Saturday, August 09, 2014

Blind Item #6

Apparently this future Bachelor is a little wanting in the endowment department according to a recent bedroom partner.


  1. Bwhaha big douche has teeny weenie

  2. Well I guess that's poetic justice for these dumb hos to end up with a guy lacking in that department---

  3. I don't like size blinds. I don't want to be judged by the size of my breasts or hips, so why judge others?

    This is a serious question, because I've never experienced it, but is there really the possibility of too small to get the job done?

  4. He's a grower not a shower!

    Just realized it looks like shower as in the bathing type, when I mean show- er.

  5. (Although it would explain a lot as to why Nick was dumped right after those overnight dates)

  6. Lace, yes, it is possible. We see it more in obese men, though. This sounds more like the rantings of a jealous, bitter ex, though.

  7. Hmmm. Andi didn't much like being outed for sleeping with one guy when she intended to go after another. Nick dodged a bullet.

  8. Naughty - who do you mean by "we"?

    Also is it because obesity leads to shrinkage, ED or something else?

  9. We…meaning those of us in the medical community.

  10. Obesity, because the surrounding body fat actually builds up around it, literally burying the penis in fat.

  11. More than likely just made up by a pissed off ex. He might have pumped and dumped her so she gets someone to listen to her if she talks about his dick.

  12. Thanks Naughty! Thought you meant nurses but just wanted to clarify.

  13. Steroids also diminish junk size.

    I discovered this unfortunate fact back when I was single. Let's just say that a night I had been excited about didn't turn out so well for me.

  14. I once went home with a guy and he seriously had no penis, just the smallest head and tiny little balls. I was speechless. Don't you think he should have warned me first? So yes, some poor guys have micro peens.

  15. Oh god, can anyone be discreet anymore? You dont describe former partners gentals negativly, you just dont. Its the human code.

    1. EXCEPTION!!!!! Any one who has witnessed the unfurling of the great, amazing, technicolor Hammaconda!!! That we ALL want to hear about!!!

    2. LOL Aunt Licky. Yes!! But then that's a thing of joy.

  16. Always thought it was funny that women are judged on every measurement but if men were judged on just one all hell breaks loose. Oh those Nordstrom shoes are following me again...

  17. There are such things as micro peen but it's not common. So long as the tongue works, we're good. And nothing to fast either.

  18. I had to warn other women. A lot of investment for very little (hee hee) reward

  19. So Basil what happened after the unveiling? Do tell.

  20. Who the f cares?
    I never understood size queens. And a lot of these women that get so hot about big size pens and laugh at small ones are the same women that get "offended" when men get hot over big boobs and laugh at small ones. Feminists can be hypocrites (and I'm a woman)

  21. I dated a guy who warned me, but I didn't believe it could be that much of an issue. We finally did the deed, and I had to ask "is it in yet?" That's when I realized that there really is such a thing as too small. Poor guy. I hope he found someone

  22. Delete account - we women are all different. Some get off from vaginal intercourse. Some don't care and it takes clitoral stimulation to come. Why do you feel the need to belittle those for whom size really does lead to greater stimulation? Good for you that size makes no difference, but don't paint all women with the same brush.
