Sunday, September 14, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

November 4, 2013

This A list mostly television actor who every woman loves looking at on his hit network show is not liked by this B list mostly television actress with A list name recognition who doesn't have a show on the air right now. It seems that he once hit on our actress while he was married. This is something she considers the worst sin ever and wanted to tell his wife but was talked out of it.

Ashton Kutcher/Tina Fey


  1. Don't waste your breath dear demi actively participated even though she denies it she practically enabled it..

  2. No one got this. I doubt Demi would've believed it. Sometimes, the only way to get through these broads' heads is to fuck their fiancées on top of their birthday cake

    1. Do you remember the meann rimes and Ediot birfday cake with them on top in bed and his kids on the bottom playing? ? Like Wtf are you on??

    2. @sugarbread: no way!!! Off to Google...

  3. Every woman loves looking at Asston?

    1. I would have to disagree with that statement.

    2. I go out of my way to NOT look at him. Can't stand him. Also, why is the Goddess Tina Fey ranked lower than that smarmy shithead?

  4. Um wasn't tiny having an affair with some one.

    Im think im confusing her with Amy Poelr.

    1. Tina and Amy are secretly married and nobody can convince me otherwise.

    2. ^ best marriage ever

  5. How in the fuck is ashton A list and Tina is only B list?! Bitch has won like a billion Emmys and wrote/created her own show. Ashton hasn't won anything but a teen choice award.

    1. She's a girl. In enty world guys with no talent are A list and girls With talent are around B+ give or take.

    2. Totally agree with you!

  6. No one got this because Tina is A list all the way, how ridiculous to call her B!!

  7. This is B list?

    Fey has received eight Emmy Awards, two Golden Globe Awards, five Screen Actors Guild Awards, four Writers Guild of America Awards and has been nominated for a Grammy Award for her autobiographical book Bossypants, which topped the The New York Times Best Seller list for five weeks. In 2008, the Associated Press (AP) gave Fey the AP Entertainer of the Year award for her satirical portrayal of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin in a guest appearance on SNL. In 2010, Fey was the recipient of the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor, the youngest-ever winner of the award. On January 13, 2013, Fey hosted the 70th Golden Globe Awards with her long-time friend and fellow comedian, Amy Poehler. Their performance was critically acclaimed. The duo hosted again the following year to similar acclaim, generating the highest ratings for the annual ceremony in ten years.

    1. @Seven, Those credentials make enties yawn apparently.

    2. Can I be a B-lister if that's the case?

  8. @Seven can you do a similar paragraph/research on Ashton, just for comparison's sake?

    That was great. Thanks!

    1. @Sophie, I would if there were any awards worth mentioning! Golden Raspberry is the highest he got. :b

      Kutcher's super long list of Teen Choice noms/awards

      Wait, there was SAG nom, but it was for ensemble, so not just him. The cast is interesting, who knew Lilo and Sir Anthony Hopkins were in a movie together?

  9. Exactly @seven. A list name recognition?? Threw up in my mouth a little. No, she is a list, show on air or not IMHO.

  10. Good for Tina!!!

    I think Demi would only have participated in any shinannigans only in her DESPERATE attept(S) to hang on to AK. I believe Demi thinks she's farrrrr too superior to leave any man wanting another woman, and she was proven wrong but she was determined to keep the world from seeing it. delusional HAG!

    And - I also believe I'm the only one hear that appreciates Ashton and his beauty. But I think Enty was saying on 2.5 men the character is a man every woman likes looking at. ( perfect casting, i might add)

  11. Tina is also responsible for Mean Girls which is one of the best movies ever imo so she should really be A+++++++

  12. Did he just throw Tina in there to complete this blind? You know I was about to bitch about how crappy this rating system is. That's a waste of time. We should just accept it that the ratings are Shite. Men always get higher ratings for lesser feats than the women and reality "stars" (oxymoron) get higher than real talent rating. It's like opposite planet Jerry!

    1. See ^^^ posting..

    2. Sherry, I think he three Ashton in there to complete the blind. Tina was guessed in the original post, as the disapproving one.

    3. Thanks Sprink and obviously I totes agree with you Sugartits. Grrrr to Enty.

  13. Does this confirm that Amy & Tina are the subjects of the other blind where one BFF is hiding her affair from the other because her friend would never forgive her? Or was that revealed and I missed it/forgot (entirely possible)?

  14. i really dig Tina.

  15. Tina Fey --- Right on!

    One for the few good ones left in the biz!

  16. Team Tina. Of course.

  17. @Ella Bee
    I just wrote about that blind item last night. I believe it's about them and the man is Paul Rudd.

