Friday, August 15, 2014

Random Photos Part Four

Eva Longoria jaywalks while talking on the phone yesterday.
Emmy Rossum did
the ice bucket challenge yesterday for ALS and
the cast of Grey's Anatomy did their part too.
Fergie sings for charity.
The Goopster is alive and well in the Hamptons.
Ashley Greene on her way to do some grocery shopping yesterday.
Heather Graham is starring in a new play and did some press for it. Also starring in a new play are
Kieran Culkin and
brand new recording artist Michael Cera.


  1. Can i get this right - jay walking = crossing the road?

    1. @Violet - jaywalking is not using a crosswalk. You can get a fine for it.

  2. The girl in back of GOOP is her if she actually ate some real food once in a while.

  3. Yay for fundraising!

    I have to say, Emmy Rossum is pretty good in Shameless. I honestly had no idea who she was before, but I really like her acting.

    Goop's friend reminds me of Mick Jagger.

  4. Jay walking = one of 2 things Violet crossing against the red light or crossing in the middle of the block instead of at the corner.

  5. What? It's illegal to cross the road? You learn something every day.

  6. I can see the line on the road. How is she jaywalking? Unless the crossing indicator had a stop signal because I don't think she's in the middle of the road.

  7. Michael Cera representing the STL

  8. "The Goopster is alive and well in the Hamptons."

    That's too bad.

  9. Shag: Heather Graham
    Marry: Kieran Culkin dated Emma Stone. Enough said.
    Kill: Goop. But, I'd lay down biodegradable fair-trade cotton sheeting and clean up afterwards with non-toxic organic cleansers.

  10. Great for the ALS ice bucket challenge, now to only raise awareness about the fucking DROUGHT!!!!!

  11. P: Greene

    M: Graham

    B: Rossum

  12. Get those nips under control Ashley G!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I had to look it up and apparently the UK does not have a jaywalking offence, I am shocked.

    "The United Kingdom does not formally describe priority regulations for drivers and pedestrians at road junctions or other locations, except with respect to marked Zebra, crossings where motorists are required to give way to pedestrians under defined conditions.[1] Elsewhere, the Highway Code relies on the pedestrian making their own judgment on whether it is safe to cross based on the Green Cross Code. If the pedestrian's judgment was correct then no evasive re-action should be required by any drivers, but drivers are expected to avoid hazards and are examined on their ability to do so during the Hazard Perception Test." Wiki

    I wonder if the UK or North America has more accidents per capita with pedestrians who do not cross the street at designated corners/crosswalks/lights.

    1. The UK lets people cross the road all willy-nilly using their own judgment!?

  15. Was it cold in L.A. yesterday?

  16. I'm all for donating to charity and all that but really, do you need to waste water like that? Stop it already.

  17. They are not donating to charity. They are doing it in lieu of donating $100 to charity. Pouring ice water on yourself has become a thing with these assholes.

  18. It Brings awareness. Over 7mm donated. Some donate money for every like on Facebook. Companies donated 100 per employee who partake. Not assholes

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. As a New Yorker I don't understand why if nothing is coming you have to wait for the light to change to cross the street.

    That said when I visited DC a few years back some people asked if we were from New York. We said yes of course and they said it's only NY'ers who cross the street anywhere if nothing is coming.

    Our new Mayor is talking about leveling fines for that sort of thing. I wish him well.

    1. We do that here in cars coming and we cross anywhere. However, they are starting to crack down on it in downtown and I am a fine example. Got a jaywalking ticket a few years ago and it was about $50 but now I hear they are about $150. In San Antonio they are $250!! And Austin they are $200!! L.A. has them at $250 as well.

  21. Eva's shoes do not work with jeans. She looks silly/desperate for attention.

  22. Nothing more than a new revenue stream for cash strapped municipalities. If cops are writing Jaywalking tickets to meet their quotas, then they really should downsize the workforce and lay some cops off.
