Saturday, August 02, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

January 24, 2014

This B list mostly movie actress who everyone knows from a huge long long running franchise and a hit television show was running down the hallways of a hotel this week screaming and pounding on doors because she couldn't remember which room her new girlfriend was in. The two had a fight and the actress stormed out of the hotel. Came in and couldn't find the room. She went down to the lobby and started screaming there too. The drinking is bad now.

Michelle Rodriguez


  1. No surprise. Hope she can get the partying under control sometime in her near future.

  2. well, thank goodness she's found that epitome of soberness, Zac, to ground her then. All is good.

    1. Yes he'd make a great sober coach!!

  3. Sounds like she and Zac are not good for each other.

  4. Typical Michelle!
    Some years ago at a St Tropez,she beated a security guy who talked her badly ( he wanted she went out to the party )

  5. I also want the answer to the question of how to be a wino with a banging body.

    1. @7. Right??

      Then again, I'd prob grab a buzz 6 nights a week if wine didn't sabatoge my figure.

  6. Probably don't eat only drink? Or master the art of working out whilst hungover?

  7. And then there's youth and drugs too.
    (Although she may be leaving one if those behind pretty soon.)

  8. That's more than drinking. That's an entitled asshole who doesn't care if its rude to scream and yell as you run down a hotel corridor.

  9. This is typical Michelle. She did this a few years back after a drunken fight except she got the correct room and had a dildo in her hand screaming that the girl left something behind. Brought people out of their rooms to witness the commotion and the girl opened the door to pull her in. Pretty funny.

  10. Michelle and Lindsey, a matchup waiting to happen.

  11. Me too @ 7

    Even in my early 20s - when my body could bounce back a bit easier than it can now - I would puff up and bloat like crazy

    Then again, maybe she's not eating Taco Bell at 2 am like am prone to do after a night of partying

  12. Extreme exercise when shes sober keeps a body hot and nasty. I'm sure she does zumba or some of that morning shit girls do in gyms.

  13. She couldnt ask for her room number?

  14. A bit of crank with that alcohol keeps the pounds off. Unfortunately it can definitely add to the crazy behavior. She could be mostly drinking and doing some crank bumps to keep the energy levels up and the weight under control. Not everyone smokes it or does it constantly. Then again she doesn't seem like someone that practices self control.
