Saturday, July 05, 2014

Mr. X Blind Items Part Two

4) What "singer" uses at least 3 dance doubles for her current gig?
5) What hunky actor who currently appears on an almost-network show and who is one foot out of the closet is getting paid big bucks by some very wealthy men to perform (more or less) at their yacht parties?
6) Which '60s blonde TV actress who dabbled in film has turned into the real life Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? She's dressing up as the character that made her famous and it's not even Halloween yet.


  1. 1 Britney obviously

  2. Britney
    Ian sommrlhander.

    1. That photo with gaga was not Brittany

  3. Brit
    Obviously Zac Effron
    Barbara Eden

    1. Definitely Barbara Eden @Dena. As someone who watched I Dream of Jeannie re-runs endlessly as a child, I am thinking of ponying up some bucks and making that happen.

  4. Brit
    Thinkin on 5
    Suzanne Sommers

    1. Sommers wasn't 60's. Barbara Eden was my 1st thought.

  5. oooo Barbara Eden is good Dena

  6. I've seen a couple of photos in the past month I'm convinced are not Britney.

  7. Is the current gig supposed to be Britneys Vegas shows? If so how is she using 'dancing doubles'?

  8. I simply have no clue who #6 could be....

  9. Suzanne was 70s and 80s. Not 60s.

  10. 6) Angie Dickinson

  11. Brit or jlo
    Terrance coombs(reign)
    Angie Dickinson(police woman)

  12. How could either Brit or Jlo use doubles on stage? People would spot it. We'd have gotten reports by now.

  13. @Brenda--yep--one day she is chunky, the next quite slender looking, and her face seems to change weekly...and I don't mean in a plastic surgery way either.

  14. There's one Britney that looks really strange around the there's been some surgery done. She doesn't always look like that.

  15. I saw Britney's show in LV in May. Was close enough to get a good view.

    It was her. No doubles used. My husband complained about her dancing, in fact...

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  18. Why would Britney need to use doubles??
    Ive seen her live twice, lip syncing of course, but that girl can dance...
    unless her knees are giving her gyp?

  19. #6 is Donna Douglas (Ellie May Clampet). She's always dressed like her character every time I see a picture of her.

    1. Wow you could be right @tlim!
      I just googled her and all of the current images are very creepy ones of her in her blonde bombshell costume.

      I was going to ask if anyone remembers the similar blind a few months ago where most guessed Barbara Eden who didn't seem to fit and now I wonder if Donna Douglas is also the answer.

    2. I met her in the 90's, Ellie Mae hair and a ruffled pink blouse.

  20. #4 Debbie Reynolds
    #6 Donna Douglas
    #5 this guy on Vampire diaries.

  21. Donna Douglas, for sure. Her movie dabbling would be with Elvis.

  22. I like the Ellie Mae guess!

  23. I was going to say Tina Louise until I read the blonde part again.

  24. ...perform at their yacht parties. There aren't too many gays I've heard of that have yachts, so I'll take it as the one I've heard that does, Geffen. Isn't it ironic that he was so bent on pushing gay marriage, when that's the LAST thing, HE wants to do? Do as I say, not as I do, right Dave? He must go through men like kleenex.

  25. Donna Douglas for #6. I don't think I've ever seen a picture of her where she's not "presenting" as Ellie Mae. Barbara Eden dons Jeannie drag every once in a while to prove she still has it (at 80!) but thats' it.

  26. Donna Douglas for #6. I don't think I've ever seen a picture of her where she's not "presenting" as Ellie Mae. Barbara Eden dons Jeannie drag every once in a while to prove she still has it (at 80!) but thats' it.

  27. #4 is Britney
    #5 I'll go with Somerhalder since Efron isn't on the almost network
    Sad for #6

  28. I wish Enty would do a reveal for the dance double question. I agree that the girl who posed with Gaga was not Britney but could Caesars risk using a dance double without telling anyone? Wouldn't that be fraud since people are paying to see her and not an impersonator?

    She does use dance doubles in her music videos so maybe Enty is talking about a gig for a new music video she is filming.

  29. Just because you personally don't want to marry, that doesn't mean that fighting for marriage equality isn't the right thing to do. No one should feel like a second class citizen because of who they love. Ellie May has always dressed up like Ellie May, she's been in character for decades, so Barbra Eden even though it's sad. Zac it's even trying to hide anymore, which is good if he wants to get healthy. Britney smokes like a chimney so I can imagine her needing backup dancers if he's winded and has yet one more high energy dance routine. So I'm going with Brit Brit and her Emphazema-like dancing

  30. It's Brittany, bitch

    Sommerholder, or however it's spelled

    I Dream of Jeanie not doing this
