Thursday, September 11, 2014

Blind Item #9

This married A+ list mostly movie actor who has made some horrible choices recently has been fighting with the director of his latest movie every day and has been throwing tantrums and wants the director fired. Sounds like it will be a winner of a movie.


  1. Replies
    1. Kingsley

      Because everytime it says "married A+ actor" and someone guesses just Ben I think "Ben Kingsley would never!! Alright alright yeah he may do that. Oh damn that's not the Ben you mean is it?"


      (It's not a conversation with myself, I swear, despite how that probably seems.)

    2. LOL @Riven!!
      My Afflecktion for you just grew significantly!

    3. @LadyH brb swooning. There is something unexplainably sexy about Sir Kingsley.

  2. Harrison Ford---awful movies lately---Filming Star Wars and injured himself

  3. DeNiro is in some real duds too

    1. Dereck, funny u shld say that. I recently watched video of deniro interview with katie couric. She asked him about dud movies, and if he blames directir ir wtiters, and he said i never get into that. I choose the movie, it was my job to make it good. I stand behind every movie i made. I thought that was classy, and so, no, not deniro.

  4. If he's Ben Affleck during Superman Vs Batman filming,i totally am with Ben.Snyder only directed a good movie and uitwas his zombie movie

    1. FrenchGirl: Ben's made bad decisions with the gambling lately and is the only A+ actor in the DM today. I can see this as Wahlberg too, who was also in the DM within the past day, but Enty usually calls Mark "A list" or "almost A+"; he usually gets some qualifier but who knows

    2. Hey Watchmen was good. I liked Man of steel.

    3. Watchmen was really good (even if they changed the ending) and Man of Steel was pretty remarkable.

    4. Watchmen was rad. However, not a dot on the comics. You need to read them - absolutely mind blowing.

  5. Im with derek. Harrison Ford.

  6. if Ryan Reynolds is A+ than I am voted Maxims sexiest woman of the year...

  7. I think the stinker comment and the "winner" comment at the end alludes to Grudge Match..which makes our boy Robert DeNiro

  8. I'm debating whether to congratulate you or not @Derek

  9. Btw Derek Sugar is looking for you on the 1:45 item.

  10. @Lady it would be hysterical, in a way, in Walberg, only because film is ted 2 and he would have to fire McFarlane(director) by going through McFarlane and Scott Stuber....he tripled hatted it again(Seth) wrote, directed, produced(voice too).. Maybe it's too much...dunno

    1. Yeah I don't know about all that. Seth IS the Ted series it can't go on without him

      Here is a 9/11 related story. I was at the taping for a Family Guy Live special during Thanksgiving years ago. Bornstein, and Matlin (gasp! Love her!) were the standouts. Seth was really professional and on his game so I don't think he'd stand for that. Anyways, during breaks, Seth would entertain the crowd.
      He published a local comic by I age 8-9, used Sinatra's vocal coach (explains Stewie etc)
      But the craziest was his 9/11 story. Seth was supposed to be on one of the planes. He was hungover and got a wakeup call from an angry agent that he needed to make that flight. His seat went to someone else that so being hungover saved Seth's life and another unfortunate soul took his place. Seth basically said that he can't even think about what happens because it messes with him and "his process" way too much.
      I have another crazy 9/11 story but damn this shit is still so surreal and hard to write about! RIP to all of the lives lost that day and HeisenHugs to New York!!!

    2. Thanks for sharing Lady H. Chills.

    3. Seth's 9/11 story is on his Wikipedia page

    4. Thanks for noting that @Kat! I forgot the specifics of his story over the years!

  11. @Sandy kk thanks

    but Harrison Ford was recently in a Amber Heard movie which is the kiss of death to anyones career

  12. as a native New Yorker, thank you for that Lady.
    I didn't post anything on that thread, because there are no words I can utter or conjure that would be tantamount to the event itself. It is a living , breathing wound.

  13. @seven....I can't believe a he would allow that to go on record.

    And undo think he has the chutzpah to try and fire Seth, who IS the vehicle....but like you, I enjoy his acting actually.....surprised at that, but true

  14. Seven: don't be silly! Mark E Mark and His Funky Schlong would've single handedly prevented 9/11....
    "If I was on that plane with my kids, it wouldn’t have went down like it did," he tells the magazine. "There would have been a lot of blood in that first-class cabin and then me saying, 'OK, we’re going to land somewhere safely, don’t worry.'"
    Slow clap...

  15. I'm going with Marky Mark.

  16. Adam Sandler? His box office has been sinking and the two films he was in at Toronto got awful reviews.

    Currently filming Pixels, directed by Chris Colombus, costarring Michelle Monaghan, Sean Bean and Peter Dinklage, based on a script he cowrote.

  17. The difference between life and death that day was random for so many people. One friend lived because he stopped by the ATM. Another's subway was delayed due to a sick passenger. A third was in the south tower (104th floor) but lived because her boss had been there in '93 and made her leave after the first plane hit even though they were being told to shelter in place. A fourth was in a PATH train under the plaza just as the first plane hit but the engineer heard an alert and turned the train around without opening the doors.

    These are 4 people I know personally. The stories from the people in my 2nd ring of friends are equally random. Sick child, business travel, was able to get in an elevator to the ground floor, vacation day.

    Sometimes you just get lucky.

  18. @Seven the brief blurb I read said he actually had a seat on a commercial flight and changed it yesterday for those reasons. Here's my issue : who the fuck booked the flight in the first place and didn't tell him until yesterday? Sounds like BS to me.

  19. For the Snyder fans,(in my opinion) he's like a pretentious Michael Bay ( without the casting couch.His wife is his producer)

  20. Riven: it's funny how Mark's story sounds suspiciously like Seth's!

  21. I like the harrison ford guess too. +1

  22. Wants the director fired? This isn't Harrison. Disney is not going to fire J.J. from STAR WARS because of Harrison. Besides, Harrison knew J.J. from their work on Regarding Henry. They've been friends for 24 years.

  23. I also wouldn't call 42 (Ford) and Silver Linings Playbook (De Niro) horrible choices.

    That said, I have no other guesses.

  24. Watchmen was a very decent flick.

  25. @FrenchGirl
    Zach Snyder is incapable of directing a good film. There, I fixed it for you. You're welcome.

    @Derek Harvey
    For what it's worth, I think you're far sexier than Scarlett and Mila, but I'd say Rihanna is on a par with you. I do realize I'm not exactly your target demographic, though.

  26. Channing tatter/tum?

  27. @ureallyannoyme my brother was on that subway that went back in reverse.

  28. Ben affleck . runner runner. Bad choice along with the gambling.
    Batman vs Superman is going to bomb and I think everyone knows it but wb is too chickenshit to pull the plug.

  29. Also his mysterious back injuries that pushed back filming twice.

  30. Ed Norton. Probably not A+ in Enty's eyes, but he is perm A+ to me. I loved him from 1996 to 1999.

  31. Lmao at Superman v batman going to bomb. This historic moment right here. Whether this movies end up shitty if will still make bank

  32. I just flew from Boston to DC on 9/11. It was unnerving but, if I delayed my trip home another day, the terrorists would have won.
