Friday, September 26, 2014

Kim And Kanye Booed At Fashion Week

A general exception to my rule of no Kim Kardashian and Kanye West coverage is when they are booed or do something that makes them look awful. I take great pride and joy in the press of Paris for booing Kimye yesterday at the Lanvin show. Apparently Kimye operate on their own timetable and that timetable was 40 minutes after the show was scheduled to start. The designer should have just gone ahead, but waited until Kimye arrived and they were lustily booed by the press and Kanye almost went Kanye on them but kept himself to just yelling at them to be quiet. If I read one more story about how Kim was crushed by the paps the other day or knocked to the ground I will point them to the video that shows her just being jostled and pushed very briefly against a car. It is nothing worse than riding a train in New York at rush hour. Apparently though there are enough people in the tabloids who worship at the sausaged into too small shoes of Kim's feet that they want to make her a victim. Please. if there had not been paps there she would have cried and someday that will happen. I will cry that day too. Tears of joy that no one cares about the sex tape queen and egomaniac. 


  1. Since when are these 2 important enough to delay shit for?

  2. @sandybrook


  3. Wendy just showed that video of her being "attacked" lmao

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  4. And yet Enties keep posting about them.

  5. They should have never been invited in the first place---don't the fashion houses realise that if these 2 wear their clothing most people will not want to---and the ones that do are trash or teenagers or trashy teenagers and cant afford to in the first place (not that I could or would want to)----its not Kim and Kanye I hate so much -it is their FANS. I understand liking Kanyes music but people should just leave it at that.

  6. I actually like the skirt she is wearing in the full picture. Too bad she couldn't find a shirt for it. Perhaps that's why they were so late?

  7. YAY!!!
    Did he crowd threw smelly socks, rotting food and spent condoms as confetti?

  8. Did u guys see the photos where this shirt (knock off of Barney Rubble's) was opened up? His moobs are almost as big and uneven as Kim's fake sacks.
    I'm talking, BeeeeZarrrrrO.

  9. I hate to admit this - I've always liked Kanye, especially after the death of his mother. Never could stomach KK, bit I don't hate them together. They're almost interesting as a unit. More so than either on their own.
    I'm not making sense, I see.

  10. This made me smile .....*******************************
    Still smiling***********

  11. her boobs are distinctly wonky in that photo.

  12. @SYF---YES! He just let the Double Ds hang all out---he needs to hit the gym if he wants to dress like that...

    1. Right???
      At first I thought just odd photo but then I had to go and look closely. Yep. He has some man knockers.

  13. @Kno--I've always felt sorry for her. Sounds like after her dad died, nobody was looking out for her and she's been grasping onto really awful substitutes.

    If she has any redeeming quality left, she will make a new life for herself and Nori. If she can't do it for herself, maybe for the baby.

    Kanye is a lost cause unless he seeks help for mental illness.

    1. YASSS! He's got to be at LEAST undiagnosed Bipolar 2 but any armchair psychologist can see there is clearly something wrong from any of his interviews / rants. I suspect Bipolar 1 (charlie sheen version) and narcissistic personality disorder. I'm Bipolar 2 and he makes me sound sane.

  14. Sausage feet what!?? Leave Kim alone! Juuuust... kidding.

  15. @CoBe: I feel a little sympathy for her too--like the sympathy I feel when I pass any accident. The only hope for those kids is to hire a cult deprogrammer.

  16. Boy the French don't hold back do they? Lanvin should never have waited IMHO.

  17. I just feel bad that Nori has to look at her moms frozen face all the time, never knowing what her mother really feels. That's shitty. Ala Nicole Kidman and her kids. You figure out emotional cues by reading the facial expression of your parents.

    1. Fearn-actually i read kidman interview where she said her daughter has curly hair, and in praising her hair, realuzed she shld leave her hair curly. Im also detecting less face botox. So i gv her props for that.

    2. The only person that pry the Botox needle away from Nicole Kidman would be her kids so I can see that. Now, the juvederm needles (fillers) are probably a different story.

  18. Disgusting pair. She is absolute filth.

  19. As for the kimye and their bosom brigade, wtf were they thinking???!?! Mb show delayed because he slept with some designer or something. Im past caring. It must be great to be in their world-where everyone loves and adores them, they are fashion icons, they are voted best breasted, lol, and everyone wants to be them seriously, they are delusional.

  20. my rule of no Kim Kardashian and Kanye West coverage

    oh please, since when?

  21. I have no love for Kimye, but I watched this video of Kim trying to push a stroller through a mob of paps and it gave me hives. That feels like a crush.

    I hate that she brought this crapfest onto an innocent child.

  22. Bosom brigade!! Yes, and wonky too. She couldn't afford good boobs? Hilarious. Glad they were embarrassed. Viva la France!!

  23. I really get tired of Kimye complaining about the "crush of the paps". If they don't want to be papped, DON'T CALL THEM!

  24. The crowd around them shocked me. How scary! WHY do people care about seeing them?

    Why the hell didn't the show start before they arrived? It is not like these two are important.

