Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Random Photos Part Two

Madonna and a friend in Spain.
The Madden Brothers try and sell a few records.
Makes sense that Melissa Joan Hart is promoting this app. You know, because she is big on bubbles.
Maria Sharapova surrounded by all things Maria in NYC.
Nina Dobrev takes a smoke break on a yacht.
Nicky Hilton and her engagement ring.
Nicole Kidman shows off her tremendous acting talent to Jason Bateman who then spends all afternoon
listening to Christopher Walken complaining there is not enough cowbell in the movie.
Paula Abdul walks her dog.


  1. looking good Paula and Madonna xo

  2. WALKEN!!!!! This is one of my favorite Walken MOMENTS

  3. That doesn't look like the kind of guy Madonna makes friends with Enty. Too old for her.
    Poor Paula.
    Well shit who would guess Nina Dobrov was a yacht girl? Certainly not me!

  4. When did Madonna dump the latest boy toy for Oscar from the Office?

  5. @Lady and sandy---you guys behave! Madonna is the original fag hag and personally ade me feel not so bad about being gay

  6. What is UP with the dog stroller fad? Ugh. It's a dog, ladies. They need and LOVE exercise. And P.S. You look stupid.

    1. Sometimes tiny paws get hot and tired on a long walk. . I can't tell you how many times one of my chihuahuas just stopped and squatted on grass or sidewalk because they were Over Fresh Air. . I have to support the need for a dog stroller with tiny dogs with tiny legs that get hella tired real fast...

  7. What's with Madonna's getup, she looks wizened. Is that Guy Oseary with her?

  8. Nina is looking a little too covered up to be a yaht girl, suspect a party with friends.

  9. Madonna looks like she needs to eat something with some butter or grease in it. She looks dried out like beef jerky. I do give her props for hanging out with someone that looks closer to her age. Madge, eat a cheeseburger & fries for Godsake!

    Not a fan of hers but Nicki Hilton's got some fine lookin gams.

    Smaller dogs with shorter legs can't walk for long distances like a larger dog can. That and senior dogs get tired much faster. Dog strollers are an option if your gonna be out and about for longer than your dog can handle it. My advice? Leave the dog at home. If they get tired quickly take them for a walk around your block not 2 hours out shopping.

  10. Shag: Jason Bateman and Christopher Walken. Christopher (may I call you Christopher?) and I will dance and Jason will provide the catering ("There's unlimited juice? This party is gonna be off the hook!")

    Marry: Jason Bateman and Nicole Kidman

    Kill: Well, those Madden people are an abomination, but pushing a dog in a stroller (or carrying it in a purse, or dressing it in outfits, or dyeing it's fur, or putting a bow on it's head) should be illegal. I don't ever want to be embarrassed for a dog.

    1. Yoj - you could beat Maddens senseless with the dog stroller?

  11. I LOVE Christopher Walken. He's so wonderful.

    Madonna looks so manly. And she sure has taken to covering up so much lately.

    I have never heard Good Charlotte. Not going to now either.

  12. P: Sharapova

    M: Sabrina

    B: Hilton

  13. @sugarbread maker
    I know that I'm going to get into trouble for this, but - and let me preface this by saying that I love dogs - if you're dog is too tiny and delicate to be taken for walks, then...maybe you should get a cat?

  14. Your, not you're. Sorry

  15. Madonna is the warmest person on the beach.

  16. Damn right "more cow bell"! ALWAYS.

  17. @Frosty - nope, that is not Guy Oseary. But he looks like he could be Guy's uncle or older brother?? The face is somewhat similar. Not sure who he is though.

  18. A guy in my neighborhood would take his dog for a walk by carrying it around the park and stuff. He would put it down to smell things here and there.

    For years, i watched this little dog get older and more feeble. It could barely stand towards the end and I so admired his owner for ensuring his dog still got to do the things it used to like to do when he was more able-bodied. Check out the sights, smell a few trees, see what other dogs were up to.

    It broke my heart when I realized one day that I hadn't seem him or his dog for about a week. I knew the poor little guy had passed.

  19. More cowbell forever!

    @Unknown, similar story here. This elderly gent in our neighborhood would walk his two small dogs (I think they were some kind of basset breed, they were low to the ground, and obviously elderly in their gait) every day, shuffling along with a cane-like pooper scooper, every afternoon like clockwork. A couple days later, I realized I hadn't seen him and asked a neighbor - one of the dogs had passed away the day before, and the old gent passed away the morning of the day I asked. The other dog passed away two days later. So bittersweet.

  20. yoj.. i disagree wholeheartedly if you don't know ,tiny dogs give big love but they need fresh air daily and 30 feet if that's all they can do is not enough.. it's my job as mommy to let them get ample scenery and air even if it means from a viewpoint of a stroller..

  21. What is going on with Madonna? She's dressing like she's ten years older than she is.

    Wonder where Sharapova's WTA communications friend was during this PR stunt? Probably somewhere out of camera range.

  22. Sugarbread, thanx for explaining the wee-dog carry/stroller thang--grew up around & lived with big (HUGE) dogs--& never worked out a polite way to ask wee-dog ppl what was going on with all that... Tho I wouldn't have thrown shade at Hey, Paula! anyway. Never saw Idol, but her reality show was brilliant. Might still be on her YT Channel.

    Madge apparently didn't make the connection when the puffy-cheek injections became a fad for aging women. Fat tissue shrinks as we get older, anyway, & that Jack Sprat regime has made her extra-gristle-y. So while Sharon Stone can still carry off a revealing swimsuit, Madonna's beachwear is confined to late 19thC bathing costumes. :( [BTW, Lourdes is procedure-free--check it out--she's got a a slightly darker-skinned, maybe taller version of mom's original body (in "Truth or Dare" late-20s Madonna shows off her god-given rack & dance-toned, pre-gymrat physique)].

  23. bitca. much love.. i know madge wouldn't let lourdes get a boob job!! they look to young and perky.. lourdes dad carlos would def not okay said surgery too.. iron fist the madge.. weed ok but no plastic sugery, besides after watching your mom chase eternal youth to a detriment her whole life, i think she wants to grow up and come of age naturally.. unlike the willis spawn..

  24. yoj - My smallest Miniature Pinscher (5 lbs) would have something to say about not getting to ride in a purse. All 5 of our min pins are rescue and thus have origins mostly unknown. Our oldest girl (9 yrs) is obsessed (don't know why) with trying to get into my purse every time it get it out to go somewhere. She runs over and frantically tries to climb inside.

    Whenever we go to PetSmart I carry my regular shoulder bag AND I have a canvas cross body purse I wear too just so my smallest min pin can ride. I put her down when we get in the store but after 5-10 minutes she wants back in the purse. Girl LOVES to ride in her bag.

    I understand that big dog people don't "get" little dogs or their owners. I used to be one of them. There are tons of us little dog peeps that don't treat their dogs like a fashion accessory we treat them like kids (for some of us these are the only kids we've ever had). Don't judge us all based on some idiots like Paris who forgets or loses her chihuahua on a regular basis. We dog lovers don't like her either. If Paula wants to stroller her babies let her stroller them babies.
