Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Another Duggar Baby Is On The Way

It took just one month for the latest Duggar to marry to also get pregnant. Jill Duggar got married on June 21 and started telling everyone in the family she was pregnant by the end of July. I really think that they got married to time with her ovulation cycle. According to the interview they gave Kneepads, the couple was really disappointed that the first few pregnancy tests came back negative and it was only when they were visiting Jill's mom and used one of her magical pregnancy tests that she leaves laying around that Jill discovered she is pregnant. How many tests do you think Mama Duggar has sitting around? I bet she buys them by the case hoping every month to get pregnant and probably feeling disappointed when she is not. She has had a million kids, but probably will never stop trying to have them. Jill is 23 so she can probably have 15 babies if she really pushes it and from the sounds of it that is a good solid number they would like. Can you imagine being disappointed after only having sex in your life for two weeks that you are not pregnant? Do you think the Duggars are really as chaste as they say or do you think they are messing around before they get married and the rest is what they want the world to know? One of those Duggar kids is not going to be like the others and is going to write a book. 


  1. Who cares how many they have as long as they can take care of them.

  2. I bet they're the types who think only vaginal intercourse counts as "real" sex.

  3. Once they start they are almost as prolific as rabbits.

  4. They say they aren't even allowed to hug or kiss. I think they're only allowed side hugs before marriage. That's sad that a young couple can't enjoy themselves alone for awhile because they've got their eye on the "prize".

  5. Talk about growing a child army! You should leave Angie Jo alone now!

    Oh, and they follow Quiverfull even though they say they don't. Quiverfull believes the more children you have, the better your chances of taking over the world for God and "balancing out the Muslims".

    5 Insane Lessons about Quiverfull

    1. Horrifying. Thanks for linking.

  6. I feel really sorry for the girls, growing up just to cook and clean and breed. They are all brainwashed by that cult. According to their beliefs, they are breeding more christian souls to fight the devil. (Their religion is called Quiverful.) So it doesn't surprise me that they are doing their religious duty immediately. I hope some of them escape.

  7. So two people I don't know are gonna have some kid I don't care either.
    Big deal.

  8. I dislike these people. They have babies for the sake of having babies for fame but protest those of us who use reponsible family planning.

  9. First of all, i wld LOVE a Duggar expose, even if it reveals they est desert before dinner. Secondly, their hormones are such a frenzy from the repression of anything sexual that after marriage they are probably at each other all day long, with the inevitable result. Btw, lets see if her birth is on tv as she labors on toilet bowl, like her sister in law. Thirdly, this is all they know. And yes its a shame jill cant maximize her potential and she is ondictrinated with this cult like philosphy, but its her life. She isnt stupid, she look around and read about other ways of doing things, but she doesnt. There are many more pressing issues in the world to worry about.

  10. I have high hopes for Jinger to be one that escapes. Plus some of the younger boys ping my gaydar. Statistically, there HAS to be at least one gay child in that brood.

    For some reason, I do love the Duggars, and think that they are doing many things right. But the thing they are doing wrong, and this is a FATAL wrong, is they are not allowing any child the option of living their life differently. What if one wants to go to college? Or heaven forbid, is gay?

    1. Jackson for sure, and I had also always pegged Jinger as the one who would rebel. Prob the youngest girls too. I just really love this family, weird as they are.

  11. Are they still virgins or something? Otherwise I don't understand the People-cover-story-worthiness of an unknown, young, married couple getting pregnant right away. yawn. Call me when they're on their 23rd pregnancy.

  12. I wonder if Lauren Bacall's family knows who these two on the Cover are since Lauren's Life Remembered was banished to the lower left corner(which can't even be seen in the magazine racks at my supermarket)...just sayin'

    1. You gotta be kidding me Rolo... Who gives a shit about reality people who got pregnant right after they got married when Betty just passed? This is just the height of stupidity.

  13. Now they don't have to worry about liking each other! He can just wordlessly nail her once in a while to make more humans. Push out kids quickly enough and you barely even need to deal with your partner on a personal level. That's not really a relationship.

  14. It's her body. She can have as many babies as she wants. The right to choose works both ways.

  15. Her sister just announced her engagement. Maybe she could have waited until the 3 month mark to let her sister enjoy some fame?

    Ha ha! Probably not! I bet that's one competitive household! You know, competing with 18 others for a bit of motherly love

  16. Oh please, no one goes public with a pregnancy before 12 weeks. I'm willing to bet she was knocked up before the wedding.

    1. I did the math...if she is due in March, Enty's theory that she timed the wedding to ovulation is correct.

  17. and I can not WAIT for the "black sheep" Duggar to write that book!

    1. Good point. One of those kids could get seriously rich on a tell-all book.

  18. The first dozen or so of these kids will be like their parents I bet, and by the time the last 6 or 7 are of age the parents will be too old or too over it to really push that kind of structure... so we'll totally see these last few stragglers being rebellious. It happened to my first hs love, from a mormon family of 13 kids and he was 2nd born. He's 39 now and siblings from about 24yrs-13yrs old are all treated like "screwIt!" By the parents.. tons of love and affection, but nothing like it was for us when we were sneaking out in the 1971 Impala. Now, they hand the keys over. In the same impala

  19. they are very fertile

  20. I too don't understand the People worthiness of this story (Lauren Bacall or Robin Williams would be better), but if it starts to offset the teen mom pregnancy covers, I'm ok with it.

  21. This family is the worst. The mother spoke out against the Fayetville Arkansas non-discrimination ordinance saying that Transgendered people want to have sex with children. And her son Josh now works for the Family Research Council bashing gays for a paycheck. They are the worst of the worst.