  18. Tina is outstanding in the field, and I love her, but Ashton could get a movie made.

    1. And Ashton's movies blow at the box office. Tina has had some pretty good movies that have done well.

  19. Seven, I lurve you. GREAT summation for why Tina is A.

  20. I think this is one of those blinds that Enty reels out of the archives and attaches different names to it to get a reaction. How does Ashton get the every woman loves looking at title? No offense but there are several actors who I'd much rather look at on the screen (Charlie Hunnam for one).

  21. I agree with the ratings.
    Asston maybe a douche, but he is in that crap series and the most paid dude on TV.

    I only know Tina because of an interview where she said she lost her virginity at 23. And about emmys and all that shit, we have already been told by the Simpsons that they are worth crap.

  22. Tina is totally A+ on TV. If enty said A for tv and B for film I'd agree.

  23. Tina is A+

    She's my girl

  24. I take exception to that "every woman loves to watch" statement.

    That is all.

  25. Is it just me, or did Enty get the ratings for those two backwards? I'll always heart my girl Tina!

  26. I doubt that Demi Moore would have appreciated Tina Fey telling her.

    Good for Tina Fey for having some moral standards.

    Doesn't Ashton Kutcher have a twin who is handicapped and he doesn't send him any money or see him very often?

  27. @Prunella, yes Ashton has a twin brother,Michael who has cerebral palsey & heart condition.But,regardless where you stand on Ashton, by all accounts he's close to his brother & talks sweetly about him so, that's B.S.

  28. When you are the second newborn popping out, shit happens. Gotta be a source of guilt for Chris K. But really did he think Tina Fey would say yes?

  29. lady h .. did you find the photo?? it was from i think last year?? i just was first thing that sprand to mind when you said "fucking them on top of their birthday cake".. i cannot unsee that shit. Brandi's poor kids..

  30. LOL. I can only imagine the shade Tina threw him when she turned him down, Oh to be a fly on the wall.

  31. @Seven I love Tina (even though we couldn't be farther apart politically) but the AP Award for her Sarah Palin impression isn't that big of an honor considering the easiest way to get awards like that is to make fun of Republicans.

    But yeah, she's A list all the way.

  32. Yes I did sugarbread, thank you!!! Although now I have a certifiable case of the heebie jeebies. This reminds me of that episode of Modern Family where the kids walk in on Claire and Phil
    "Dad looked like he was winning..." or that quip about that face he makes when Phil smells a new car. I. DIE.
    Woohoo it's 619 time
    Go bolts!

  33. yes i love pointing out the little gifts in life!!
    treasure it always my love!!

  34. I like Ashton and love Tina, so am conflicted about this blind.

    Luckily, I have had the LeAnn cake to distract me (What the hell, woman?) and then happened upon the realisation that Eddie's Ns r sounds like something else so he will forever be known to me as Eddie Sybian.

    1. *Eddie's name.

      Naff off you stupid phone keypad with the hair trigger space bar..

  35. How does one like Ashton ?

    1. It is beyond me as well, Derek. I guess because some women just can't get enough of those douchey types. And yes, I'm totally down to troll Christian Mingle ;)
      Hopefully Asstown doesn't have an account on there!

    2. Well, for starters, he's fairly likeable: mid-western boy with a few hard knocks growing up, so concerned for his brother he contemplated suicide to provide a donor heart for his ill brother, managed to get into university to study engineering; he's decent-looking; he appears to have a sense of humour; he's made something of himself.

      Boy knows he's no De Niro so has branched out into producing and the tech industry to continue working and have a successful income.

      I believe his marriage was a real romance and that it went horribly wrong, but that happens. I happen to like Mila as well and think she wouldn't suffer a fool lightly.

      He's passionate about the world, if occasionally misguided, and--salacious gossip sites aside--is generally inoffensive.

      A few days ago we got shed loads of "yes Josh Brolin is a violent, alcoholic abuser, but hey--I'd do him" comments, and nobody really seemed to blink. Kutcher is nowhere in that league, nor does he seem to be spending his time in debauchery with teens or falling out of night clubs or holding up production on expensive projects.

      Listen, I know a LOT of actors, and to find those who aren't vapid or sitting around talking deep thoughts or so self-entered that they have an axis rather than a spine, isn't always easy. Kutcher doesn't exactly have gravitas, but he's more well-rounded than some and ses to be making the most with what he has.

      Maybe he's not always been Prince Charming with women; that just sounds like most guys in their twenties whose looks or money make life too easy for them. I think he's grown; some never do.

      That said, I'm not a big fan of his. But yes, I like him.

  36. I think he was superhot before he went all slimebucket. This was before punked when he had just married demi.

  37. I want Tina to be my friend so badly. She's a loyal one. I love her...and every time I went through a breakup (every other month), she'd be able to make me feel better, and she'd never hit on my guy.
