Saturday, August 30, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

February 20, 2014

This B list mostly television actress from a hit cable show has done it again. She found a married B+ list mostly movie actor and is calling it true love. He calls it sex. This will be revealed.

January Jones/Ethan Hawke


  1. good job, ladyh!

  2. What is wrong with her? Why can't she focus on men that are available and stop sleeping with married men?

    1. @all Lace

      Why can't Married Men keep it in their Pants?

      Is her Vagina made out of strawberry waffles? That cant just say no?

      I can understand. It's waffles

    2. Waffles tempt even the strongest of souls

  3. What is wrong with him? Why does he keep getting married and cheating on his wives?

  4. @ GG, I agree with your comment too. It's a negative pattern and needs to be broke.

  5. @Dragon, married men should keep it in their pants. Both sides are wrong. But since women are the smarter sex, I was putting the responsibility on her to break the cycle.

  6. What happened to her that left her feeling she doesn't deserve to be a guys #1 or that she only picks men who can't get close to her and leaves another woman feeling like shit?

  7. @Dragon, and some men dislike waffles. January just has the innate ability to hone in on those that love them.

  8. I think they respond to her sparkling personality.

  9. From what I understand, some women who prefer married men think they're already "tamed" (by the wife).

    At least that was the case with my husband's mistress, after she worked for months on getting him to sleep with her. She thought he would be amenable to her simple requests. She was in for a rude surprise. He hates when anyone tries to change him and he left her to go back to me because she nagged him to change for her all the time.

    1. And you took him back?! I hope he made you the hugest chocolate apology cake with sprinkles and ice cream first.

  10. Dragon... I dont know where to begin. Change that to Asians.... change that to any other group and rant about how that group is always characterized by a single inflection.

    I'm going to guess we all get a bad day and hope yours improves.


  11. @Queen LMAO I was joking with the waffles. I'm always joking about waffles. I'm great btw Thank you very much.

    @All Lace. I agree that she's responsible too. I also get sick of the other women often getting blame than the cheating husband. He's the one who is married and chose to cheat.

  12. Ethan Hawke's been giving a million interviews for Boyhood, all talking about his happy family life and kids...

  13. @Louise: Yup, I took him back, and I don't regret it. I know it takes 2 to tango. But I know him well enough that someone had to be as aggressive as she was to get him to relent. Even for the brief time he was with her, she yelled at him every single day to leave me. And when he last saw her, she asked him to marry her. Because I predicted she would do that, he realized how transparent she was and saw her for the kind of crazy women that many men flee from.

    The affair exposed issues in our marriage that we are constantly working on. Sure, it'll always be in the back of my mind that he could always have another affair. But we've managed to make it work for the past several years. Knock on formica.

    1. A sincere good luck to you JP! I still think he owes you a cake.

    2. JP, good for you for continuing to work it out. I hope your efforts are successful. FWIW if that happened to me I would do the same. Not saying infidelity is ok but I love my husband enough to forgive him.

  14. Yep, the other woman is always made out to be the instigator and "the bad person" in an affair situation. The other woman didn't make or break any marriage vows, the married man did.

    I feel sad that people also continue to blame Ethan Hawke for the end of his marriage. He and Uma both cheated, both have said they married too young, were not ready for the commitment. And I think his current marriage is open, he's pretty much said as much.

  15. Thank ya simon! Congrats on your win yesterday!!!

  16. @ Dragon, I agree with you. People tend to blame the home wrecker, and not the party that had taken the wedding vows. Both sides are wrong. In the case of January, she seems to have a pattern of looking for/attracting married men. The men shouldn't go there, one should she. January is probably singled out a lot for being a home wrecker because she also chose to have a baby by a married man (assuming the director is the father).

    1. @all Agreed.

      I thought the dad was Olivia Wilde Husband. Forgot his name. John lol

    2. Your right Jason Sudekis was the other potential father. Not sure if is was ever confirmed if it is the director or Jason.

  17. I made gingerbread waffles for breakfast this morning.

  18. @all lace We have no idea who the father is of JJ's baby. JJ has only said she is not going to reveal it. Leading lots of people to "assume" the man is married.

    In fact, isn't all the discussion about JJ and married men just speculation? (I know everyone takes Enty for what it is, so we can't base it on this lol)

  19. Can we find a way to blame Ashton Kutcher?

  20. Who cares what her pattern is?! She is single. If you're married, keep that shit in your pants. The only home wrecker is the one from the home.

  21. JJ likes emotionally unavailable men

    And I fucking love waffles :)

    1. A married man can have no demands on her time or her life. Not saying it's right...

  22. Oh no, don't tell me they are over!! I really thought they were going to make it. Their love was so true:(

  23. @JP
    It takes real courage to take the road less travelled. I wish you and your husband all the best.

  24. I wonder what that is with the married guys for JJ. Maybe she gets the romancing without any of the relationship entanglements? Maybe someone stole her guy once, so she gets off on stealing someone else's? IDK. Any psychiatrists among us?

    I can tell you as a guy that I've always had an eye for married women, because they have an eye for me. I don't go here, but it is tempting. For me it's as simple as married women dig me, single women don't.

    I'm your typical nice guy (too nice for his own good). I don't have any game (or pull any at least) to try to get women (ignore them, peacock, etc…). I am who am. Single women -- I'll crush on one and inevitably they only want me as a friend (basically they want me around so they can bitch about their asshole boyfriends to me). Married women like me though. They come on to me all the time at my job, sometimes outright propositioning me. I think it's as simple as…they're married for however many years…maybe they married the wrong guy…or maybe it's just inevitable in most marriages that the woman and man grow apart…the guy doesn't pay attention, listen, care…I do pay attention, listen, care…the women dig me. I'm not running any game or trying to score. I'm just me, and they respond to it. If only single women would respond that way!!

  25. Maybe January is "home wrecking" homes that were wrecked by home-wreckers?


    She, actually, could be doing Gawds work. A reverse Succubus.

    I have to keep tabs on this. I am also watching Mad Men for the first time soooo. ((shrug))

  26. @Jewell thang, damn straight-there oughta be a law -no seducing with waffles- not a fair fight..

  27. They had real fresh ground ginger in them too.

  28. Minpin : I really do think I recognise you...

  29. Ethan Hawke? He is a well documented sleeze. January Jones is nuts.

  30. I'm sure his knowledge of child care is simply spellbinding. Having knocked up Uma 3x as well as the nanny.

  31. @Bee Haven I've only ever been on here previously as Lula S. (not to be confused with Lulu). If you were thinking of someone else, it's not me. I switched because Lula & Lulu is too confusing. (I had a min pin as my avatar).

    1. Oh cool minpin. Do you share recipes? I actually own a waffle iron (they're a novelty here. Not many people make/eat them).

  32. Stay on the Pill JJ. He's fug

  33. Whoa, and I thought Sudeikis was her nadir, but apparently she can go lower. Hawke is the worst - a true unwashed horde unto himself. Bleh.

  34. So you actually fell for that line jp? Best of luck to you; they all blame the other woman's aggressiveness and once they've seen they can get away with it? Over and over my friend. Make sure he gloves it, because I guarantee you he'll never be faithful to you permanently. You deserve better. Kick his ass out and find a man with some balls.

  35. Bee Haven do you have a Facebook address or email where I can PM you about waffle recipes? I didn't see one on your profile page.
