Thursday, September 18, 2014

Blind Item #7

This former B list mostly movie actress who is visiting another country and hopefully staying there got into a hair pulling fight with this A list model turned actress. They actually once slept together, but that is not important. Apparently the B lister feels the model is stealing movie roles which our former B lister thought she should be getting. The thing is producers don't even ask for her, but her agents keep telling our former B lister she is up for the roles.


  1. just surprised to see lilo and b list in same sentence

  2. Replies
    1. Cars D just got part for next big film-paper town I think(John Greene novel)starring role...

  3. Oh oh Ducky Cara is officially tainted

  4. How's that play coming along?

  5. Lohan/Cara
    Yup she did @Tricia

  6. Yuck!! Cara's been spreading LiLo juice all over Hollywood!! There should be a warning label on both of them.

  7. Michelle Rodriguez/Cara

  8. I'm surprised LiLo still has money to pay for an agent.

  9. Well now we know where the STD came from!

    Can you imagine being her agent? How does girl have multiple btw?

  10. Lilo/Fabio. She's hoping those butch parts come her way.

  11. What is the hype about Cara? I don't even think she's attractive. Let the other team have her

  12. Maybe there should be a list of people who *haven't* slept with Lilo and/or Cara.

  13. No wonder Cara was sued by someone for giving them the Herp…Lilo is a walking infection.

  14. Looks like Cara has a bunch of films coming, so she fits. I dread the mutant form of super lethal STD that must have come into existence once these two met.

  15. How the hell can anyone in younger-Hwd be STD and/or HIV-free these days? Geezuz, what a cesspool. The CDC should open a branch lab.

  16. I think it may be Rodriguez and Lohag. No way can Lohag think she's going to get the same film roles as Cara. Well I guess she could think that. She's completely delusional.

  17. Ugh, prob lilo. Lets make a deal: only report on her if shes in US. If not, news blackout please!

  18. I think it is Lohan and Cara. She is delusional enough to think she would be up for the same roles.

  19. This screams Lohan and Cara. I would be happy if both of them went away

  20. All I know is Lainey says she saw Cara's movie and that she was impressed that Cara is actually a good actress (which explains additional castings; she has talent).

    Definitely Lilo & Cara. Hey if Cara has acting talent then good for her. Lilo lost all hers, I was shocked at how TERRIBLE she was in the Glee episode playing *herself*.

  21. i remember watching lilo show and she told someone she was up for the marvel role that elizabeth olsen got.. she kept saying her agents tell her she's wanted for all these big roles but probation and "ugly false rumors in tabloids" she is a delusional princess

  22. If their sleeping together didn't matter, why mention it? Are you slut shaming now, Enty? #SocialJusticeWarrior
