Saturday, October 25, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

June 20, 2014

This B list rapper/some time reality star was hitting on this A list in her mind everything. When the A lister pointed out the B lister is married he says his wife doesn't mind.

T.I./Jennifer Lopez


  1. Yawwwwwn
    Then TI moved his girlfriend Jasmin into their home and Tiny kicked rocks. Neeeeeeext!

  2. I cant really see JLo wasting time talking to him unless she wants him on one of her songs. But I can see Tiny cutting a bitch if she did talk to him for any other reason.

  3. He's too old for her anyway

  4. This blind is actually funny if you imagine JLo like this
    Plus, not sure I buy that JLo would turn down TI let alone any dude just cuz he's married. Plus, those rumors about his bi/swingerdom must be like catnip to JLo. Sprinkle on HSK's word that TI has stank ass breath and I'm actually surprised Klondike didn't smother him with her taco flavored kiiiiiissssses

  5. TI has stank ass breath? Do people judge on one incident these things because even the most perfect of us have bad days.

    Well he did a role on House of Lies and I hate to admit it I can see that he is quite charming and he did a good job on the show. His scenes with Kristen Bell were damn hot. Oh maybe she reported about the stank breath LOL. Well she is one hell of an actress then.

    1. LOL @Tina. I doubt it. I think HSK said it was a regular problem with TI. By the way, Rossum's co-star eats tuna sandwiches before their sex scenes...ROFL
      They must loooove her

    2. This article was absolutely fabulous Lady H! personally, I'd use Swiss cheese to leave in a sock, of course she says Gruyere. That comment says everything (because it's her). LOVE that she thinks she's "in" on the pranks! Thst was delish.

  6. TIs Wife is hideous and annoying. Anyone know why he has stuck with her for so long?

  7. Wives can't testify. .

  8. Tiny looks like a gremlin

  9. Jlo strikes me as the type of person who does not like sex at all, hence the Casper thing. So even if she was attracted to TI, I can see her using the marriage thing as a deal breaker.

  10. This is the first I've heard of TI's gross breath but I'm actually not surprised

    Tiny is uh, interesting to say the least

  11. JLO is about 45. The coochie is getting tired.

  12. JLo looks like she could still pack a heck of a Happy Ending.

  13. She must want him to do some work for her next project since it's said he's done work for other artists (using the term loosely).

  14. Am I the only one who likes T.I.and Tiny's relationship? There is something very no-bullshit about it, like all the cards are on the table and they still work it out somehow.

    T.I. is one extremely handsome man, but hard to contain. I imagine he is not JLo's type at all, since he would talk, maybe even on his show with Tiny chiming in. And he wouldn't come running every time JLo snaps her fingers. She would never understand she was just a novelty fuck.