    1. AND, the damn guy at their homeschool IS A PEDOPHILE!

  22. I don't get that a newly married couple announcing a pregnancy warrants a national magazine cover. Really??

  23. In the words of Dr. Greggory House - Everybody Lies.


  25. I don't like the Duggars, but I truly don't believe that they lie about anything. They flat-out said in their second book -- yeah, I read it -- that they are NOT part of the Quiverfull movement, and I tend to think that because they're so proud of all of their other beliefs, bigoted and nonbigoted, they would claim it if it were true. Same with the kids being virgins at the altar.

    Not that any of this REALLY matters, but... *shrug*

  26. Lots of things they say/do line up with Quiverful; however, from what they've said, they just follow Old Testament laws regarding sex after having a child. A woman is "unclean" for 40 days after delivering a boy, and 80 days after a girl (something along those lines). Other than those periods of time, I'm pretty sure they're like rabbits. We know a family who attended a very normal, mainstream Christian church, who had 8 kids, and has continued to try for more. The wife is super submissive; they follow OT laws, don't believe in contraception, etc. All their kids are homeschooled as well.

    Of the 8, two have gone off to college. One I am CERTAIN will come out of the closet in the future.

  27. They are strange but i could care less what they do in their private life. What I do want is for them to stop using their "celebrity" for politics. Here's the recent Robo call by Michelle to the constituents of Fayetteville (a town she does not reside but is in close proximity to her home0. She's anti-anti-discrimination

    Hello, this is Michelle Duggar. I’m calling to inform you of some shocking news that would affect the safety of Northwest Arkansas women and children. The Fayetteville City Council is voting on an ordinance this Tuesday night that would allow men – yes I said men – to use womens and girls restrooms, locker rooms, showers, sleeping areas and other areas that are designated for females only. I don’t believe the citizens of Fayetteville would want males with past child predator convictions that claim they are female to have a legal right to enter private areas that are reserved for women and girls. I doubt that Fayetteville parents would stand for a law that would endanger their daughters or allow them to be traumatized by a man joining them in their private space. We should never place the preference of an adult over the safety and innocence of a child. Parents, who do you want undressing next to your daughter at the public swimming pool’s private changing area? I still believe that we are a society that puts women and children first. Women, young ladies and little girls deserve to use the restroom or any other facility in peace and safety. Will you speak up for protecting women and children? Call 575-8330 and tell the Fayetteville City Council members and Mayor Jordan to vote ‘no’ on ordinance 119. The number again is 575-8330. For more information please go to Paid for by

    1. Apparently, she hasn't been in a women's locker room at a public or private pool in a while. All the mom's bring their son's into the locker to shower and change.

  28. @auntliddy
    *horrified* They filmed a birth? For reality TV?
    I'm so glad we don't get this show.

  29. Yes, they did @Yoj! Anna, Josh's wife, was filmed until just about the moment the baby came out. She had the baby in her bed. All I can say is I hope they put down a big diaper or something.

    I love this show, can't help myself, even though I'm pretty much their worst nightmare, haha

  30. @Gayeld
    I'm sorry, they do what, now? Is this show the real 'American Horror Story'?

  31. They are bigoted, homophobic, child abusing idiots. If they left the formal Quiverfull group it was probably because they weren't draconian enough for them. Those girls spend their entire childhoods doing drudge work and looking after their crazy, selfish mother's babies. They're brainwashed to be brood mares and house slaves as adults. Awful, awful people.

  32. These people are disgusting. Burn em'.

  33. Anonymous1:32 PM

    I want them to keep having kids, more kids, more gay kids they have to being having, and better odds one would even be transgendered one. And that would be fucking awesome!

  34. Thank you akm, for addressing this cluster if mistruths, biased suppositions and nonesense. It used to be every homosexual was a pedophile, now its every transgender person. Really, her ignorance and stupidity know no bounds! And if you believe god judges everyone when they die, let HIM take of it. So just take several seats and stfu.

  35. I sincerely hope at LEAST one of those kids isn't like the others! This is one stunningly messed up family.

  36. Congrats to them. They aye 100% better than the KrapTRASHians.

  37. They actually are encouraged to go to college if they want, Jill is actually studying to be a certified midwife, so she does have ambition for other things. I can't help but love them. They have views I don't agree with, but they are all very nice, and very polite. I know quite a few people who have met them on book tours, or have just seen them before and they are always very gracious and always have time for everyone. If they can pay for all the kids themselves and they all are well behaved, and polite members of society, then I'm all for it. Better that then all the young mothers poppin out 4-5 babies on state aid.

    1. Wendy, i dont know where you got that info, but none of them are encouraged to go to college, and their home school education has strictly christian doctrin, ie creationism. They arent encouraged to go anywhere where people dont think like them. The kids, esp girls, always travel in pairs, in case god forbid one of them gets an independent thought. They finagle everything they get for free- house, violin lessons, piano lessions, furniture. And the expectation they have is they are a nice loving christian family so people shld donate stuff to them.
      Yes, they all smart( as far as what they are allowed to know) , play violin and piano, sing , are nice looking, polite and pleasant. I cld never say otherwise. But they are not encouraged to go outside their immediate circle. And notice NO ONE serves im the military in these families. Whats that about? Add in michelle spewing some drivel about transgeder people, a subject she couldnt possibly know ANYTHING about, but shes sure they are lurking in the public bathrooms to molest your children. Sorry for the rant, but this kind if ignorance annoys me.

  38. Why is Celine Dion on the side bar of this cover while these two no talent hacks are full cover? BULLSHIT!!
