrated.
    Not that I've seen her act.

  21. Emma R may be better than many actors her age--but sounds like her main inheritance is self-destructive substance abuse & nasty emotional issues.

    I've not seen her do anything that displays the depth, range, intensity, or combo of rare talent & technical chops that made her dad's early work so powerful on stage & on-screen. Her AHS co-star/bf(?) has a lot of promise, tho. If he doesn't blow it & burn out early.
