Saturday, October 18, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

January 8, 2013

This A++ list celebrity has been suffering from bad performances because she has a pill problem. It is the same situation that landed her in rehab years ago. She says they are for pain and the other ones are to lose weight. And the wine that she downs with them?

Mariah Carey


  1. A major (*salutes*) congratulations(!!!!) for your huge day @ teresa! I got here as quickly as I could and brought HeisenBomer gif bomb for you!!! Congrats and I wish the two of you a very happy life together! XoXo

    Good morning CDaN...and a big wooohoooo for @wahoo nailing this. I called it with the opiate/Adderall/champagne trifecta

  2. Morning Lady H!

    Oh Mimi!

  3. "...helps the medicine go down, the medicine go down..."

  4. morning

    How many times is this same blind going to be re-written backwards and forwards---its the same damn reveal everyday

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  7. my blogger is acting cray

  8. poor mimi.

    sobriety is overrated, btw.

  9. She's another one sailing down the river of denial

  10. Word @Derek. We all know Mimi is a champagne guzzling pill popper who gains weight and still tries to fit in her skinny clothes, is a diva, has lost her voice, is nice to kids at cancer camp, is a little bit crazy, gets cheated on a lot, spends a lot of money on clothes, has to drink before she can go on a show....

  11. Mixing uppers and downers is a no-no, Mimi.
