Friday, September 05, 2014

Mr. X Blind Items #2

What almost A-list former tweener had some of her PR team pose as some of her rabid fans and tweet death threats to rival singers and their PR teams? She really is that vile.


  1. Ariana "Weave" Grande

  2. Grande needs to lose the baby Lolita look.

    1. Pip : it is truly creepy.

    2. I was really grossed out when I heard Ariana had nude photos out bc I thought she was 16 tops. Now I'm almost more grossed out that she's 21 and looking/ acting like this

  3. ...and the one vapid pose.

  4. Tweet death threats? Done by pr people to seem like tweener fans?

    u bettr wat ur bck cuz we ain talkng shit we will put wholes in ur hed if u purchase or listen to one more of former tweeners songs on itunes

    we ain frontin its legt

  5. ...and the half up half down hair

    1. @Lotta- But it keeps the hair out of her way during bobbing time

    2. @ethorne - I can't even believe she is with Big Sean who, as we have seen here before, lives up to that name.

    3. @Lotta The aptly named Big Sean :)

    4. @VIP (⊙_⊙)

    5. Is that a flip phone he's holding? I mean in his right hand. I know he's holding his Big Sean in his left. Just to be clear.

  6. She must be nuts.

  7. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Is Ariana the one that looks like a bratz doll?

  8. What professional PR people would do that?
    Sounds like bullshit to me.

  9. I am also going with Ariana, she is getting a huge rep as a mega-diva b**ch in the industry.

  10. I don't think it's Ariana.

  11. Hello Miley Cyrus?

  12. My favourite twitter blow out was a few years ago when Pink Eye aka Father Damien from
    F ***ED UP sent a tweet about Katy Perry. The teenage fangirl base cut sick, threatening murder and what what. Stans are hilarious.

  13. Ariana. Her "Arianators" are psychos, never a day goes by without death threats from some of them. So they could be undercover PR, or they could just be a bunch of 12 year olds.

  14. ME!Ann. (She was a teen or younger when Blue came out.)

  15. Anonymous8:44 AM

    That Ariana "fake hair" Grande girl who always looks so smug.

  16. this isnt miley, she is not that seeking.

    could be ariana. i remember a really weird video that dan schneider took of the cast on the nick show... she was really awkward and wouldnt look or talk to him... you never know what happens to someone to make them who they are.

  17. Ariana Grande Latte as MK calls her. You wanna get a good idea of what she's like, just look at Big. Brother. Her brother is on there, and I quit watching BB because of his nasty ash. Like brother, like sister.

  18. Ariana Grande. I wouldn't be shocked if it is her. So many people have "exposed" the real her already.

  19. Ariana Grande. Spoiled rich girl became famous and now treats everyone like trash the way she did when she was in her private school.

  20. Oh VIP, I knew once they started talking about Big Sean that I could count on you.

    That would truly scare me...

  21. OMG funny Grande Latte story, my daughter made us watch her on AGT, (and GMA a few days prior), got all mad when I said LIP SYNCING!

    anywhoo, when she was on AGT, Hubby and I were discussing Halloween costumes, I said I am going as Ariana Grande! And then clodhopped around the living room, barely dancing.
    Hubby and I totally cracked up, while my daughter, who has been nicknamed Little Miss Cranky Pants, didn't find it funny..

    *yes mommy is that evoool!*

  22. What kind of parents allow their children to idolize and obsess over celebs? The death threat thing is weird but at least the two celebs know each other and there is a reason (however warped) for this. It's based in reality. Not excusing it at all but when kids do it for a person they don't know, have never and will never meet, and who doesn't even know or care that they exist, that's IMO way worse. How do people become so emotionally invested in these people?

  23. Ariana. Selena is not almost A list, she's actually getting lower in ranking.
