Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Your Turn

Have you had an experience that turned your life around?


  1. Many times too numerous to.mention on this blog.

  2. The day I bought my class ring

  3. Yes, multiple ones, but the most significant one was being diagnosed with MS.

    1. Thanks @Sincerely. Having the disease sucks, but there are others out there who have it much worse than I do (with and w/out MS) and I remind myself of that whenever I feel bad.

  4. Not sure. It think so. For the better or worse?

  5. having my son...stopped me from a lot of self destructive behaviors.

    1. Ditto. Mine were more emotionally destructive.

  6. A relationship that's cured me of relationships for all time.

  7. More like upside down. I discovered my husband of over 15 years was having an affair with our daughter's best friend. In our house.

    1. I would love to kick him in the balls for you : (

    2. Ugh - mine was having one with a coworker that was a 'friend' of mine.

    3. Un

      Sheesh. You could probably write a book.

    4. Omg!!! Sick bastard!

  8. Ooòh. That's just eerie LadyH. Me too!

  9. Yes, very much so. Usually every 7-10 years.

    /big virtual hug/

  10. I think meeting and marrying the person I did set my life on an entirely different course, if not exactly turning it around.

  11. Define "turned your life around"?
    I know now that even vegan street food can give you the green apple splatters.

  12. LOL @Bee Haven! Was your turn around moment the time you kicked it with Propagandhi? I tried to ask you about that story yesterday but you probably didn't see it :(
    I want deets please!!! :D

  13. Seeing this picture of Phil Spector today.

    But yes, I have. The day the instituted the plastic bag ban in Austin and I had to pay .10 for not bringing my own bag. Boy did I learn my lesson! Don't forget to pack anything when I'm going to Austin!

  14. The day I started training in Kempo. Seriously, my life changed for the better.

  15. The death of my father 5 wks ago. Everything has changed since then.

    1. My condolences @Clark Elliot. I am very sorry for your loss.

    2. My sympathies clark. Losing a parent-ive lost bith- is pretty rough. Just do the best u can. Hugs.

    3. Clark. There's no words. I am so sorry.

  16. No but I sure could use one.

    ..said..That is just awful. I am so sorry. I know you're world just fell out from underneath you.

  17. Life saving surgery on my 30th birthday. Wrote a book about it. Was considered for a Lifetime Movie.

    1. What's the title? Would like to read it. I always enjoy your posts.

  18. The day my ex left. Been broke but happy ever since.

    1. Sometimes a cold bed is better than a cold heart Count. Although I've never understood, aside from what is needed to raise a kid/s, why people don't just leave with what they brought to a relationship.

  19. My father finally died after years of alcoholism. Two months later I was in rehab myself for the same problem. I've been sober since then and my life is a quadrillion times better in ebery way.

    1. Props, lucia, props!!

    2. Alicia: you've been through hell and survived. Mega hugs fir you!

  20. Good Job Aliciabutterfly!

  21. Well, one was i realized, hey, not everybody loves me and thinks im great!!!!! Someone might actually find me annoying! And i was a griwn up, but so used to everyone just loving me to death, it was a shock, lol. Freed me from caring what everyone thought. Another was when my mother died. I was 42, and until then she was all up in my world which drove me nuts at the time, but then i was like a rudderless ship, no direction. Then my sibs went their way, which is normal, but i was devastated for a long long time-like 3 years. Came out stronger and wiser, and miss my mom all the time.

    1. Auntliddy: you never stop missing lived ones. You just learn to cope. Having said that, I think (from what I've seen) everyone here loves you!

    2. Oh bee, that so sweet and much appreciated! Hugs

  22. I had several so I've turned around and around and around.

  23. I never had the chance to meet the boys LasyH. A mate of ours was responsible to drive them from the airport, to gigs etc. Anyway, you'd be familiar with their politics and ethics? Robbie the tour manager picks them up from the airport, with the band crammed into his Ford Hilux, stops at a McDonalds drive-thru and asks "do you boys want anything? ". They politely declined so he then sat there eating his mcdonalds.
    Great for vegan leftwing punk anarchist straight edgers.

  24. I've actually got plenty of my own stories about bands but most people don't know who I'm talking about. I got into a fight with Keith Morris and we met Mario Rubalcaba who plays in some of our other fav bands. He kind of silently agreed that Keith can be verbose.

  25. I have had lots of not nice stuff happen. But the day my life changed, and just gets better and better each day, was when I walked into a bar.. and started talking about Lubricated Goat and Iggy Pop to my now husband. (Since people are really sharing).

  26. Getting married turned my life from a somewhat experience to a living nightmare. Divorce turned my life back though. Never again

  27. That is an amazing fucking story @Bee Haven. Thank you!!!
    You are correct, I could share a shit load of tales about punk, hardcore/grindcore and crust bands on here, but only you would probably get the references.
    Saira from Detestation once tried to fight with me, only to have Dino from Dystopia butt in and tell her to calm the fuck down. That actually WAS a turning moment for me - I never fucking went to Tijuana again!

  28. Aunt Liddy,
    I lost my mom at 42 last year and I am still lost and rudderless today. I miss her so much.

    Clark, so sorry for your loss. Losing a beloved parent is rough.

    1. Im so sorry trixie. It takes a long time, but you keep doing best you can and then one day you will see you have re formed your life without your mom in it. It isnt the same, and you still miss her but it will get better, i promise.

  29. If you accidentally a toot our next to a toddler, you can just act like they did it. They don't yet have the skills to point the finger at you. A lesson I will pass down to my children.

  30. When my best friend and ex husband started sleeping together. Threw me in a cycle of depression and unable to trust anyone.

  31. The day I returned to Boston early to start my sophomore year of college I got a late start and missed my connecting ride to Providence that the guy I was dating at Brown had arranged for me. My school was sending a bus to Holy Cross for a mixer that had Martha and the Vandellas as entertainment. I had never been to H.C. because it was a 45 min. ride in the wrong direction and I only wanted to date Ivy Leaguers. H.C. always had a good band to get girls to leave Boston. I went to pay admission and the guy who was collecting looked up and it was someone I knew who had gone to a boarding school that my boarding school had dances with. He had been a newby and I fixed him up with a couple of girls but had never talked to him because newbys weren't in the "in crowd". That night in the gym was like the dance in West Side Story, like I had been struck by lightning. We dated all that year, broke up in May and then a couple times a year for five years. We lived 750 miles apart. I married someone else. There has never been a day when I didn't think about him and that that was the best time of my life. It was 50 years ago. If I had gotten to Boston one hour earlier I can't help but wonder if would ever have known the feeling of being swept up in emotions beyond my control.
