Sunday, July 27, 2014

Lainey Blind Item

He’s had his problems over the last year. He’s found himself in some sh-tty situations because of it. Why the darkness? It was stress. The stress of feeling that he can’t come out publicly.

Lately though…there’s been a turnaround. Career is in good shape. And there’s someone new in his life. What’s she doing for him? They get along well. They both party…HARD. But she’s not his lover, she’s his front. Because when she’s around, he can hook up with men. And she’s happy to cover for him. She’s playing her part so that no one’s looking at what’s really going on – which is that he’s been messing around with a wealthy older man who spoils him…with sex and drugs.

So the stress is gone. But not the habits.


  1. need to know the rich lover

  2. Sounds like a good gig to me! Where do I sign up???

  3. Huh. Enty always insisted he's straight.

  4. As usual, this is a Lainey Bland item.

  5. I know it's supposed to be Efron, but if he is trying to cover his gay lifestyle with a supposed girlfriend, an out lesbian beard doesn't work.

  6. So the Italian Father Figure in the banana hammock is the pretty boy's dealer and squealer while the woman who's known for getting blitzed and licking cl*ts is being paid to front for him.

    I think we all get it now.

  7. i dont get how lianey thinks this is a blind item at al..kinda sad how no one is buying this 'relationship at all. so why continue to think this is legit when michelle is a lesbian or apparently is one?

  8. Why does everyone think it's Efron? I don't recall any real evidence other then blinds which aren't evidence that he's gay

  9. He seems to be covering that he is a paid companion with said rich guy (who BTW isn't that bad looking from the pics I saw. Though they could be photoshopped to hell for all I know).

    M Rod, whatever they want the public to think, is probably just a good party friend and doesn't hassle him when he chases the dragon, or oxy's or whatever it is he is into now. Hell, I'd party with M Rod. Bet she is a lot of fun.

  10. @gina sb
    because theres been like 800 blind in the past year that zac is still not clean, yet lainey insist zac is gay, others like entry hints that zac is straight, and also michelle is bi-sexual or shes a lesbian who know, but i think people just stereo-type that zac is gay.

    1. Lainey is completely two faced. The way she gossips on her site vs the way she gossips on the day time talk show she co-hosts daily are completely different. She kisses everyone's ass on TV

  11. @ali lace
    isn't michelle bi tho? she came out as bi or is saying bi some cover up?

  12. He's always pinged my dar anyway. Frankly these Zach blinds are boring and we keep getting them. How many times do we have to hear about him being a drug addict and gay with a bad choice in beards?

  13. What about the actor that pooped himself last year? Maybe "sh-tty" is a clue.

  14. That writing is terrible.

  15. Never read Lainey's site, but I have heard of her. So FYI she has a book out now about her growing up and her supposedly funny mother. It actually looks interesting. I love "oldsters" who are in their don't give a fuck stage. They say the best things.

  16. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Lainey makes up blinds from stories she's seen in tabloids. She saw the pictures of Zac and Michelle on that rich dude's yacht, and put her spin on it. I'd say that guy was plying Zac with a free flowing supply of drugs in order to get some attention. And he did. He posted daily pictures of him and Zac, Zac and Michelle. The dude's long time girlfriend (maybe wife now) was on the boat with them, but when you're strung out on drugs, who knows what happens. Probably things you don't remember the next day.

    1. Lainey's a fraud and knows sh*t. She'll make up whatever it takes to keep her day-to-day employed on the TV show. She's full of it. She can't even pretend to dress the part for tv if life depended on it. Mulrone et clan would be wise to ditch her ass soon before she gets them and the show liable for a big nono

  17. I honestly don't get the intense fear of coming out for actors-and some actresses-who everyone already highly suspects are gay. If this is about Zach, everyone has believed that he was probably into guys and that Hudgens was his cover since way back in their High School Musical days.

    It's ok dude. Your days of having A level heartthrob status are over and the fan base of screaming girls is long gone and now all grown up. Come out already, enough with the charade. You honestly have nothing to lose! (At least not publicly. Who knows what goes on with people's families...)

  18. Why does anyone read Lainey anymore? It's all self absorbed bullshit with lame BIs like this and tons of filler from other sites.

    Then there is her writing style which reads like a 13-year-olds Facebook page.

  19. Lainey writes Mr X 's obvious blinds now? Even my grandmum or BlindGossip was able to write this blind on Effron and Rodriguez
    Soon a blind on Cara and Selena ?

    Lastly she's obsessed by bisexual A list actors .She wrote on Cooper or Clooney ( who is gay but sometimes has sex with women in clear he's bi ) or Dicaprio or Damon but be careful Jake Toothy Tiles Guyllenhal is straight.
    In fact in Lainey's mind,all A list actors are gay excepted of course Be Affleck

  20. She is 40 years old and gushes over Harry Styles, is a Twihard, wants Selena and Justin to be together forever, and is just about the biggest idiot that ever wrote a gossip blog. It hurt my brain to read her site.

  21. I thought Lainey didn't like Enty. And here there have been 2 blinds recently. I can't stand her site because the flow is bad. You have to keep clicking back rather than going to the next story. It's annoying.

  22. I enjoy Lainey's writing, and even if I don't agree with her all the time, I like how she contextualises her gossip.

  23. @Sherry : Agreed. And for awhile all she would write about was that stupid book she was promoting

    And I hate that you can't comment on her posts

  24. Late to the party but clearly meant to be Efron. I don't buy it though because it makes no sense. Plus, the older guy she's hinting at isn't gay.

    For what it's worth, Perez straight out said that he knows Efron isn't gay. And considering his obsession with him and the connections he does have, I believe him over Lainey every day of the week:

  25. Enty, using Lainey's BI's within yours is just damn lazy!

  26. I don't believe Zac is gay either. He's a good looking guy that got into drugs, is a loner, and lots of people are speculating.

  27. meme - Canada must be really hard up for TV personalities to put Lainey on a show. I can't imagine anyone wanting to listen to her annoying accounts of shopping with her equally bubble headed friends.

    The only adult thing she discusses is being child though she is some revolutionary. Being child free is fantastic (for many, many women who don't crow about it) but in Lainey's world it allows her to remain the perpetual child. It's not that she made an adult decision. She just doesn't want a kid stealing her cute babble schtick.

  28. Zac and Michelle R.

    another easy easy Lainey
