Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Zelda Williams Quits Social Media After Defending Her Relationship With Robin Williams

Zelda Williams deleted her Twitter account and says she is taking a break from her Instagram account after trolls on both of the pages suggested that she did not have a very good relationship with her father Robin Williams. Whether or not she saw her father all of the time shouldn't be an issue when she wants to say something nice about him following his death. Apparently the fact that Robin sent her a message on Instagram on her birthday but she never responded to him is fueling the fire. The lack of photos of the pair together in recent years also added to it. The thing is parents and kids can have rocky relationships with good and bad. You don't think that I am tired of living in the basement and my parents are just as tired of it? There might be days we don't speak to each other and we live in the same house. Just because the two of them may have not had the closest relationship the past few years doesn't mean Zelda shouldn't be allowed to grieve and express how she feels without being harassed. There were more than a few comments on her Twitter that suggested her failure to respond to his birthday wishes might have contributed more to his depression. Why would anyone want to put that on her?


  1. because they're trolls!

  2. What the hell is wrong with people? Who would do that?

  3. And this is why I hate people!!! This week especially! People seem to be in prime form of being assholes to each other! Seriously, what the hell is wrong with people?! How dare you do that to someone! Disgusting!

  4. Oh for pity's sake. This is like how Julia Roberts caused her sister to commit suicide. Implying you're responsible for the death of your father because you didn't respond to a post is Radar ridiculous and cruel to someone who just lost her dad and is probably still processing.

  5. I swear I will go to my own grave not understanding what motivates some people.

    1. "Some men just want to watch the world burn."

    2. My late therapist used to tell me, "there are some people you just don't want to understand... You don't want to be the kind of person who gets where they're coming from"

  6. Some were saying nastier things to her than that actually & tweeting nasty pics to her.

  7. fuck those people.

    my dad and I have a loving relationship and speak several times a week we are however lacking in photographic evidence of our closeness.

  8. People are so disgusting. Social media is fun, but in an instant it can turn devilish. I'm glad she closed her page.

  9. I am a basement baby too enty but it's cool because I am in grad school and make a shit salary.

    1. That makes me think of Solange Knowles

  10. who says she didn't answer him? just because she didn't do it on social media doesn't mean she didn't pick up a phone and call him.

  11. Who says she didn't call him to thank him? Twitter isn't the only way to communicate. Fuck I hate humans so much sometimes. Why try to tear someone down when they're already down? I just don't get it.

  12. Anonymous7:31 AM

    im guessing that some people (not knowing the REAL RW) would've LOVED to have a dad like him and felt that she was lucky in that department and not very appreciative.

    who knows

  13. Anyone who's been around a person who's both an addict and suffering from depression knows how hard it is…
    I give Zelda a pass, you can love a person but not want to be around them…
    How does anyone know what went on between Zelda and her dad ?
    This is private

  14. This is the epitome of creating a story where there is none, based on bullshit logic. Good for her for bailing on social media, more people shld do so.

  15. Where is it written that what is exchanged on twitter or instagram must be the totality of a relationship?

    The trolls should be tracked down and burned at the stake!

    1. @Joe. I'm good with this.

      How do those asses know that she didn't see those pics, pick up the phone and call her dad?

  16. Maybe she just picked up the phone and called. Maybe what she had to say to her dad was private. Who wants the whole world reading what you have to say good/bad to your father?

  17. there are some sick people on the internet. good for her for stepping away.

  18. I hear her account was hijacked and people were posting pictures of Robin and her that didn't exist. Or something to that effect. Nonetheless pretty heartless considering she just lost her father.

    I find it quite noble on her behalf that as an aspiring actress she a) never exploited her father fame like some shits out there (Willis girls) and b) that she never acted like an ass and embarrassed him.

    This isn't a daughter that had a contentious relationship with her dad. They adored each other and she's heartbroken as well. Stupid trolls made a tough time harder.

  19. @Sherry, I read that people were sending her graphic photoshopped images of him (to look like his death scene or something). It's so cruel and heartless and absolutely disgusting.

    I agree with everything you've said, though. She seems like a classy girl who loved her dad.

  20. This.. Ugh. I can't even comment it makes me feel sick. God bless her and her family on this difficult time

  21. No Selfies!! They obviously hated each other!!

    so stupid...

  22. Trolls are horrible beings. She has already said they tried to keep their family time private because they shared so much of him with the world and the family was together at the end of last month to celebrate Robin's birthday!

