Friday, October 03, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

March 6, 2014

Most of the time when a show is at its peak is not when it is canceled. This show was at its peak and viewership was at a high and it could have run for many more years. The cast all wanted it to run for more years, but the network pulled the plug. They were scared of the show. There were too many instances where the network had to put out a fire that would have ruined the image of the show. There were too many drugs on the set and too much sex and the network didn't want a scandal. They just wanted the show to stop filming and to get rid of it as fast as possible. Of course, in their haste they left behind two cast members who were going to turn out just as bad. While the show was being filmed, guest stars would show up high or know they could get great drugs even though the cast was so young. There are episodes that cast members don't even remember shooting because they were so wasted. The sex was everywhere and the problem for the network was the age of the cast. Some were above 18 and some were below 18 and parents were always calling and screaming and executives feared everyday there would be some type of statutory rape claim or some lawsuit filed by a parent or extra on the show. Everyday the show aired the network felt like they were rolling dice. You had to knock before opening a closed door because inevitably someone would be doing drugs or having sex. No wonder the cast kept wanting to shoot the show. One of the bigger drug users and sexually active cast member was given her own show, or close to her own show. She had producers fooled into thinking she was an innocent cast member and they paired her up with someone who spouted bible verses and producers thought went to church multiple times each week.



  1. wow!! i dont know this show but sounds crazy!!

  2. ..I hated they canceled this show. YES I WATCHED IT. But now, I want to go back and see if I can notice when they were jacked up.

    1. Me too! I LOVED Ariana as Cat. I severely dislike her now.

  3. Atta boy Dan! Nickelodeon obviously feels hes too important to fire or else he would be but then one of the other kiddies networks would hire him just the same.

  4. My So-Called Life?

  5. Cast member given her own show was Ariana Grande Latte...starting to believe all the diva rumors, and if so hope her next album flops!

  6. Just follow the trail of fucked up kid stars and Dan Schneider's almost always behind it.

  7. Zorn 101》》》》》》》》

  8. @Jack Ducky...ummm no not exactly!It was her second #1 album and has multiple singles in top 10 the past year. I won't say that's a flop!

    1. it only sold 138,000 the first week. That isn't great. But the artists I like tend to sell well over 500,000 their first week so maybe that's just what I'm use to.

  9. Ugh, s.breezy--
    Google play was giving her new album away for free last week. That's why it was a "hit."

  10. I liked this show too. Watched with my kid, ahem.

  11. I read this as Notorious, the Tori S, Zachary Quinto show.

  12. So, based on this and yesterday's reveal, it's a good thing Victoria Justice didn't hang out with the cast or "network" with them.
    Or, this contradicts that reveal.

  13. Way to go @amanda_if! You were Victorious!

  14. Second thing on Victoria Justice, doesn't she have an album coming out? It feels like someone's entourage wants to make sure she fails.

  15. I feel like I should make a witty quip, but in the case of this BI, it doesn't seem justified. Parents calling and screaming about their children being exploited? Never in Hollywood! Producers "fooled" by a 16 year old girl? Hardly victorious! You have to knock on the door of your employees' dressing rooms lest you catch underage employees doing drugs or having sex with shady producers? Of course!

  16. This one bums me out. I used to watch this show with my daughter & we both really enjoyed it. The cast was super talented & the writing was great. Never thought Ariana Grande would be the breakout star cuz she's sooo annoying -- always figured Victoria Justice was the one going places

  17. Sam & Cat would also fit this BI. Guess those are the two "innocents. "

    (I work with kids and have, unfortunately, seen both of these shows. )

  18. I just set my DVR to record Victorious. This isn't one of my most virtuous days.

  19. I new there was some strange reason for this show to be cancelled. It was very popular and my son would look forward to it every week. I am not surprised that there was sex and drugs, aren't there sex and drugs anyplace that horny 17-19 year old kids congregate? How is this much different than a college campus? I know many of them are still friends and hang out so I am not sure who was banging who on the show.

  20. There was a kid on there Max something...he has done some you tube videos has a great voice but rumor has it he will blow anyone for a record deal...ring ring Clive??

  21. It was either Liz Gillies or Victoria Justice that said during filming of one of the episodes they almost all got fired. I guess it was for the reasons mentioned in the BI.
