Thursday, August 28, 2014

Apollo Nida Due In Prison On September 10

Less than two weeks of freedom remain for Apollo Nida who was sentenced last month to eight years in jail for his part in a scheme that defrauded millions of dollars from people and businesses. Apollo will serve his sentence in a federal prison in Kentucky and needs to turn himself in by September 10. Knowing you won't get out for a long time must really make those two weeks fly by. That is where you just try and stay awake the entire two weeks and get everything out of the way you won't be able to do. I bet what he won't be doing is spending any time with Phaedra or even his two kids with her. He should, but he probably won't. I think Phaedra is going to wait until the guy is actually in jail before she serves him with divorce papers, although maybe she would like to keep him as husband until all her current court cases are settled. That is assuming of course that he wouldn't want to throw her under a bus. After serving his jail time, Apollo has to pay $2M in restitution which he is never going to be able to do.


  1. He is going to make a hot prison "beeeatch"

  2. Damn..8 years? Wow, that's a long time to be in prison. Seriously do his crimes warrant that sort of time?

    1. Yes, identity theft is a bitch. How many lives has he financially ruined?

  3. Kendra must be loving every minute of it

  4. He's going to country club prison. There probably aren't even bars on cells, more like bars in the rec room. How many retired people have to return to work because of him. How many businesses shut down because of him. People like him have destroyed countless lives, changed them for the worse, all because of his greed and laziness. It's not that hard to make a buck out here.

  5. Is he going to a minimum security prison? Kentucky has everything from federal prison camps to maximum security facilities. The fact he's been previously convicted and the length of his sentence would likely mean he's not going to a "country club" facility. I don't think this guy knows how to make an honest dollar; he's a conman through and through

  6. Phaedra seems like a smart person. She has a law degree. Is it possible that he pulled this off without her being aware?

  7. He has previous felony convictions. This present round of charges included a variety of different types of fraud, not just identity theft. I can believe Phaedra was aware of his activities but purposely turned a blind eye so she could claim she lacked actual knowledge. The fact that he had no skills and was rolling in money should have been the first tip-off.

  8. Oh he has skills they just aren't used legally. I get it now. 8 yrs is what most people spend trying to clean up the mess of identity theft. That sucks. And I cam't believe Phaedra didn't know what was going on.

  9. On a slightly different note, there's a gentleman thief named Apollo Robbins.. I like him very much.

    1. Now that's a cool thief! How can he get a ring off your finger? I need him around after I have Chinese and can't get it off at all!!

  10. I doubt it's a Country Club prison. He was previously incarcerated for 6 1/2 years. It's his excise for daily strip club visits. He's making up for lost time. Dude, just say you love the club and own it

  11. I have no clue who this guy is, and don't care, don't waste your time filling me in.

  12. Anonymous11:32 AM

    I think Phaedra has has the blinders removed completely now about what he is. I find him to be really, really stupid. Slick but stupid. Sociopath to the core but not the brilliant Dexter kind. I can't help but think someone with legal knowledge showed him this kind of criminal activity. How many people outside law know what Lexis Nexis is. I'd never heard of it before paralegal. He had a membership. The sad thing is, I think that he absolutely will pay back the money. I think he will find another illegal scheme to raise money. I don't see this guy ever getting out of white collar crime. He has absolutely conscience. Or, more than likely, he's probably hoping that Phaedra will get more famous and successful and he can hit her up for alimony or something and pay it with that.

  13. I think Phaedra was the brains behind Apollo's scams. These are very similar crimes to what Angela Stanton alledges Phaedra masterminded in her book. Phaedra is in the midst of suing Angela but acts as if she is the one being sued. Phaedra is shady and refuses to answer basic questions in her deposition and is making a mockery of the whole thing. She acts like someone with a lot to hide.

  14. Yup. I think Phaedra was part of it as well. That may keep them married- spousal privilege.
