Friday, July 18, 2014

Dutch Man On Shot Down Malaysian Flight Made Eerie Prediction

Cor Pan, a Dutch citizen was on Malaysia Airlines flight #17 which was shot down yesterday over Ukraine. Right before boarding, Cor, who was traveling with his wife posted a photo of the plane to his Facebook page with the caption, "If the plane goes missing, this is what it looked like." Cor was traveling from Amsterdam to take a much overdue vacation. After the post went viral yesterday, friends of the man confirmed that he and his wife were on the plane as passengers.


  1. Oh my goodness, so much tragedy all around

  2. I only found about that last night at work---because I was really only on this site yesterday (embarrassing! smh). Just awful. Scary world we live in....

  3. I think it was more of a joke with bad timing than an eerie prediction.

    1. In light of the other missing Malaysian flight I think you're right FSP.

  4. So so very sad. My heart goes out to all the families involved in this.

  5. Kind of a lame thing to joke about

  6. the Dutch have a whacky sense of humor--------I was never afraid to fly and I am going to California in November---is it really as hard as they say it to get a script for like Valium or something----am I going to have to beg the doctor?

    1. They gave me Valium the nights before my IVFs, don't see what the big deal is. Ask for something stronger or stop off in the bar on your way.

    2. My doctor calls me in 10 Klonopin when I have to fly. It helps when your dr knows you're not a drug addict, so I would encourage you to build a good relationship with him or her!

  7. Lame? He was boarding a Malaysia Airlines flight. I don't think his joke was lame, it was funny and apropos. What happened is a tragedy.

  8. It was a dumb joke and not a prediction at all. The plane is not missing (like the other Malaysian plane in the Indian Ocean), everybody knows where it is, it was put down.

  9. Was glued to the news last night after I heard about this.
    All those poor poor souls. RIP.
    It hurts my heart to hear about such sadness.
    My thoughts & prayers to everyone that has been affected.

  10. This is just crazy! What the hell is going on in this world? I am not one for conspiracy theories, but this is just beyond bizarre.

  11. derek harvey - I'm in nurse in a family practice (Ontario) and it's no problem whatsoever. Just tell your doc you're flying and would like something for sleep, or nerves. Usually we RX Ativan, but if you want a sleeping pill just ask. I went to my own family Doctor and asked her just for 12 sleeping pills (sublinox) so I could use them on overnight flights throughout the year. Don't be afraid to ask!

  12. that's pretty random

    this is an awful sad

  13. ok thanks for the info @Gayeld and VeryUn----I never take meds (maybe I should hehe) so wasn't sure if it would be hard with all these people abusing that sorta thing

  14. Not that it has anything really to do with it but did any one notice it was Flight 17 & it happed on 7-17 ?
    Just a coincidence I am sure.

  15. And AJ!!!! You are the 17th comment!!! Just need to point that out :) It's the Twilight Zone up in here!

    1. Eeeek !!!
      Cue the Twillight zone music.

  16. I boarded that Jet Blue flight several years ago that was on CNN and flew into Long Beach from NYC with failed landing gear. Had to fly that same flight a few days later. Everyone crossing the Tarmac to the airplane to board all leaned down to inspect the landing gear. Like they could tell!

  17. I kinda think he did that b/c of the other malaysian flight. I'm sure a lot of their customers have.

  18. Here is video from inside the flight before it took off:

    Video from flight MH 17

  19. @ jessi: and today is july 18 the day after july 17!

    if u look long and hard enuff u will find coincidences

  20. OMG @Pizz You are right, it is the 18th!!! The world is ending! I know it is!!! : )

  21. It also happened on the anniversary of the murder of the Romanovs.

  22. enty is a moron. This was a joke not a prediction. Moron.

  23. I really hope everyone on board didn't know what was going on. If they did , the fear must have been excruciating .
    I will never understand how one person thinks they are so much more important than the next. Enough to take another life.
    If this situation goes on in direction to which it was probably intended, the casualties will be brave military personnel & innocent civilians.
    No big wigs will be harmed, they'll probably all hunker down in a cushy bunker somewhere.
    Why don't the leaders of nations go out into a field & have a schoolyard fight.?

  24. I really hope everyone on board didn't know what was going on. If they did , the fear must have been excruciating .
    I will never understand how one person thinks they are so much more important than the next. Enough to take another life.
    If this situation goes on in direction to which it was probably intended, the casualties will be brave military personnel & innocent civilians.
    No big wigs will be harmed, they'll probably all hunker down in a cushy bunker somewhere.
    Why don't the leaders of nations go out into a field & have a schoolyard fight.?

  25. I really hope everyone on board didn't know what was going on. If they did , the fear must have been excruciating .
    I will never understand how one person thinks they are so much more important than the next. Enough to take another life.
    If this situation goes on in direction to which it was probably intended, the casualties will be brave military personnel & innocent civilians.
    No big wigs will be harmed, they'll probably all hunker down in a cushy bunker somewhere.
    Why don't the leaders of nations go out into a field & have a schoolyard fight.?

  26. Well Obama was certainly laying the blame on Russia this morning from the excerpt of his speech today I heard. The pro separatists had been bragging about stealing a surface missile launcher capable of downing a plane and downing a few planes this week and they even posted a photo of it after they hit the plane but then thought better of it.

    I imagine it was quick, blew up in the sky first given the radius of the wreckage.

    You got it skippy instead of the UN, Thunderdome, but then they'd probably try to cheat at that too.

    Like imagine Arafat fighting Sharon in the Thunderdome - I think Sharon would have creamed him.

    Hamas vs Fatah unfortunately Hamas would win.

    Putin vs Barack, dang Putin is one tough SOB.

  27. Does anyone take sedatives before driving cause you still have more chance of dying being in car driving to the airport. Just use statistics to calm yourself down oh and don't fly Malaysian Airlines until we are sure someone isn't out to ruin them.

  28. This isn't being reported enough.

    That plane was flying towards an AIDS conference and a good portion of the AIDS research community was on board.

    Shooting down that plane may cost hundreds of thousands of people their lives.

  29. ^^ how would they have known who was on the plane?
    The people on route to the Aids conference were obviously highly intelligent people in the midst of trying to halt a worldwide epidemic.
    I really hate organized religion (13 years at a catholic school).
    However this seems to have been planned way way in advance.
    How can anyone spot a plane at 32,000 feet, & decide to randomly shoot at it?
    Over the Ukraine & using Russian weaponry?
