Friday, October 10, 2014

Blind Item #1

This married B- list mostly movie actress who keeps getting work despite her less than stellar personality and bad performances loves to talk about how she spends hours thinking of just the right gift for friends but her former assistant says that she was told to just pull something from a closet of gift bags from swag suits the actress has been in and give something form the stockpile that our actress has already cherry picked for the best stuff.


  1. All of them…..

  2. Replies
    1. And I know she is known for TV, but actually has a more film credits

  3. Snoresville... I hope you have some better and juicier bis than this for friday, enty.

  4. Blake No-So-Lively? Sounds like something she'd say on her blog.

  5. Like the Biel guess.

  6. Oh wait... nevermind. I didn't see the "mostly movie". Although she's been all movie except for Gossip Girl.

  7. Heigl has friends now?

  8. Scandalous! I hope this gets revealed, how dare this woman give gifts to her friends?!

    1. @Beetlejuice And from expensive swag!

  9. Biel Alba good guesses .....

  10. I like the Biel guess too

  11. Whoever this bitch is I hope she rots in hell!

  12. Aniston is supposed to have a storage locker for all the free stuff she gets.

    1. I'm pretty sure they all do. How many times have we read about swag hogs?

  13. Biel is the better guess. Wtg Jessi!

  14. @Beetlejuice-ha, yeah, I think we've all re-gifted at some point.

  15. They all do that.

    I thought some folks round here might be tired today, but looks like business as usual.

  16. I actually am on the Lively train. Her less than stellar personality probably means her lack of personality. She has been in a good deal of movies, plus she is all movies now that GG has ended.

  17. LOL, @ It's you. Don't poke the bear in the zoo.
    Isn't it an unwritten rule that if you post more than 10 times in one thread you are hereby banned from the blog for minimum 3 months?!?! It's a minimum of 3 months to pray the crazy away.

    1. @Jessi If it's not a rule yet it should be!
      Or at least if you post more than 10 incoherent times a break should be mandatory.

    2. @IJU...Aw, you don't like incoherent babbling? Yeah, me either...

    3. Ahhhhhhh internet bullying is such a great way to start your day. I prefer coffee or tea, but get your kicks however you can I guess.

    4. Wanting to read coherent sentences is bullying now? Huh.
      Ya learn something new everyday.
      Or at least some of us do. Some of us just like to stay/ play victim.
      To each their own, I suppose.

    5. Last night was like 2 sloppy drunks yelling at each other. And both insisting they made perfect sense. Such fuckery.

    6. HAHAHAHA Replying to someone calling you out on bullying with just more passive agressive bullying is pretty immature. You should consider developing some integrity of character and actually say the name of whomever you're attempting to troll.

    7. And in case it wasn't clear, yes my comment is for at Its Just U. You're post is such textbook definitive internet bullying it's laughable.

    8. Last night was a shit show. Riven, why do you only show up to call people out? You got on BeckyMae's case the other day, and she is one of the nicest commenters here. I'm honestly not trying to insult you, but you seem to be quite sensitive to anything that you perceive as "bullying". You made a similar comment in another post, where no one said anything nasty about another.

    9. @Pip no I did not get on BeckyMae's case at all, which I quickly clarified so please don't lie about something so easily confirmed. I don't only show up here to call people out, I used to post regularly until Derek's daily posts about my gender identity bullied me off of here. But I'm not surprised at all that you're posting this crap. I couldn't care less about your opinion of me, to be entirely honest. I simply refuse to stay quiet if I see bullying happening, that doesn't mean I always see it since I don't read this site daily.

    10. I'm a bully? That's a first.
      I don't think that word means what you think it means.
      I prefer to call it banter.
      After all, nothing was said or done to you. Why do you feel the need to be a victim all the time? Especially when it has NOTHING to do with you?

    11. Riven, I barely know you enough to have an opinion. On the BeckyMae incident, that is what I took away from the exchange. It isn't a lie, it is my perception. Perhaps you meant what you said in a different way that I read it. Again, my opinion of you is not low just because I think you seem to be sensitive to certain things, and may see a situation being the opposite of what it is (Beyonce). We all have certain things that get under our skin more than others, I know I do. That was what I was trying to say. I wasn't trying to insult you in any way.

    12. In what universe is IJU a bully?
      I like you riven, but sometimes I think you're too sensitive for the Internet.

    13. Thanks LowKey. I have been called worse, but I'm emotionally mature enough to not take things that strangers on a CELEB GOSSIP BLOG say too personally.
      If calling me a bully because I think, and say, some of the carry on around here is ridiculous, then that's fine.
      Doesn't make it true. And if it's not true I can't get offended.
      Now, if I was to go full Irish and give stick the way I would to my friends, then I could see how it could be bullying.
      Finding (supposedly) grown ups arguing on a gossip site funny isn't bullying.
      But we all know that, don't we.

