Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

February 13, 2014

Apparently even this expressionless A list celebrity/editor is not beyond fawning over someone they think is good looking. There was a lot of thigh touching yesterday of this B list very good looking foreign born mostly television actor who is having a big year. At one point the A lister was even seen giggling. I didn't even know she could do that.

Anna Wintour/Benedict Cumberbatch


  1. Anna Wintour is a Cumberbitch? Color me shocked.

  2. Hes safe Anna hes not that into you. Or your daughter.

    1. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Andre Leon Talley, however, should make sure his hind quarters are well protected

  3. I just don't see the appeal of him.

  4. He is not attractive! He looks like a bug!

  5. He's not attractive AT ALL - how weird!

  6. I think he has an interesting look. Not traditionally attractive. Sometimes he looks scary to me, and sometimes he oozes appeal. I can't figure out why the dichotomy.

  7. he has an elongated head and twisty facial features yet i find him strangely alluring.

  8. Very good looking... Cumberbitch?? God, he looks like an insect. And you can't tell me he's not gay.

  9. That's nothing you should see Anna around David Beckham, talk about school girl crush giggles and all, lol

  10. Not even if i was drunk

  11. While I am a fan of the gentleman, I would be hard-pressed to refer to him as "very good looking". Unique, compelling, interesting - yes. Very good looking - no. But that's just my opinion and probably the reason I'd never have guessed this.
    On a personal level, I don't usually find conventionally "very good looking" men particularly attractive, except as objet d'art. I'm a looksist.

  12. She sure is flirty.

  13. Love him and do find him good looking (not in photos) but I don't think 50% women do and would never describe him as very good looking! Also he's higher than b and is not mostly TV!

  14. He's one of those people who is kind of hideous but you just have to keep staring at him anyways. He has something different. I'm not into him but actually I can see how people would be. Anna Wintour though, that's a surprise.

  15. If you ever seen Cumberbatch on a talk show he is a charming funny intelligent guy. I love his impression of a wookie. Being considered sexy or charming is not just a function of looks. Not everyone is turned on by looks or looks alone. A great sense of humour is going to last longer than looks anyway in the long run.

  16. Agreed Tina but in this context he doesn't fit the description. I think he's really funny too.

  17. Is Anna Wintour married, have we ever seen her husband?

  18. Still my favorite muppet. He's not conventionally handsome, but he cuts a terrific turn in Sherlock.

    I would say Bendy isn't the only one who could make Anna smile, but this picture looks like she wants to eat Harper's soul. Run, Harper, run!

  19. Saw kuwtk. Monday and Andre lt. Refused his face the whole time. They had to blur it he wouldn't sign a release. . How Bitcheyy. Love it.. like we don't know that's him!!

    1. Sugarbread, the André story pleases me immensely. I will smile about that all day.

  20. Anna had an affair Bob Marley back in the day, and one never recovers from island dick.

  21. Yes he is appealing in moving pictures
    In snapshots not so much

  22. Each to his/ her own, but he reminds me of a mole.
    Who does an impression of a wookie during an interview???

  23. What the. Im certainly no expert on what heterosexual women or gay men find to be "very good looking" but I think this would be down low on the list.

  24. The more I see of him, the more I like him.

    If he got that iceberg to giggle he must be amazingly charming.

  25. Probably a great guy, but he looks like Butthead.

  26. His ice bucket challenge was great. He is very charming and funny in real life.

  27. "Very good-looking"? Uhm, Dick is no James Marsden. Or Peter Gallagher during his younger years; those piercing eyes! Or ex-Doctor Who Matt Smith.

  28. I don't find him attractive to look at, but he has incredible appeal and presence!

  29. I understand his appeal. Let me break it down for you:
    1. His height. Most actors are wee.
    2. His voice is a thing of beauty.
    3. He dresses like an adult male.
    4. He can converse on subjects other than his career.
    5. He is talented.
    6. Like Hiddleston, he's a good sport. He understands that when making public appearances he should be entertaining and articulate and willing to embarrass himself.

  30. Yeah, I think he has that inexplicable quality where people are drawn to his presence. He's not attractive but I feel he'd be almost hypnotic in real life.

  31. @Tina
    Yes, Anna is married. She, in fact, stole her rich husband from his wife and dumped her own husband. Big scandal many years ago.

    She tends to flirt with a lot of men: Roger Federer is her special favorite. She put him on the cover of Men's Vogue two or three times and that mess only lasted a year or two.

    I can't imagine Cumberbitch cares anything about her but she could probably get him a cover on a Conde Nast magazine.

  32. I know I'm posting too late for anyone to read this, but. .. ever since I found out about Jimi Hendrix fling, I can't help but kinda like her :-) it's like respecting Reece Witherspoon for finally being human and getting drunk n sassy.

  33. missbunny.. no i get it .. it's like you know she's human somewhere, or at least at some point she was..

  34. @Miss Bunny- What's the Jimi Hendrix scoop? She had an affair with him when?

    @ Cheryl, I've never heard this before. Any more info? They seem like opposites in every way. I'm a huge Marley fan. Almost named my daughter that.

  35. Well I'm shocked! Wintour giggling?! Add another name to the list of Cumberbitches.

  36. I'd heard about Anna's affair with Marley but Hendrix too?

  37. I think missbunny meant to say Bob Marley, not Jimi Hendrix.

    This is how rumours get started and become "real".

    On another note, the rabbut hole of Wikipedia continues to delight: who knew Anna's husband is a first-once-removed from little miss fried green tomato herself? Excellently trivial. Delighted, me!

  38. His looks are what help to make him an excellent character actor. He has the ability to completely transform his look. I think he and Tom Hiddleston fall into this category. One minute they can look handsome, the next creepy, scary, ugly. There aren't many actors out there today that have this ability. I think he's attractive in an interesting and unique way. He &Hiddles both have loads of charisma too. That's seriously lacking in Hollywood in men and women.

  39. I just don't think he's good looking... sorry.
