Thursday, October 09, 2014

Blind Item #8

I really wasn't expecting this from her, but this B list mostly movie actress who is pregnant was drinking wine from a coffee mug at a restaurant the other night and had several glasses.


  1. If this is suppose to be zoe then fuck you she is not B list! She is A list at least. She's always in huge blockbusters.

    1. I agree she is always A- and he would expect it from her cuz he inferred it so many times...
      Yes called Bell A which I disputed...but it would be surprising coming from her

  2. Amanda Peet, just to be different.

  3. What a dirty bird!!!

  4. I didn't realize so many women were pregnant right now.

  5. Hope it is not Liv Tyler...!
    Not related to this but...waiting for upcoming BI about Blake were wrong apparently so far!

  6. Hope it is not Liv Tyler...!
    Not related to this but...waiting for upcoming BI about Blake were wrong apparently so far!

  7. Jordan is right, it's Isla

    1. I didn't know Isla was knocked up again

  8. Depending on how much wine she *in fact* had, mild (up to 3 drinks/week) alcohol consumption is no longer completely banned.
    Totally google-able. Anyone can find this info.

  9. @skipper wrong about what?

    Did anyone see blind gossip the other day when they said it was "allegedly" Ryans baby? Are they just trying to be catty or what?

  10. Bell is on TV as well, and equally as much as movies, so not her.

    Liv, is a good guess, though she is currently on HBO, but she mostly does movies. I am going with her.

  11. Isla is European. Don't they do stuff like that over there? Also I doubt she had several mugs full.

    1. Jack ducky: isla is aussie. But we do like to partake.

    2. Ahh okay. Well I feel like outside of the United states it's just not viewed as a huge deal if a woman drinks occasionally while pregnant. I could of course be wrong.

      And I should have known she was an Aussie. how did I mess that up:(

    3. Jack: because she's married to a pommie (Borat), and because for sone reason I cannot fathom, the brits love our soaps, and she was in home and away. She's lucky Americans such as yourself even know who she is!

    4. I actually love her in everything she's been in that I've seen. She's adorable and pretty funny.

  12. @T. E. Cuz

    Enty has always said they both were not serious about babies, especially Blake...

    This BI is from last year:
    10) Blind Items Revealed
    July 9, 2013
    This former B list mostly television actress from a very hit show for an almost network is not on the same page with her A list mostly movie actor husband when it comes to certain things in their marriage. He wants a family. She does not. She wants to be famous and be an actress and model and before she has any kids he is going to have to find her a huge role. If it is a big enough hit, I'm guessing she would leave him because she is getting tired of the being hidden away and brought out for parties.
    Blake Lively/Ryan Reynolds

    And in another one I cant find I remember Enty 'revealing' they werent even sleeping together anymore and sex was pretty rare...
    Proof that this place is for fun but BIs are almost never true!

  13. Hey all the moms drank when I was a kid

  14. @skipper you got it!

  15. Zoe isn't A list. She's not a household name -- I'm certain most people couldn't tell you the names of the star of Avatar and his romantic lead, for example. So no, she's not A list.

    1. Avatar
      Guardians of the Galaxy
      The two Star Trek movies
      Pirates of the Carribean

      If chris Pratt gets to be A+ because of guardians and the lego movie then yes she is A list.

  16. Zoe may be in block busters, but she's not a huge draw. People don't want to go see the next Zoe movie. They want to see the next Sandra Bullock, George Clooney, Leo DiCap movie. They're A list, and Zoe is not at the same level as them.

    Zoe is a B and I'm going with Zoe.

    1. Just because you don't doesnt mean everyone thinks like that. Zoe is the reason I saw all the movies I listed above. I couldn't give two fucks about Star Trek and while I love chris Pratt he wasn't what made me want to see guardians Zoe was.

    2. +100 Jack Ducky. Zoe and Karen Gillan.

  17. It is not Zoe because enty has already hinted she drinks while pregnant already and wouldn't excpect anything highly of her to begin with.

  18. Zoe. She has several hits but not everyone could pick her out.
    And I'm Irish (European), the international capital of drinking and we don't drink while pregnant. That's a silly stereotype.

    1. Its just you: similar stereotypes (probably deservedly so) for aussies. Yet if a preggers chick is seen drinking or smoking here, she's likely to be lynched by the villagers

  19. Nothing wrong with a little nip now and then. Won't hurt Baby, especially if after first trimester. Probably drank from a cup so judgy Americans won't judge. Pregnant ladies need to relax too.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I wouldn't say Isla is "lucky Americans...know who she is!" She was in Wedding Crashers, Arested Development, and I think the second Scooby Doo.

  22. Zoe is the highest paid Latona on Hollywood so yes that trick is A list

  23. Liv Tyler sounds more likely because it would surprise enty that someone who seams so warm and motherly would go to such great lengths to booze it up.

    Zoe is s coke head and raging drunk.. This has already been revealed

    1. If it were Isla people would say.. is Amy Adams pregnant? ?

  24. Zoe can't open a movie. There are no Zoe Saldana movies, she's a co-star, not the star. It's not a diss, it's just recognizing reality.

    An ob/gyn prescribed a beer a day for a pregnant friend of mine. There is no absolute ban on alcohol, it's just best not to drink too much while pregnant.

  25. What do people think women drank back in the days before safe, clean drinking water? Not everyone was born with FAS or problems from alcohol consumption. You shouldn't get drunk or drink every day but a glass of wine or a beer here and there probably won't hurt the baby. It does seem pretty shitty to get drunk, why would anyone risk harming their baby?

  26. Who peeked into her mug and determined the liquid was not chamomile tea or ruby red tea? How do you have several glasses in a mug?

  27. Nobody went to Guardians of the Galaxy for Chris Pratt, they went for the letters M A R V E L.

  28. I went for Chris Pratt!

  29. "Several glasses" does NOT equal a little nip every now and then or the occasional glass. Several glasses in one night while pregnant does, however, equal fetal alcohol syndrome.
