Friday, August 01, 2014

Bristol Palin Says She Has No Income

In the never ending child custody/support trial between Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston new court documents have been filed which show that Levi out earned Bristol in 2013 and so far in 2014. Bristol claims she has had no income the past two years after earning well into six figures the four years prior to that. Apparently the job Bristol had for four years in a doctor's office was unpaid, which seems about right considering many of those years she was filming reality shows. She also spent some time going to beauty school in Arizona so had no income during that period of time. Levi has been trying to get his child support payments reduced because he doesn't make enough to support his own family because of how much money he is supposed to pay Bristol. She has an order for $1750 per month which is about $20K a year. In 2013, Levi says he made $39,000 and that was before taxes. This year has been better and he has already earned almost $70K, but the child support department has been garnishing his wages to the tune of 40% per paycheck. Bristol is asking the court for a lump sum payment of almost $40K from Levi to get him caught up.


  1. Poor little rich girl

  2. McDonald's can always use help Bristol, and there must be beauty salons in Alaska needing your talents.
    Who paid this clown $70,000 and for what?

  3. Don't you go to jail if you're that behind in payments ?

  4. She could always enter the world's oldest profession.

  5. Especially in Alaska right?

  6. Then get a fucking job.

    In order to be a Palin, one must be a complete dumbfuck apparently.

    1. @Pip, the apple doesn't fall far, does it?

      What pisses me off is she clearly wants the child support to support HER. Dumb cunt.

    2. Exactly, Reese! Levi has always been an asshole, and needs to pay up, but he shouldn't have to be the sole support of their child. Bitch needs to get a job and start being an adult.

  7. Didn't she get paid for her Wife Swap with Joan Rivers that aired in June?

  8. Maybe she needs more togas.

  9. Why is she in Arizona? Didn't she pay for that house outright? Why doesn't she live with her mother and father in Alaska? They have a big place and an installed tanning bed too.

  10. I forgot to add that I really hate John McCain for bringing these assholes to my attention.

  11. You are my hero, Pip.

    Bristol is playing games with the court. Why doesn't Levi sue for custody?

  12. "her four years in a doctor's office was unpaid"

    The courts will calculate on what she COULD have earned. Or at least they are supposed to.

  13. There's always Playboy, Hustler and/or Vivid.

  14. In the uk it doesn't matter what the parent with care earns. The non resident parent still has to cough up 15% of their net salary (for one child- 20% for 2 and 25% for 3 or more). I could be a billionaire but Mr V would still have to give me some of his meagre salary. And so he should. His children too. (Although I don't think he's thinking of leaving me just at the moment).

  15. If all she is earning is <$20K via his child support, then why isn't she on welfare and getting aid to dependent children? Oh...Right. Her own mother would snipe her down.
    What a hustler, just like the rest of them.

  16. Tough

    Get out and get a job!

    Walmart always hires

    You can always hook - like everyone else in your generation

  17. Honey boo-boo needs a nanny.

    That's right up your class level Bristol. And who knows,if you spread it wide and far for the producers, you might get your own red-neck backwaters reality show.

  18. He needed to go to a lawyer before to get his payments reduce when his salary dropped. The court figured out these payments back when he was making more. Bristol won't get her way, he doesn't make enough.

  19. I think she should take a job away from those pesky illegal immigrants.

  20. Of course she has no income. She's an idiot, unfit for any type of work. And I dont believe her for a minute! If she has no money, how does she buy her ammo? Babys first gun? Of course he shld pay up, its his boy as well.

  21. First off, I agree with Henriette - I still can't believe that asshat Sarah Palin was almost Vice President of the United States.

    Secondly, while Levi is completely clueless, I still feel a bit sorry for the boy; I'll never forget his face when they forced him to parade around at the RNC - he was like, "dude, I just knocked up my girlfriend. What the hell's all this?" They forced those poor kids to live out their drama on an international stage (but of course, they've both humiliated themselves plenty on their own since then).

    Thirdly, $70,000 is probably somewhat middling earnings in Alaska - I don't know much about it, but isn't cost of living outrageous up there? I also have to note that if he ONLY earns $70 grand this year, he'll be making more than twice the salary of most teachers in the state of Oklahoma. And that's by far the most depressing thought I'll have today.

  22. $70K is more than what the majority of the country makes. That would be upper class in most american towns.

  23. +1million to Pip, Henriette and Frufra.

