Friday, August 08, 2014

Random Photos Part Four

Beyonce posted more photos online of herself and
Jay with Blue and their plane, but they are rarely all in the same photo.
Barbra Streisand joined Instagram and this was her first "candid" photo.
Speaking of candid photos, Chrissy Teigen had these shot for Esquire. I don't recommend this while mowing your lawn. The heels too.
Meanwhile her former SI cover co-model Lily Aldridge was much more covered at the airport.
Drew Barrymore does this in case anyone asks if she is sure she mailed it.
Joshua Jackson and Diane Kruger on day 5 of the fedoras she brought to NYC with her.
David Spade and his rarely seen daughter.


  1. What's that box thingy Drew is putting stuff into?
    With all those large shrubs surrounding her I'm surprised Chrissy bothered to dress.

  2. I had no idea David Spade was a dad.
    And Drew does what everyone else does, no? Stars, they're just like us..

  3. Can't wait to read your your book Mr. spade::))

  4. David's daughter is a little mini Spade. Cute.
    And Josh and Diane back in love again?

  5. Beyonce is posting the same type of pics she's always posted, it's just that now her every move is being scrutinized because of the elevator incident and divorce rumors.

  6. I don't believe Bey and Jay will split anytime soon, Sjoy. The brand is far too valuable.

  7. Usually couples with matching fedora's annoy the crap out of me. With these two, it's just straight up adorable!

    I would like Lily's blouse btw ad Teigen's bod, damn!

    And Stop messing with your face Babs! Can't anyone in Hollywood, age gracefully!?!?

  8. The story about Spade's daughter is great, it's all a Howard Stern tie in.

  9. Bitters, I doubt it as well. They are a business and a brand. They might have some type of arrangement or agreement when it comes to sleeping with other people. They love being a power couple.

  10. Holy crap, Spade's daughter grew up quick! I remember the shock of him knocking up a Playboy bunny (? or model or someone like that) and couldn't believe he landed her lol.

  11. Oh, Babs, what have you done to your face?

  12. Okay I used to not really care about Chrissy, but I've seen so much of that over-toothy grin she does and her supposed-to-be-cutesy antics that she's earned a place on my "I want to punch their face" list with Lea, Reese and the punchiest, Bieber. I just want to go one day without seeing Chrissy's try-hard face. So far, I'm not getting very far...

  13. Anonymous2:33 PM

    awww @DSpade and his lil luv muffin.

    really liking that pic of babs.

  14. Aw, that's a cute pic of Spade and his daughter. I think he would be a good sometimes dad.

  15. Barbra has a Maltese, and that makes me love her. I have one too--my third, all rescues. Best dogs ever.

    Beyonce, no one looks good in cut off jean shorts unless they are under 18 and/or have very thin thighs. You are neither.

  16. When Babs looks younger now than she did during her big spurt of top films you know her doctor has gone about three notches past 'too far' on the plastic surgery scale.

  17. Love Diane's sandals …I have the copy
    Babs looks great….

  18. David Spade's kid looks like a mini-me!

  19. I think Babs looks great. So she's had some work done; big deal. It's not horrible by any means. And I get gushy about my dog as well--I hear ya Babs! Also, what a cute dress on David Spade's little it!

  20. Barbra Streisand had already done soooo much before most of you could even spell the word 'babs'(i.e.Jessi with an 'i'-now THAT's embarrassing'!!; & Sabrina who probably doesn't even know what the name Actually means & why the Movie was named such;)...Respect your Elders..& so so so much more proactive,progressive & obviously talented than you guys who get your sadsack jollies off in such a cowardly & ill-advised way- evidently,u guys don't have a lot of friends,right???

    1. Jessi here, short for... Jessica! Not too embarrassing I suppose. Funny if you actually knew, I'm actually a HUGE fan of "Babs" and called her that endearingly bc my mother would refer to her as "Babs" when I was a child jokingly bc she loved her so much! I love John Norman and Esther and Hubble and Katie are forever into heart! So...I guess since I don't have friends, I will call them my friends.

  21. Sabrina....Audrey.... Coincidence??? I think not. idiot

  22. I am so tired of seeing the back of Blue Ivy's head. Trying to protect her and preserve her privacy? Great. Just stop instagramming her on a daily basis.

  23. Baby spade is aforable. That pic of babs is about as casual as a portrait of queen elizabeth!

  24. P: Kruger

    M: SI broad

    B: Teigan

    I wouldn't go through Babs for any of them.

  25. BJ needs to stop trying so hard with the Instagram and constant stream of loving family pics. That's Kardashian territory. If I were her, I'd go radio silent. Let people wonder.

  26. Agree @Nutty!

    I can understand wanting to maintain Blue's privacy, but all these back of head shots while Bey is spotlighted as the superstar/beauty now seem demeaning to Blue. She's treated like a faceless prop to her mother's posing ego.

    Makes me sad.

    Can you imagine adult Blue looking back on these photos and fwhat she would feel?