  23. I just finished reading about this on Gawker

    Fucking trolls were sending her terrible photos insinuating that they were of Robin's neck

    What is wrong with some people? I really don't get it

    I had some FB "friends" imply that he was a pussy and gave up - everyone has an opinion without having any experience in dealing with a family member's suicide

  24. I hate people.

    Is it really this hard to be a decent human being? So sorry this young girl had to go through this crap.

  25. Someone on FB posted something about too bad he hadn't found The Lord. Judgy people suck.

  26. It infuriates me that anyone would think she owes an explanation for their perception of her relationship with her dad. Dealing with my brother's bipolar addict ex-girlfriend following his death was so damn hard and that's just 1 person. This is so cruel, I can't comprehend it.

    I know that Anonymous is busy with Fergusan and Gaza, but I hope 4chan answers the calls for dox'ing the trolls. Get their real identities out there so any future employee, spouse, inquisitive neighbor knows exactly what shit people they are.

  27. Bummer for her, Robin was hilarious... hearing you all bicker is thoroughly entertaining. I'm not sure if I find anything funnier than a bunch scum calling a bunch of other folks scum.

    I also like it when someone says something "over the line" and you all line up to "correct" them... haha who do you guys think you are? Fuck yourselves.

    1. And a happy good morning to you, as well.

    2. Well. Alrighty then.

  28. Oh dear God...
    They were sending her Gawker said, for real? Good f'ing God, that's just evil.
    Smdh, I swear, the older I get, the less faith I have in humanity.

  29. Love and light to Zelda, my heart goes out to the family. I can't imagine having to deal with social media at a time like this. Horrifying.

  30. #teamZelda.

    A lack of compassion makes me stabby.

  31. People are awful. This kind of stuff is last thing she needs to read just as she loses her father. Whether they were close or not at the time of his's still a loss and people should be respectful of that. And their relationship and it's status is no one's business but theirs.

  32. Robin would track them down individually and beat them trolls down one by one, Jay and Silent Bob style.'i can attest that the only thing worse than losing a loved one to suicide is having the media blast it everywhere and not be able to escape it. Poor baby.

  33. I believe that people show their true nature on social media - where there are is anonymity and a lack of consequences.
    We've created a toxic combination in our society: individual opinions and experiences have never been more widely broadcast but we have less and less compassion for one another.

  34. She deleted her twitter after 2 trolls sent her a photoshopped pix of her "dead" dad with mean commentaries.

  35. @Jordan, you're not obliged to be here if you hate it so much.

    As for harrassing Zelda, those people should go fuck themselves with a burning hot iron dildo (thanks for that, True Blood O_O).

  36. People are such assholea when hiding behind the internet and social media

  37. Just because you don't live your entire life on social media doesn't mean you don't have a life; in fact, the opposite is usually true. I haven't had any pictures taken of me w/my parents in many years, but we all love each other very much, and I'll be totally devastated when the inevitable happens (please, God, not for a long time...). Nobody should ever have to justify their relationship with a recently deceased loved one like that, and I don't blame her at all for bailing on social media--what kind of asshole sends people pictures supposedly of the deceased?

    I just don't understand what makes some people enjoy hurting other people, especially people they don't even know, so damn much, but I have a suggestion as to how to deal with them that Snapdragon in particular should like: allegedly Edward II of England was murdered in 1327 by having a red-hot iron rod shoved up his ass (through a horn, so as not to leave scorch marks on the outside of his body) and burning him from the inside out. I'll go look for an iron rod if someone else starts the fire...

    (On a better note, Frances Bean Cobain has stepped up and has offered to be there for Zelda; IIRC, the two of them already know each other, and now, sadly, they have something else in common. Bless your heart, Frances, and I mean that totally sincerely.)

  38. My daughter and I are close, but I am just not a picture taker. I never approve of photos of myself. I have pics of her but not a lot of us together.

  39. Anonymous9:53 AM

    " I never approve of photos of myself."----kpist

    i thought i was the only one who did this. lol

    i MUST check out a pic if someone snaps it and i almost NEVER approve.

  40. I'm an oldie oldster who rode a dinosaur to school so I don't understand people who share everything on social media. Zelda is better off being away from the crazies on Twitter because assholes gonna be assholes. I have favorite celebrities like everyone else does but I don't need social media to feel connected to them.

  41. Ha! I'm another who loathes having my pic taken!

  42. Anonymous10:04 AM

    welcome to the club chica!

