Saturday, September 13, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

December 9, 2013

Producers have assigned a minder to this B- list mostly movie actress after she showed up to the set of this potential blockbuster hammered out of her mind two consecutive days. Nothing can derail this movie.

Michelle Rodriguez


  1. What blockbuster?

  2. all jobs should do this. ya know, instead of suspending and possibly firing a drunken worker. just assign a minder to remind us not to come to work hammered.

  3. What about us who work in a home office Virg? I swear at 4PM I hear a beer calling my name. Damn it's hard to ignore that sirens call.

  4. I remember 50 Shades seemed so likely at the time!

  5. I wonder what being a 'minder' pays?

    Also, are there different types? You know, like a really kind and concerned 'minder' and a drill Sergeant "SIT YOUR DRUNK BLOATED ASS DOWN AND GIVE ME 20" type?

  6. Bacon, don't forget the Blohan minder who loans you her jea s that happened to be stuffed with coke.

    Happens to me all the time.

  7. I wld hate the whole minder thing. However, reminds of great movie, My Favorite Year. See it if u havent!!

  8. Michelle can cut a Minder.

  9. As if MRod would actually listen to what a babysitter says.

  10. Hahaha Guido, not enough $ in the world to be a Blohan minder :)

    Though an electric fence type thing comes to mind. Tell her the collar is the latest in fashion or something. Hmmm

  11. Love that, Bacon. It would be like Eric Cartman in the South Park movie.

  12. Hey, at least MRod showed up, so she's already better than Blohan.

  13. @BR & Gweeds: did you say leash?!

    Never forget about Tracey Jordan's shock collar episode either!!

  14. Why does anyone hire her if she's known for behaving like this? She's not so uniquely talented that she can't be easily replaced by more professional-behaving actresses out there. These situations are just a mystery to me.

  15. Not a good actress. Not attractive. Don't get it.
