Friday, October 24, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

June 28, 2014

This one night stand of this foreign born B list singer didn't seem thrilled that her one night with him was spent with him searching for his next one night stand right in front of her. She still left with him though.

Calvin Harris


  1. Rita Whora spent 2 nights with him and got 2 tracks from him so that made him her b/f.

  2. Replies
    1. +1

      Graduates from the Ho-Lohan School of Spread Em Wide

  3. I thought he was a DJ

  4. who'd Lilo fuck for that song Rumors---that was a tune! Calvin is hot btw for those who havent seen him

  5. @Jordan and producer and song writer ---very talented in that genre
    but I thought he was dating Ellie Goulding

  6. And yes, he does vocals in some of his music. So I guess he fits, although he is more widely. known as a producer.

  7. Well that's what happens when you're a skank ho starfucker

  8. What turnoff behavior. She must have been desperate for those songs..

  9. Thanks @LH/@Derek...

  10. @Tricia, You Scratch That Vinyl Guurl!!
    -this guy wouldn't've even been a ping on my GPS.

  11. I dont find Calvin Harris hot at all. He is no prize except for bank account.

  12. Thx @rolo....vainly scratching:)

  13. People only treat you how you let them.

  14. I was going to ask who he was and then remembered he's the DJ who made millions doing gigs around the world. Didn't know he was also a producer. I would imagine "dating" isn't really his style. Way too many hot women ready and willing to have a go. Git it while you're young, Calvin. Ain't nothing wrong with that.

  15. Ugh. I'll never forget the time I was at a crowded bar talking to this guy who really never looked at me ... his eyes were constantly scanning the room. Then he leaned in and said in what he thought was a sexy voice "So, are you gonna go home with me tonight?"

    I leaned in and said in a sexy voice "No I'm not. And I have one piece of advice for you. EYE CONTACT."

    Then I walked away.

    Not that he cared.

  16. Prunella I loved the guy who said to me, "If we were on a date and another girl came on to me would you fight over me?" I said, "No, I'd let her have you."

  17. @Sherry - hee!

    My favorite was probably the guy who, on our first and only date, invited me to his apartment that was so filthy I couldn't believe HE lived there let alone that he would let a date see it. Dirty underwear on the floor, dishes in the sink.

    He grabbed two bottles of wine, one supposedly better quality than the other, and leered at me saying "How much are you going to be worth tonight?"

    I said "Open the cheap one, and drink it by yourself" and left.

    I used to see him at social events after that, he was always nice to me. Go figure!
