Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Random Photos Part Four

Estella Warren makes a comeback. I guess she spent some money getting a pap to take some photos. Long time no see. Don't do drugs kids.
Gordon Ramsay and his son train for a triathlon.
Meanwhile his best buddy David Beckham had daddy duty with Cruz and Harper and the dog.
Halle Berry in Malibu.
Audrey Hepburn's granddaughter makes her modeling debut.
Jessica Alba waves bye after talking about her company.
Josh Duhamel is ready for some football.
Jennifer Garner takes her girls back to school shopping.
Jennifer Lopez after a work out. No dancers were hit on during it.


  1. Estella looks kinda old and saggy.
    Poor Jen at least shes a good mom takes the kids shopping almost as often as Denise Richards takes hers.
    I'm sooooooo ready for some football!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Estella tummy looks wonky

  4. Mini Audrey is stuuuuuunning

  5. I love how Audrey Hepburn's granddaughter is identified as "Audrey Hepburn's Granddaughter" on the cover.

    What's her name? Who cares?

  6. JLo's looking svelte lately.

    Estella Warren? Model? Anyway, anyone ever pull an ab muscle? I don't recommend it. IM IN PAIN, and her hoola hoop ing is making me envious. And I think she looks pretty darn good.

    Do t like that "do" on Alba. I didn't like it in tbe 80/90's either.

  7. Josh, I'll go long or is it deep?

  8. I know I'm a nerd when I see Estella Warren and wonder why a Great Expectations character is hula hooping on a gossip site.

    Gordon and mini-Gordon! <3 <3

  9. Good for Gordon and his kiddo! That's awesome!

  10. Ugh too bad Gordon's son got his looks. Hope he didn't get his temper. I know Seven you like him but I find him supremely unattractive.

    Of course they show off Audrey's granddaughters neck. Nothing like Audrey's but close.

  11. Love the Gordon & kid pic...too cute

    Baby Girl Beckham is adorable! and so grown. Young son is a cutie too

    LOVE Halle's dress

    Josh! no other words necessary.

    Jen & Ben's daughters are so cute and sweet in their dresses.

  12. AH Granddaughter: I can only imagine the directions the photographers gave her - "Look up and tilt your head. Now turn your face away from the camera. A little more. More. Keep going. Perfect! Now that we can barely see your face you kind of look like your grandma!"

  13. I LOVE the side-eye from the Beckham's bulldog to the pap!

  14. Jen is DEFINITELY pregnant. Where is the announcement?!

  15. I love harper's puppy fat. She's so cute.

    Audrey's granddaughter has a beautiful profile.

  16. P: Hepburn girl

    M: Garner

    B: Alba

  17. Is Halle wearing her wedding ring? It doesn't seem so.

  18. Shag: Can I wait for Cruz to grow up?

    Marry: J-Lo. I'd be the snake in the grass who outed her as MV

    Kill: Honest Jessica Alba, whose body I'd leave on Paltrow's Hamptons lawn as a warning to the other celebrity "lifestyle experts"

  19. I wonder how much blood of the innocents it takes for Christy Turlington to maintain that visage? It's working.

  20. The Beckham bulldog is adorable.

    And yeah, Christy looks good even going to the supermarket, grrrr.

    Extant was really good last night.

  21. Ramsey and little Ramsey look fun and cute. Despite his shouting and perfectionism, Gordon Ramsey's the nicest guy in the world and funny as hell.

    A marriage in trouble, an alcoholic, gambling addicted husband with a wandering dick and three young children already... it's time for Baby Number Four! Way to go, Jen.
