Friday, October 10, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

May 10, 2014

This B- list actress gets really high on the list for someone who does not star in that many movies or television shows. It is just what she does, she does well, and has really high name recognition. She is also not as nice as it seems. If you can do something for her then she will love you for as long as it takes to get it done. Then you are pushed to the side until she needs you again. The persona that she created where she pretends to be sickly sweet is being tested because of the recent demands for her time. She yells frequently and is being a huge diva and has walked out of several interviews when she thought the questions were not what she considered to be good. Good in her mind is people complimenting her the entire time and not asking anything other than in a form where it compliments her.

Kristin Chenoweth


  1. Yuk. She also has fake service dogs which is something that really pisses me off.

    She can crawl in a hole.

  2. I fucked this one up by guessing Zooey but @jane3113 nailed this one!!!

  3. Why when a woman is demanding are they called "divas" but men who are demanding don't get a bad rap?

    1. @Pink Cashmere: Enty has created the term "Miva." I approve.

    2. Really? NO one calls out a man who is demanding? Do the terms A-hole, bastard, son of a bitch, or jerk ring a bell? Seriously I hate that whiny crap about men get away with it and women are too fragile and precious to own their behavior.

  4. Does anyone else still miss GCB?! Or am I alone on this one?

  5. I loved GCB! So upset it was cancelled.

  6. GCB was awwwwwesome!! Such a shame.

  7. People seem to forget, this woman was severely injured in an on set accident a few years ago. She is still in pain. Cut her some slack. Also, she can't be too terrible if she is still getting work.

    1. Whining online and through Twitter is not the equivalent of being in pain.

      I'll cut slack for starving kids, not self absorbed "celebrities" who take advantage of other people by, among other things, playing victim.

  8. Uh...I've had chronic pain for decades, multiple spine surgeries. I don't get to be rude to people at work.
    Stuff like this doesn't *cause* people to be douchebags, it merely allows them to be the douchebags they already were.

  9. thank heavens I'm not the only one :(
    Devious Maids has been a consolation though.

    Hello @Basil!

  10. *entitled victims
    FTFY, CoBe

    1. Yup. For what it's worth, I'm sorry for your pain.

      Her pandering and whining bothers me so much because there are real people in real pain and she is minimizing what they go through every time she pretends to have a new disease.

      I have no patience for professional victims.

  11. Ask anyone who works in New York - when she was in Wicked back in 2000 she was a right bitch. She couldn't handle being overshadowed by Idina Menzel and let everyone know how mad about it she was.

    She holds a grudge too - there's a reason her and Idina never work on anything together, even when given the chance.

  12. She's never going to be as big of a star as she thinks she is. I used to be a fan but now she annoys the crap out of me

  13. Blood sugar. Girl needs some lasagna instead of celery sticks for a meal.

  14. Frankly, i cld embrace her philosophy of compliments only. Its very relaxing, lol.

  15. Source is presumably Aaron Sorkin.

  16. I heard once she passed by a homeless guy and didn't even give him a penny because he couldn't help her career at that time and there were no photographers around to record her kind act- she is a monster!!!!

  17. RE AB's comment: Even when men ARE called out, did you notice that two of the three terms you cited (son of a bitch and bastard) denigrate women?

  18. I've worked with her and can say this blind is 100% false