    14. So what you're saying is that you're not passive aggressively mocking Tricia and creating a hostile social environment for her? Maybe you should think before you post. If you're not a bully then you're just a cruel person. I have not once "played the victim," but hey typically bullying there too. Your attempts to discredit someone by pushing their point of view aside under a hot-button insult that is subjective and cannot be proven true or false is typical of an internet bully. Perhaps you should look up the definition of victim before trying to shame someone from speaking up against you. Disagree all you want, and I'll do the same. This conversation is clearly not going to be productive.

    15. So, Riven, you can have an opinion about me and call me a bully but I can't have anice opinion about others?
      And then you can get all 'wahhhh wahhhh wahhhh' about things I've said, that have NOTHING to do with you, but if I point out that it's all in jest then I'm a bully?
      Whatever floats yer boat.
      I saw two people being silly, as Tricia herself has said because she's deleted some comments), and decided I could be silly too. It's called banter.
      Tricia is well able to stick up for herself.
      Shit, I say worse things to my family when they carry on like silly kids. I give stick when stick is due.
      You can call me a bully all you want. I do not give of flying fuck.
      Friendly banter is hard to understand when you clearly have no friends. It's okay, stamp your feet and educate me.
      And go and whinge to someone who doesn't find you ridiculous.

    16. Sorry for all the spelling errors. I was laughing so hard at Rivenot saying she's never played a victim that my hands were shaking.

    17. Oh, I meant to say, there was nothing passive aggressive about anything I said.
      (i don't think you understand that expression either). I am openly and jokingly saying that some people on this site take things far too seriously and a bit of mocking and banter (or giving stick, as we say here) is what happens when adults make fools of themselves.
      I'm not saying Tricia or Derek are fools, far from it, I'm saying they were acting foolish. They are both smart people who let things get carried away.
      Like you are today.
      Now, anything else you need the adults to explain before bed?
      If you don't understand that's okay too. We won't hold it against you. We all have off days.
      I didn't bully anyone. But you calling me names IS bullying behaviour.
      But that's okay, I'm a big girl. I can take it Diddums.

    18. @Pip why thank you! I try to keep my posts as nice as poss!

      I wouldn't call the exchange between Riven and I an 'incident' tho....yes, she possibly took a comment of mine out of context, I clarified and we hugged it out. All good in da 'hood.

      The major thing about The Internet is that IT HAS NO TONE...sarcasm can be taken for mean-ness as can a nicety. All we are reading is someone else's written words and we can read into that all we want, happens ALL the time on here and that is what leads to so much knicker twisting...I love you guys and, let's face it, we fucking LOVE it when we see the comments have blown up over 100...we live for it and anyone who says otherwise is lying to themselves just a lil' bit....

  18. Had a swag suit..still have the jacket..

  19. I feel I've read this blind before, several years ago.

  20. Replies
    1. She seems the smug and overly proud of herself type

    2. This. I immediately thought of Kate Bosworth too.

    3. She probably turned her kitchen pantry into a swag closet because lord knows she doesn't use her pantry for food. .

  21. Oh FFS Riven. Last night was a fucking shit show. Lighten up. If we can't make fun of ourselves who can we make fun of? I'm pretty sure both key parties involved also can find the humor in what went down.

    Stop throwing around bully! No one is bullying anyone.

  22. Omg, her we go with the bullying accusations again. *Yawn*

  23. IJU is a bully only in Opposite World.


  24. Hey you guys!!!!!!

  25. @Seven I know right! I feel victimised now. Maybe I should go and whaaaaaaaaa all over the place.
    No, wait. I'm not 12 years old.

  26. Please Riven, you're always complaining about bullying. Seriously. People get called out all the time - big whoop. Who gets worked up about people they don't know and will never meet?

  27. Wait I don't see the problem. I'll take the gifts

  28. What the hell is a swag suit?

    1. @Bubbles, a room that forgot to buy a vowel?

  29. I don't think regifting is a bad thing if the item is unused and something the recipient would like. Slow day for Enty.

  30. I'm just glad bug eyed Brea is gone (until she inevitably comes back, spewing more of her hate for all white people)

  31. O...M...G

    yet another shit storm i missed. there was a pissing contest last night? i would appreciate a link.


    thanks in advance. according to the CDAN constitution (article 16) all faithful commenters who missed "hot" "debates" must be updated on the particulars of said debate.
