Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Iggy Azalea Calls A Pap The C Word - Wishes He Gets Killed From Ebola

Iggy Azalea might be a popular one hit wonder with a bunch of American Music Awards nominations but she has a horrible PR team and needs some lessons in self-control. Iggy has been lashing out publicly at the guy who has sex tapes of her and says he is her common law husband and just really needs to be quiet and let her people handle the situation. It is what she pays them for and they need to be telling her that and so far she has been ignoring their advice. This past weekend was even worse. Shortly after the photo above was taken inside a grocery store, Iggy confronted the pap outside and called him a c**t, and then told him that he hopes he dies of Ebola before attempting to ram him with the shopping cart she was pushing. She is really lucky she didn't hit him with it or she would be looking at writing the guy she wished death upon a very large check to make criminal charges go away. Iggy went on Instagram later that day but didn't apologize and said it was the paps fault and that he had been following her all day and that if she had the opinion that he should die it was her right to tell him that. 


  1. You want fame, well fame costs.....

    1. Exactly... I hate complainers . I see her being another drugged out singer.

    2. And HERE is where you start paying! :-)

  2. So THAT'S where Jerkula's been!

    1. Haha!!

      WHERE is TTM?!?!

    2. @Jacq- book club blog, link is in my profile. Lots of familiar names are over there nowadays.

    3. Lol @LadyH!

      LowKey - people always hung out at book club, but don't they come here anymore? And I don't believe for a second that's where Jerkula is!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I like it and would do the same. Let that anger out, girl.

  5. Not seeing the problem. I suspect if a pap had been following me all day, I'd want to ram him with more than a shopping cart.

  6. I love Australians they don't take shit and tell it right to your face. Good for her I say.

  7. I'm astonished that a 24 year old rap 'star' is ill prepared to deal with the harsh, cruel world that is celebrity./s

  8. Ah, the celebrity double standard. It's fine for her to behave however she wants, but when the situation is reversed? Not so much. Case in point is her battle with Snoop.

  9. Send her back to the streets of Australia!

    1. Whatzmyname: Dear god please NO!!

  10. #teamIggy on this one. It's not like he snapped one pic of her and went on his way and she flipped. He was following her all day. It's not fair to tell someone in the industry "oh well deal with it" when a guy with a camera is following you all day long and you can't even buy groceries without him snapping away. There's only so much a person can take.

  11. Her music sucks and she will be proven to be a flash in the pan. AMA nominations? LOL. That doesn't mean much at all.

  12. I mean... I'd be pretty upset too.
    But I'd also sic my team on him and not say anything directly.

  13. I'm not a huge Iggy fan but that seemed more like stalking to me. Pap deserved it albeit not the Ebola part.

  14. For someone who's barely begun, she quickly forgot she was nobody a year ago. If that's what she wants, she knows where the door is, so no sympathy from me.

  15. It's ok, honey. You're minimally talented, you're famous cuz you're the novelty of the moment and it will all be over soon.

  16. #TeamIggy here. Yes you should expect some pap attention but when they've been stalking you all day & you can't even do your shopping without them snapping pics... Well that would get on my nerves too. If I were in her shoes I'd have said something too. Probably not that ebola part but there would definitely be curse words flying from my mouth.

  17. Looks like Enty gave us a reveal today: clicky

  18. I'd give aggro to some dude following me around all day too.
    She just shouted at him. Didn't hit or hurt hI'm, just shouted.
    Big whoop.

    1. *Him. (damn phone)

    2. Agreed. Obviously this guy was not going to back off with a few polite words. It's a non issue really.
      Alec Baldwin does this and worse on a weekly basis.

  19. Is she American? The "C" word doesn't carry quite the same seriousness in Europe as we take it here.

    Notice I don't care enough to look up if she is American or not... :D

  20. I wouldn't apologize either. I think Izzy handled it a little childishly, but I've heard of actors doing a lot worse.

    I also don't think just because you're a celebrity you should be stalked and hunted down by the Paps. It's not right or fair to anyone. They are entitled to their privacy too. Acting is a job and that's it. Being a celeb, It's definitely their duty to be nice to their fans and give autographs and show up for events. But no one deserves to be hunted down and stalked. The paps are vicious and relentless. They've become aggressive, where years ago, it wasn't like that. Princess Diana was killed because of the paps. There needs to be boundaries.

    I work 9 to 5pm...I can get off at the end of the day. They're never off and can't even take a vacation from fame.

  21. She should have called police and had a restraining order taken out against him and let her team handle it.

  22. All credibility is lost when you behave worse than those you criticise.
    She's way over-rated and should enjoy every moment while it lasts cause it won't.

  23. The Ebola thing was a bit dumb. C*** is offensive in Oz.
    More Australian if she had have said 'Bugger it' & then let his tyres down!

    1. Skippy, you must hang out with a higher quality posse of people than I!

  24. If you want to be famous you better get used to it. If not find another career and drop out of the limelight.

    1. Especially if you have sex tapes out there or other skeletons in the closet.

  25. Team Iggy. If she was papped in a f wording grocery store, the pap is a c word, an a word, a b word and all the f word ing alphabet word.

    The ebola thing is dumb, a car is better to disguise as an accident.

  26. I'd flip out on someone following me around all day. Who cares what she called him? He was practically stalking her while she was shopping. Wishing he would die of ebola isn't exactly a creative insult, but it's not horribly offensive. And c(pause)rap is Joffrey's favorite curse word!

  27. I seriously doubt she'll have to deal with pap attention for much longer since I think she will be a one-hit-wonder. By this time next year she'll probably be out doing cartwheels to get attention from the paps.

  28. The "C" word isn't so offensive in Australia. It's not great but there are people who don't use it purely for insults. That being said she's been living in the USA for almost 10 years so she'd understand how your public would perceive it.

  29. Calling a man a "cunt" isn't that offensive anywhere.

  30. Weird @Jessie - I think that the the terrible, terrible C word is perceived as pretty bad, inexcusable even, in Australia. Different strokes! But what do you mean about using it not purely for insults?

    Anyhow - I think if she had rammed the guy successfully, that in the States she would have been in trouble as Enty says. But if she'd pulled that in Australia, worst case scenario shed get a tiny little fine. And he'd likely get a stalking rap.

    Moral - go home to Australia to commit random acts of violence against paps, Iggy!
