Saturday, August 30, 2014

Blind Item #8

A younger member of this A list reality family wants to come out but before they can, the family is trying to figure out whether they can make money from it.


  1. My first thought was Kylie too. Kris would of course want to find a way to use it as a money making opportunity.

  2. Kendall, just to be different. Ha!

  3. It says "younger" rather than "youngest" so I'm guessing Kendal, although I'd LOVE it to be one of the Duggars.

  4. That would be the most interesting thing about Kylie. What does Jaden Smith think? Or are they done pretending they were a couple...

  5. I think saying younger is Enty's way of not being too apparent.

    If it's Kylie, does that mean she and Jayden were bearding for each other? How will CO$ deal with that?

  6. This is probably just for show, which is super shitty to be gay just for attention.

    1. Rosie riveter: I loathe that. Nothing wrong with experimenting. However I've had female teen clients in the past who are "faux-lesbo" and pull a Ja'mie from Summer Heights High - trying to be edgy and centre of attention.

  7. Is there really such a thing as an A List Reality Family? And how sad for us as a species if the answer is "yes."

  8. Here is Jaden's dating philosophy in 120 characters or less: People Think A RelationShip Makes You Whole, That It's Two 50%'s Coming Together To Make 100% When It Should Be Two 100%'s Making 200%

    1. So wise for his age *eyeroll*

    2. I know it sounds kind of stupid coming from Jayden, Louise but when you think about it, it actually makes sense.

  9. What can pimp mom charge for renting the bim's tender vittles to rich females?

    1. She's got to get a "handle" on the lesbian powers that be... I imagine a "Don't worry, it's not forever.." when the little darling has to start taking Valtrex for her "cold sores".

  10. I find the phrasing "wants to come out" interesting. Them Kardashian littles been hanging out with Ireland Baldwin lately and her sexuality would look like a fantastic idea to a famewhore.

  11. Wow. My first thought was Rob, even though he's had relationships with women. I don't think he is, but I thought of him frist.

    I could see Kylie or Kendall. They both seem void of feelings towards men, except for Brody. But then again they may just be void of feelings, period.

    OT. BRody iS SPEAKING OUT ABOUT being done with KTrashians AND even the Jenner girls, too. Says he's sick of all their BS. WOOT WOOT

  12. I agree kylie. Cue the we are so inclusive speeches up the ying yang.
    Ireland must be s huge disappointment to her father. What dors she do? Not in school, just talks semi nude selfies and exploits her love life. Not really so diff from one p hilton, n'est pas?

  13. LOUISE, according to the oracle that is Honey Boo Boo, everyone is a little gay.

    Wishe I could do the gif of her awesome sneeze and the viscous strand...

    1. I died. Say what you want about Honey Boo Boo and family but they love each other. And they crack me up. Uncle Poodle 4 evah.

  14. If Kris Jenner can't figure out a way to make money from a hot lesbian daughter when she's practically the inventor of the "fame-through-sex-tapes" school of economics, she should just climb in a coffin.

  15. I guess Kylie figures unless she comes up with some shtick she's gonna get shipped off to go live with Rob. I don't watch that show much (sure, a few times) but I've never gotten a sexual vibe at all off her or Kendall - unless they think looking or acting provocative will get attention then they TRY to be that way. Maybe she thinks she'll get headlines and "friends" like Cara D.

  16. Jinger Duggar or the Roloff girl from Little People Big World

  17. Anonymous12:41 PM

    sounds like kylie, but i thought there was some reveal about her mom getting her on the pill?

  18. Kylie Jenner or Nick Jonas.

  19. @QueenAnne Guido
    Gross. You're lucky I like you.

    This is the best sneeze gif.

  20. I'm gonna put my money on Kendall, just because of the bearding arrangement with Harry Styles.

  21. along the lines of aliciabutterfly what does "wants to come out but before they can" mean??

  22. there was a blind on bg a few months ago outing pmk for staging a lesbian daughter and her fake lezzie relationship.. cue the whyme and kendull on a boat in the hamptons w/ hailey baldwin.. pr stunt only

    1. sugarbread - now that does sound like it is right out of PMK's reality management playbook.

  23. kendull and whyme were both papped wed or thurs holding hand w/ other women.. friends.. pr stunt..

  24. Here's my take on this. Neither of the daughters is gay or bi. The mother seems to plant these "stories" in order to get attention for them and that tv show. It's just one BIG fake story and sometimes they get caught.

  25. Bruce.

    Most of his body is less than 15 years old.

  26. Yoj, thanks for those. ^5!

  27. *blushing*
    OMG, you guys, QueenAnne Guido just spoke to me!

  28. A member of Duck Dynasty. Being a member of the sanctimonious, gun-loving, equal pay-resisting right wing, their money-worshipping patriarch is worried that the coming-out might lead to COCK DYNASTY jokes.

  29. definitely kendall

  30. Loise, Jaden's Twitter is such comedy gold, isn't it?

  31. I'm thinking a Jackson, maybe Paris? I thought the two Jenners were skanky with rappers?

  32. Khloe is the youngest of the 3 Kardashians, so maybe her?

  33. Thanks, Sherry. :)

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