    1. @nora - thanks :-). I'm gonna need those points in cash please - I'm a teacher in Oklahoma. Actually, liquor store gift cards work, too :-).


    yeah this person needs child support.

    1. @Unknown - great link. Thanks. I also like what the author said about charter schools.

  25. Can someone send all of these assholes back to Alaska for good?

  26. Damn, shes taking his ass to the cleaners. I dont think thats right in this particular case. Isnt sarah palin a millionaire? It seems to me she is doing this out of spite instead of an actual need.

    Its a shame cuz most moms who have to take the dads to court for deadbeat daddy cases actually need the money to support their kids. Smdh

    1. I agree Eros. Seems vindictive for a very wealthy family to go after this poor dumbshit from bumfuck alaska. No doubt he has earned their disdain but at some point you let it go.

    2. At the end of the day he is the father of her kid - why destroy him.

    3. Lmao! High five, Texas Rose! So true. She will regret doing all this bs when her kid is oldrr and finds out about it.

  27. Maybe her grifter mother could hire to work on her new Sarah Palin Soaks the Rubes tv channel...

  28. She can suck dick. Clearly not smart enough for much else. That apple sure fell off the family tree. Stupid bitch get a job

  29. Frufra, I hear ya. I thought maybe I was the only one who kinda felt sorry for Levi being tied to this freakshow of a family for the next fourteen years or so. (And really, his whole life...let's be honest.) I mean, he's no saint, but he was a dumb kid and now he's Palin-bound for good. Awesome. :-/

    And "no shit" about Bristol being paid for "Wife Swap" and all the other stuff she's done. Where'd that money go? (cough *up her nose* cough) Also, why was she apparently volunteering at a doctor's office?! Who does that?! Look, Bristol, sweetie...go work for your mama doing ANYTHING, you big vapid waste of space. She's got money and while she won't hand it to you -- not that she even should anyway -- you can damn sure work for it.

    GAH! I just hear anything about the damn Palins and my blood boils.

  30. Here's me, not shedding a tear for Palin spawn.

    I have some choice words parroting her party's best advice for the unemployed, but I will be the better person.

  31. 1750 a month for one kid? What the holy heck? And yes, Alaska is a lot more expensive to live than other states. He got screwed.
    Also she was on DWTS twice!

  32. Maybe that vapid whore of a mother of hers could kick in a few bucks? Nahhh...

  33. #WhiteTrashProblems

    @Reno: The support order was finalized in the year he made a good chunk of change from Playgirl and the like. I think he never went back to court to get a reduction, or he waited so long to do it that he got hopelessly behind. When you get child support reduced, it is reduced in the future, it does not reduce money owed.

  34. This girl is never going to get any kind of a job--she has seen her mother pull it off, so she's going to be a d-list celeb as long as possible.
    I kind of feel sorry for Levi--he came from a messed up family, and he's been sucked into the Palin vortex. It seems like he has been trying to get a handle on his life the last couple of years.
    The one I really feel sorriest for is that little boy they have--he's like the rope in a game of tug of war.

  35. Levi is already paying at the 40% level according to Immoral Minority. Also, Bristol had money for a house in Arizona, a house in Alaska, plus she bought a pontoon boat and was supposedly working as a beautician. I hope Levi's attorneys do a financial forensic investigation of Bristol. She gets all sorts of financial support. She ain't hurtin', but she and her family are a bunch of twisted, lying grifters though. You should see what they're saying at Immoral Minority about this.

  36. @Henriette, if it makes you feel any better, I think John McCain is very sorry he made her famous. From what I heard, though McCain wanted a woman so he could get votes from women, he grew more and more horrified at Sarah Palin's behaviour after she was picked as his running mate. Rumor has it he blamed her completely for him losing the election.

    I was actually looking through a magazine the other day which came out when McCain was still in the running. Sarah Palin's sister was quoted as saying, "I never thought I'd get to say, 'My sister is the Vice President!'" I thought, "Yeah, and you never will!" (Thank goodness.)

    As for Bristol, of course she is broke. Nobody in Hollywood wants to hire her anymore because her family is old news, and she probably thinks she's too famous and important to get a real job.

  37. It appears that Sarah raised a "taker", not a "maker".

  38. I guess her job as abstinence speaker didn't take off, huh?

  39. We'll Sarah quits every job she has so the apple didn't fall too far.

  40. Get a job like everyone else whiny bitch Bristol

  41. Well then get a job!
