Thursday, July 17, 2014

Kevin McEnroe Busted For Drug Possession

You know you have some tough addiction genes to battle through when you are the child of Tatum O'Neal. Kevin McEnroe, the son of John McEnroe and Tatum O'Neal was arrested in NYC this week after he was spotted buying drugs by police. The same kind of thing happened to his mother. McEnroe was buying drugs even though it sounds like he already had his own personal pharmacy. He was carrying six envelopes of cocaine, "along with an unidentified blue pill, 20 white loose pills and 10 orange pills, all unidentified substances."

Apparently in NYC, even when you are arrested for a felony, you don't need to post bail if it is drug related because McEnroe was released yesterday after his arraignment. Tatum lost custody of Kevin and her other two children to John McEnroe when she was battling her heroin addiction. I think the last time Tatum was arrested for drugs was probably back in 2008.


  1. Replies
    1. @Lotta Kevin is 28ish (born in 1986)

    2. Wow, he looks like a teen! Unless it's an oldish pic.

  2. I like John Mc. It must have been tough for those children.

  3. I'd be doing all the drugs if Ryan Fuckhead O'Neal was my dad. I hope she and her son can get clean.

  4. He must be early 20's poor bastard he's got the Addict Gene both sides I reckon...

  5. I think he's in his late 20's.

  6. ^^^Like she said up there^^^

  7. His stash sounds more like a dealer widening his client options, then a personal use thing. I'm not saying he wouldn't have had them as a personal user but not on him, bodily. (I'm going to pretend that whole statement made sense...)

  8. Man, that is some lousy gene-age for addiction. And i think mac has his own problems.
    The only child of ryan NOT to have problems is the young man who was raised WITHOUT ANY input from ryan. Sad. Not only is he a nacassistic asshole, he is addictive to. Tatums mom had MI issues and addiction issues. Poor Tatum never had a chance.

  9. I'd be pissed if I got my coke in an envelope.
    The blue pill sounds like viagra.
    The orange pills cld be subs.
    White pills cld be ne thing.
    He sounds like he knows how to party.

    1. Blue made me think Xanax, but Viagra is a better party drug

    2. Other options:
      Blue could be adderall.
      Orange could be Xanax.

  10. I hate that for them.

  11. Drug use is a choice, no one forced him. Parents who had issues when they were younger seem to make excuses for their kids. Not all kids use, only some chose to use drugs.

  12. I hope the kid gets it together. I've always liked John, even in his bad boy days.

  13. My Guess on the drugs:

    Blue pill = adderall
    Orange pills = vyvanse (another stimulant based adhd drug")
    White pills = vicodin

    Yay! Drug guessing is fun!!

  14. this really really makes me sad

  15. I will ALWAYS root for Tatum. She totally seems like a genuinely sweet soul who tries very hard but slips, as humans (and addicts) do, and I won't even get into the childhood and family issues because we ALL know about THAT. I watched every single episode of her show with RFON, and I think I worried about the number of sober friends/family in her life; it just didn't seem like too many. I could be wrong, but social support -- especially of the sober variety -- is so important. Girl, come to STL and we'll have some sober fun and I'll be your friend.

    But anyway, the article is about Kevin. Here's hoping he can get through this, too.

  16. Blue-- opana
    Orange-- generic Xanax
    White-- Percocet

    And 6 envelopes of coke? Sounds like he was no newbie to the drug scene
