Thursday, September 04, 2014

Blind Item #8

This judge on a popular cooking show is just as much of an a-hole in real life as he is on the show. Unless you are a very attractive young woman, you will never get him to say hi or get a photo or an autograph. If you are an attractive young woman you will get more than just a photo if you want.


  1. ramsey?

    i am like this with hawt guys, btw...tehehehe

  2. Joe Bastianich comes across as a HUGE dick on whatever show that is he judges.

  3. I think @Syd got it. He does come off condescending and harsh.

  4. Joe B. He is such a dickhead.

  5. Anthony bourdain. . The taste..

  6. I was thinking the French guy from the Taste.

  7. Not bourdain, met him, he doesn't act like that.

  8. All of them but Bourdain.

  9. Curtis Stone comes across as a self-satisfied jerk. But I'll say Bourdain. He isn't fit to to lick Sandra Lee's shit-encrusted arsehole.

  10. We're at a point where chefs can be assholes to other regular people. Uh chef you're a fucking chef you're nobody! You're a fancy short order cook who sweats his ass off in front of hot ovens feeding people who are hungry.

  11. I don't think Tom Colicchio (sp?) is like that. He doesn't come off as an asshole on the show at all.

  12. How is this even blind worthy? So a celebuturd chases panties but only pretty ones? Shocking.

  13. @Dexamyl - Hush yo mouf!! Not my Antony! I lurve him and think he's a snarky bastard but I consider that a good quality.

    I'm guessing Joe B..Sad because he's riding the coattails of his mother who seems like a true sweetheart.

  14. @Sandy - I respectfully disagree

    Chefs work their asses off and most of them aren't recognized in the way that Bourdain and Ramsey are

    They do the job because they truly love it and are passionate about food

    I've worked in several upscale restaurants (Michelin rated) and among some very talented chefs

    Its like anything else - some people are totally dickbags and some are not

    Back to the blind - this is not Bourdain

    Joe is an excellent guess

  15. If it said guest judge I would guess a Anthony Bourdain (even though Teresa crane says it's not). He's the one that always sounds like such a jerk when he's on Top Chef and that the only cooking show I watch (so I have a limited pool of suspects).

  16. Whoops forgot about Gordon Ramsey. Nobody sounds like a bigger dick than him. Apologies chef Bourdain.

  17. Chef Ludo is the dick on The Taste, not Bourdain.

  18. Bastianich. A total asshole who used to be an unattractive fatty and is now lording it over everyone now that he's skinny (but still unattractive). He is famous for cheating his waitpersons out of their tips (he and Mario Batali pocketed most of them), was sued for it for millions, lost, and still bitched about it in public as if he was the wronged party.

    And don't be fooled by the geniality of his mother - his winning personality came from somewhere, and she's well known as a real piece of work.

  19. Could be Flay, though. Although he's an actual accomplished professional chef (one of the very few on the Food Network), he's a well-known serial cheater and dog.

  20. Flay is an awesome chef. He is also a pig. Didn't he (allegedly) hookup with January Jones??

    1. @Mal. That's what I was going to write. I think so.
      I hope he boiled himself afterward.

  21. A judge in an American cooking show. I'm clearly an expert in the subject.

  22. @sillygurl sorry oops...I don't watch thosevshows:( but the good news is doesn't seem to be him:)

  23. No idea if this is Flay but I have it on good authority that he is an all-around dick.

  24. Not Scott Connant, he is too cute

  25. Scott Conant and a batch of freshly sliced red onion

    I still think Flay fathered JJ's son

  26. I'm with Vera Christina. Flay is JJ's baby daddy.

  27. Love Bourdain. Loathe Ramsey. Oliver (Jamie) is a knob end, and Heston Blumenthal gives me the shits. Really, I have nothing to contribute. It's a time of the "celebrity chef" and few actual chefs achieve this, they work hard, do lousy shifts. People go on MasterChef to win the bucks and fame. Very few actually leave their jobs to do an apprenticeship and do the hard yards required to learn the craft.

  28. Jeffrey Steingarten or Gordon Ramsey
