Friday, September 19, 2014

Blind Item #2

The daughter of this former A list mostly television actor who seems like he has been on a cable television show for a decade or longer yelled at her famous father because he was drinking. She yelled at him that he had promised to not drink that night and she was going home if he didn't stop. The actor put the drink down.


  1. good for her but such scandal! :(
    I have no idea who this is because I dont watch SyFy or FX and barely watch TBS

    1. @Sandy but yes this is definitely basic cable otherwise would say premium eg Showtime/HBO

  2. what show is ex-McGyver on?

  3. Richard Dean Anderson was McGyver and appeared on SyFy and some other cable shows. Thx google.

  4. I guess it makes a difference if the daughter is 12 or 30.
    A 30 year old concerned about her father drinking is one thing. A drama prone tweener is another.

  5. @Kno Won Uno
    You're right

  6. Dakota Johnson / Don Johnson

  7. Darn it! Not cable ...just when I thought I was on to something!

  8. What cable show has Hoff been on awhile?

  9. Yeah.... I guess no cable shows for the Hoff. I guess I hear drunk & daughter- and automatically go to the Hoff. It's like Lindsey Lohan.... an automatic!

  10. wow, as child of alcoholic, what a pain in the ass to moniter your father- or anyone- about their drinking. ugh, bad memories.

  11. I can see an adolescent saying "Dad, you PROMISED! If you drink that glass of wine, I'm calling mom & going home"...stomp, stomp, door slam.
    Source: Have raised a daughter.

  12. Hey at least he put the drink down. May not be an alcoholic but someone who was supposed to drive said daughter. I like the David D guess. How old are their kids?

  13. Heya Sandy! I've been working too much and can't check CDAN until night...too late to post then! Poo poo! I took today off, hooray!

    1. Hello @Candyland!! Hope you're enjoying your day off!!!

  14. I like the RDA guess.

    But none the less. When you're a drunk, you'll dissapoint your wife, mom and friends. But when you defy your baby girl, her look of disgust will pierce you to the soul.

  15. How about Danny devito and always sunny in Philly had been on forever and been on forever. He has had problems win the drink before

  16. OOPS! Just went back through and saw Jewsco beat me to it. Dang.

  17. Ron Perlman (Sons of Anarchy since 2008), daughter is 30ish.

  18. This is actually kind of a sad blind. I feel like the kid wouldn't be yelling at her dad if his drinking hadn't proven to be a serious issue already.

  19. I don't think it's fair to call her a tweeter drama queen. At 5 I already knew what my father was like on alcohol. I was constantly trying to police him to give my mother a break. This is sad.