  43. Does NOBODY fact-check, what Enty is writing? Zelda Williams has NOT deleted her Twitter account.

    Proof? VoilĂ :

  44. She probably responded privately. It's known as a phone.
    Also took pics with her dad that were hers & not for public consumption.
    She just lost her DAD.
    FFS leave the family alone.

  45. As a mother, I just want to wrap my arms around Zelda and hug her, I want to tell her, somehow, someway, and some day, everything will be okay.

    Here is an interesting and terrifying thought gang. I am assuming most of the trolls are youngish, so, are we raising them? And one day, these shits will one day run everything.

    I don't know which is more terrifying.

  46. Jordan the exit is on the left.

  47. Man people really need to mind their own business, why are you harrassing a poor girl after her father just committed suicide, she's got enough to deal with. The human gene pool keeps deteriorating day by day. We're doomed.

  48. @Rolf, she said she was deleting them from her devices for now at least. Whether she closes the accounts is up to her.

  49. Team Zelda too. I cannot believe people would do anything mean to her right now or to her brothers. We have no idea what her relationship was with her Dad, but if you watch the Zelda Video they did on YouTube, he clearly adores her and she him. Praying for her and her family. Quite impressed with Frances Bean Cobain too and her message of support to Zelda. Class act.

  50. There is some button in those webs called "ignore". She should use it without mercy. She knows that what trolls write is a lie.

    On a related note, she is another hot chick with a fugly parent, as Liv Tyler or many others. Things like that make me think Mendel was sorta wrong.

  51. I just read her Tumblr statement. Very wise, very inspiring...especially her suggestion for how the shithead trolls might be cosmically dealt with. Tee hee.

  52. I'm confused. People frost the interwebs left, right and centre with personal sh*te, inviting the public to share their lives. Then something goes awry. Now these cultivated social media followers are expected to hide quietly behind some just-erected (Heartyou Count!) hedge of decorum around that same life?


  53. Zelda's accounts weren't all "me me me and my food" types of accounts. She didn't post 1000 times a day and she rarely posted family photos. As she said on her tumblr page, she has plenty of photos with her family, but those are at home in her house on the wall for them to enjoy, not splattered all over the internet for everyone else. Good for her.

    Here's the tumblr post, she's a pretty decent writer.

  54. First off, enty still lives in his parents' basement? Or this isn't a lawyer but an intern?

    Second, who the fuck RESPONDS ONLINE to birthday messages from their own family? It's one thing for Robin to wish his daughter a happy birthday publicly. That doesn't mean she needed to retweet with an awkward "thanks." It doesn't mean she wasn't in constant contact with him in person or over the phone.

    Vicious little trolls under the age of, I don't know, 22, seem to think the world revolves around Twitter and Instagram. How DARE they presume to know what these people's relationships were like behind closed doors, even if he was famous. I'm still confused as to why people would expect her to have written back her own (famous) father on Twitter/Instagram anyway. How tacky need she have been?

  55. Why are people such jerks to those in pain? She just lost her dad! Let her grieve! If she wants to post photos or memories of her dad, keep your comments positive. What does it matter if she had a good relationship with her dad?!?!

  56. Smart move. If you can't handle it, then pull the plug.

  57. Anonymous5:21 PM


    pretty much...

  58. Even if she didn't see a lot of him...anyone ever have an addict as a parent? You can love them a lot but still have a very hard time spending time with them.

  59. I kind of wish that Zelda just lived up to her name and stomped those trolls back. Now they know she's sensitive and responds to trolling, so she will be a target from here on, sadly.

    Come on, Zelda. Ya should've sent those trolls a picture of Idris Elba's cock, along with the message "Then I'm my Daddy's dick!" Your Daddy would've been so proud, and everyone loves a peen joke! When in doubt, get the balls out, gurrrrrrl

  60. @Lady H - Well, she kinda did, just not in a hard-core way. Did you read her Tumblr post? She suggested that her father would be sending pigeons to shit all over their freshly-washed cars. It was very classy and quite clever, and showed that she's pretty tough and not one to mess with. I was impressed. :-)

  61. Only the socially inept with no moral boundaries would harass a grieving child. It's no one's business why she didn't post online to her father. Perhaps they were together on her birthday, or spoke on the phone which would be normal and more meaningful to them both. I don't understand why anyone would feel the need to even question a bereaved young woman. Some people are simply insane and stupid I guess.
