Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Bethenny Frankel Is Returning To Real Housewives

Several months ago I told you that despite the public protestations to the contrary that Bethenny Frankel was in talks to return to Real Housewives and that Kelly Bensimon would also be returning. US Weekly confirmed the participation of Bethenny for this season and you know if they are bringing her back they need someone for her to spar with and there is no better person for that than Kelly Bensimon. It is not like Kelly does anything with her days other than get photos of herself taken while she models a full selection of her workout gear and then hits up a red carpet or two every evening. This will give them both what they want. Fame. They want to be on television. Bethenny wants to sell more of her stuff and get a chance to have her own show again in some form and Kelly would like to have the attention and the nice paycheck she will probably get if she also signs up to appear on the show next season. 


  1. YAY!!!!! :( *stifles a yawn for this famewhore*

  2. Enty u really have to stop promoting these reality tv show hoe's with all the free publicity you keep giving them. I miss the old days when celebrities were folks with REAL TALENT who only became famous after years of hard work not some self entitled idiot who has a camera follow them around recording their ridicunanigans.


  4. Next Up: Jill Zarin
    Cohen is desperado with this franchise

  5. Makes perfect sense since she's not a housewife nor has she ever been one.
    I don't watch, but I caught her talk show a few times. The more I watched her the less I disliked her. She does seem to work hard. But I'm surprised she's doing it, I thought she'd think this was beneath her now.

  6. Ugh i dont like her But a villain is good!!! I think I'm the onlyone who loved rhonyc last season. I loved everyone but evil Aviva who even for the villain was too evil. I would have taken Jill first. She's crazy and her lavish lifestyle is fun to watch. I hope Carole and Heather reject B!!!

  7. Kelly is such an asshole. I like the new cast. I'd rather not see these two return.

  8. Desperate much? lol! How embarrassing for them! I think it's hilarious that a couple of years ago this twerp said she'd NEVER go back to Real Housewives & now she's groveling to be on the show.

    I actually liked the new women on NY's version (Heather and Carole make that show), with the exception of Aviva (something seriously wrong w/ her...and I'm not trying to be mean. I really think she has serious mental issues and should not be on a reality show).

    If this is true, along with Moron Bensimon, then I definitely will not be watching. These two idiots had their time in the limelight. "Keep it one cares to see you on TV anymore."

    'nuf said.

  9. I don't watch it often, but I'd rather have Jill back than Bethenny.

  10. Ok. Another show Bethanny can shit all over.

    When will it end?

  11. Satchels of gold.

  12. Wow. A chance to watch a reality show with these two performing? I think I have plans to jam stickpins under my fingernails that night, won't be able to watch.

  13. It's been years since I watched RHONY, Bethanny coming back won't entice me to tune in again.

  14. Oh how the mighty have fallen! Bethany thought she was too good for RHONY and look at her now. Crawling back for that check.

  15. I quit watching ny years ago but Ramona got demoted she was so annoying
    Luann was already demoted
    Love that Bethany has to grovel for a dollar $$$$
    Bobby!!!! Bring Jill back and Kelly and go to scary island again. .
