Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Blind Item #12

This A list mostly television actor for at least one more year before he starts being a B list mostly movie actor refused to fly with his girlfriend to LA for the Emmy Awards because she makes it harder for him to hit on women. Harder, but not impossible.


  1. Replies
    1. It's liev lady H
      They live in NYC..he went/she didn't

      Asswipe lives in LA

    2. Asston likes to fly private and mila picks out their 3 some partner so she can feel like she has control over his cheating. . Smh..dumb girls. .
      Liev. Give him room to move girl you get him for life.. and his babies. ..

  2. yup Tricia,LIEV---- not "Impossible" Naomi's movie

  3. Impressive, Tricia! Way to go

  4. Just throwing Don Cheadle out there even though I don't like it as a guess.

    Refuse to believe Liev and Naomi don't have the happy relationship! Plus it sounds like it's someone whose show is ending soon. Ray Donovan just started. I can't see it being canceled next year.

  5. weird thing for me w/this description for Liev is I think of him as previously mostly movie & Theatre who just went into cable tv w/ Ray D. not visa-versa as this BI implies.

  6. Liev is not mostly tv. He just started doing tv with that showtime show which is apparently doing well so why would it be it's last season?

  7. This is Jon Hamm!

  8. Doh, Zilla beat me to it!

  9. Liev's not married to Naomi. ..Jon Hamm was at Emmys w/ Jennifer Westfeld

    1. Sorry girly, I gotcha now. :)

  10. Doesn't say that the girlfriend wasn't there, just says he didn't fly with her.

  11. Ray Donovan has already been renewed for next year.

  12. Oh my bad, girly...I forgot to award ya with a hawt piece of JOHNNY M

    Where's mah boos SUGARTITTIES andSUGAR at?!

  13. yup @Jessi, LOL- I typed that & then erased it- cuz then how'd SHE get there & then I thought, DUUUH, SEPERATE FLIGHTS, of course...

  14. Not last season of Ray Donovan...renewed for another year...hence..guaranted another year.

    And he was aB film actor to start, I think implication is...he'll go back to being a B list film actor

  15. Benedict would NEVER! And he wasn't at the awards. I am thinking Galecki or Jon Hamm.

  16. @zillow FTW. At least I beLIEV it's Hammaconda mnation.
    That Jenn ain't gonna let go is she?
    Hamm is the new-ish Clooney, he ain't getting married.

  17. .. i'm tellin' ya, the "IMPOSSIBLE" clue in the BI refers to Naomi Watts' movie "The Impossible" ..I agree w/ @JackD terrible & inaccurate description of Lievs' career but I still think it could be him. Ironically,description DOES fit Jon Hamm's career

  18. This is Hamm. Mad Men ends next year. He and his girlfriend could've been anywhere before yesterday, no matter where they live.

  19. This is Hamm. Has to be. The Enties don't always throw hints in the wording. Hamm fits much better than Liev.

  20. ok, its Hamm- it only fits Hamm ;)
    I know.as I said at beginning,doesnt fit Liev's career at all

  21. ...but how can we predict that Hamm will be a B list mostly movie actor, when he has 90% TV on his resume, and very few movies? How do you know he won't get another TV series, once Mad Men is done.

    I think it's Leiv. Once his show gets canceled, he'll go back to movies and will have dropped in ranking to a B.

  22. I hate to think this is Liev. I stay in a boutique hotel in NYC every time I'm there and once, years ago, he was putting up several of his friends at the hotel when Talk Radio opened on B'way. Just thought that was nice of him so hate thinking he's a douche. Plus Naomi is really nice. Very humble.

  23. @writergurl..he's an awesome dude..womanizing aside..he's a decent , super bright,humble kind guy...your perception was spot on

  24. The Hammaconda strikes again!

  25. What I understand by reading the blind again is that the girlfriend stayed in NYC. That cannot be Hamm, because JW was with him at the Emmys.

    I'm going with Liev, too.

  26. im having commitment issues on this one..liev...hamm... liev-final answer

  27. Enty used this exact wording re. Jon Hamm in his A-Z list rankings. When was that? March?

  28. Good find yoj.....but it just doesn't make sense...he takes a 5 her flight solo....to hit on-flight attendants/women...only to be with his GF all w/ e in LA...

    Naah..me still thinks this was my leiv solo all weekend (or longer)in LA..their primary residence is TriBeCa, NYC..and she was there this weekend

  29. @sugarbread
    If you don't mind my asking, what other gossip sources do you read? I'm always impressed with your knowledge!

  30. Lady H. Now I'm gonna have that horrible image of Lena slapping her titties in my head all day.....ugh! OT Lena AND her new hair looked like a bad day at Project Runway on the red carpet the other night. Mismatched Ca Ca (and not in a good way).

    Liev has been a known player for a long time has he not? Blinds like this make me unsure who to be more embarrassed for. The cheesy boyfriend/husband or the enabling girlfriend/wife.

  31. Hamm and Westfeldt are bicostal. They have homes in Los Feliz and the UWS.

  32. yoj,, lainey, celebbitchy,dm,blind gossip, hollywood street king. celebrity dirty laundry, wine and sass
