Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Random Photos Part Three - Paris Fashion Week

Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Watson had to be separated in their seats after
this incident.
Kristen Stewart cut her hair and I can't even describe this, but I don't hate it.
Lily Collins went for conservative.
Nina Dobrev went even shorter than she did a day earlier.
Marion Cotillard always looks great.
Jennifer Lawrence at an after party with Elsa Pataky.
Kendall Jenner actually walked a runway in Paris.


  1. Hermoine shoulda throat punched a bitch.

  2. Hey, if I had Nina's stems...

  3. Lily Collins looks like Ellen Page to me.

  4. JLaw hhas a beautiful tan Enty think she got it in rehab?
    Kristen looks pretty good.
    JLaw almost had an accidental wardrobe malfunction Nina wants one on purpose.

  5. Gah Kristen what in see through Hammertime wedding pants Hell are you wearing? !

  6. yeah..that Chanel Tarp..on a Kartrashian,no less? yeah..no.

  7. Can't believe JLaw is still a thing.
    *ducks for cover

    1. trainrides!!! How ya doing? Where you been? Who'd you meet? Did you think of us?

    2. Kristin!!! Work happened. And then I turned 30 :)

  8. Nina has one helluva body.

  9. KStew wants to be the white Rhianna. Kendall Jenner looks like she is in a chicken/Big Bird costume.

  10. That Jenner girl does not look like she belongs on a runway. How tall is she?

  11. Kendall is apparently 5'10". The dress makes her look squatty.

  12. A Kartrashian walking for Chanel. It must have cost PMK a fortune to buy her kid's way into that gig.

    JLaw >>>> Watson (could Watson be the new heroin girl from the other blind?)

  13. Elsa P is gorgeous, but she looks way older than she is.

  14. Jennifer Lawrence reminds me of me at that age.

  15. Luvs me some Jen L. and Emma W. They look like they have a lot of fun.

  16. Stewart's stans always make me laugh, they still haven't figured out Twilight is over, she's not Bella & let alone hetero. Stewart likes see through pants with granny panties of the same color.

  17. Lily Collins picture made Alec Baldwin shout "power clashing Lemon!" in my head.

  18. I can describe Kristen's hair - awful.

    Emma Watson's look for the show was so good. She should go for a middle part more often.

  19. JAS, Emma needs your help! Did she make fun of JLaw's armpit vaginas?!
    Katniss vs. Hermione is one fight I'd love to watch. Who would y'all wager on?
    I don't understand why Ray Donovan was hired to break those two up, but he should look much happier to be the meat in that sandwich

    Wonder whose salad Kanye had to toss to get the Ktroll on a Chanel runway, not that she looks good or anything.

    1. Ok it took a while, but finally found the right description for Ktroll's "look": the crack baby trick of Pocahontas and the black bird rapist in Hell depicted in "Little Nicky."
      Anyone else notice that no one in the audience is even looking at her?!

  20. Emma has to be a good actress, all smiles always. I would look pissed at JLaw.

  21. Anonymous3:01 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. kStew looks to be getting style advice from Mikey Cyrus & that's probably who cut her hair

  23. Is Kendull the one who can't read? PMK must be beside herself with joy if that's the Chanel show Kendull walked. damn

  24. Exsqueeze me but is KStew wearing pantaloons?

    MarionC looks fantastic as always and JLaw is giving me Oompah Loompah vibes with that orange glow.

  25. That's... not a bad look for KStew, oddly enough.

    Boy, JLaw looks THRILLED to be at that afterparty.

  26. Make an ugly outfit, slap the Chanel tag on it & suddenly people want to pay $5000 for it. Fashion!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Read the comments first Aoife!

    You don't have to know how to read if PMK is reading your contracts for you.

    I've said before that I don't get the appeal of Chanel. And I'm sure Kanye's boyfriend had something to do with it.

    That's the best Cotillard has looked in a long time.

    I don't usually comment on Kristin Stewart but...oh nevermind. That outfit is fug. It can't make up its mind if it's time for gym or if she's been plucked from a harem.

  29. Nina has great legs.
    KStew seems to be trying to look ugly and she's being successful.

  30. Stop trying to make k stew happen
    Jlaw hanging with patakay means she's hooking up with Liam again

  31. I have to admit, as much as I hate to, that KStew looks good here. (except for the see through and granny panties)
    When she wears ball gowns and frilly dresses, it's like looking at the clothes on a hanger. Blah and boring.
    This look she owns.

  32. KStew goes to all that trouble to dress up and her hair looks like total shit. Her long hair was the one good thing she had going for her look. Did she color it with Kool-Aid?

  33. Is Kendall Jenner actually a model now? Or is it all a paid-for stunt for the sake of the show?

  34. I think K Stew's figure looks good, but she better get back in her bottle before the Master gets home.

    Kendall needs to wax her arms. And it looks like Chanel resents that a favor was called in.

  35. Hmm, is that Sofia Coppola behind JLaw and Emma? And is that Sharon Osborne a few rows back?