  25. Kim was attacked by the same no-talent ass-clown who has been assaulting celebs as "pranks" for ages.

    I get not liking Kimye and enjoying the booing, but if you hate them so much that you're gonna give a pass to that fuckwad, you got problems.

  26. @Seven of Eleven me too! That has to be frightening for a child so young. I'm just glad she wasn't with them when Kimmode got "assaulted" Nori could of gotten hurt, poor babe!

  27. Doesn't it seem like Hollywood celebrities have reached a god like state in Europe? I mean, here they would probably get followed by a few paps looking for a paycheck, but there masses of people act like twelve year old girls swooning over a boy band. I think these celebs choose eur not to escape, but for the idol thing going on.

  28. Piglet and the Loon. That poor, unfortunate baby! Having these 2 pieces of shit for parents and that piece of shit for a grandmother.

  29. Dirty whore porn gal, with a malignant narcissist who believes leather jogging pants and white t-shirts are the new fashion brilliance. When Nike won't work with you because you aren't worth the money you might bring in, you are insane, probably legally. She always looks like she's stinks.

  30. Good for the booers, and who takes a baby to a fashion show? It shows was a colossal narcissist she is. That baby can't have any fun there. It's no place for a baby. It's all about Kim, until the kid can be pimped out.

  31. If that photo was taken at Fashion Week, who told Kanye it's fashionable to wear a shirt with the sleeves ripped off and loose threads hanging off the raw edges?

  32. About that video of Kim pushing the stroller amid all the paps, if you didn't know who this woman was, would you look at her twice? With her under-bra layers of fat rolls that you can see from the back?

    Sheesh, people! Or should I say sheeple. No, I'm not talking to CDANers but just the public in general.

    I wonder whether anyone will give a crap about Kaney OR Kim in 20 years.

  33. Drop the KIMYE - I think "a prick and his trick" is better. BTW- Since when has enty had a general rule of not covering them.

  34. I guess the douchebag show was more important than the fashion show? I just wonder why Kendall didn't want Kim at her fashion shows? Case and point!

  35. why the fuck are those two assholes continually covered here? jesus christ, enty... anyone but those two. please. pretty please. pretty fucking please with sugar on top?

  36. First comment: Poor Nori, walking with those clunkie boots on, ridiculous.

    Second: Good thing poor Nori seems always in a state of shock when with her "mother". Keeps the crying down during, you know, fashion shows.

    Third: Kanye & Kim are the perfect storm. Won't end well.

    Last: These two self proclaimed fashion forward geniuses crack me up. True fashion is timeless. Old school- Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly et al. New school- Ivanka Trump, Taylor Swift (whatever else, that woman can wear a dress, but no rompers please). 50 years later, everyone still wants to look like Audrey. Even KK tried, what a twit!

  37. I have awful new neighbors next door, a couple transplanted from a smallish city back east who think they are incredibly hip and stylish but in my hip City they are just hicks who are trying too hard. The female has fake blonde hair with extensions, fake boobs, and a spray tan, way too much makeup and a horsey face. I cyberstalked them (OK, not really, I googled their names once) and found that she and her equally overly-made-up sister and equally slutty looking friend had a styling business back in the city they came from, where they do hair, makeup and spray tans for pageants and weddings. It is just so over-the-top white trash ... and on their "contact us" page, what do they have? A photograph of Audrey Hepburn. I almost peed my pants when I saw that because it shows how completely clueless they are.

  38. I want to thank you for your blinds on these two fame ho's. They are always very memorable and the first we hear of something. They are miles ahead of anyone else. Like her saying they have an incredible sex life, and him telling his boyfriend they haven't had sex in the 2014 calendar year. Then the blind that Miley Cyrus was invited to a session w/ Kongay, and there he was sitting on some dude's lap and then stroking his feet. This is a sham marriage and everyone knows it, but the devil is in the details, and Enty gets some great details.

  39. Yeah, it makes total sense for them to cry over "ill treatment" by the paps WHEN THEY CALLED THEM.

    PMK is working overtime to try to find ways to make these two seem "sympathetic" but also "klassy." Unfortunately, the trussed-up prop kid didn't work, the big bad paps "pushing" poor Kartrashian didn't work, making a sweeping late entrance into a fashion show backfired - so what's left? Maybe they can try to crash George Clooney's wedding! That would be Klassy with a K!

  40. You know you're spending too much time on celebrity gossip sites when you know what PMK means.

  41. I wish that family would go the way of Tila Tequila; where regardless of the latest attention-whoring stunt, it doesn't work. And people don't say, "whatever happened to so-and-so?" because no one actually cares. When is THAT going to happen?

  42. I would love the chance to boo them in person then throw a wheelchair at Kanye on behalf of his stupid tirade about everyone must stand at his concert.

  43. You know what? If I spend a freaking fortune on a ticket to hear you perform, I'm the customer and you're the freaking hired help and I'm going to sit my fat ass down because I freaking feel like it. If you seem to think that *I* owe *you* something when *I* am paying *you* then I'll just go get a refund, thenkyooveddymuch.

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