Thursday, October 09, 2014

Mario Lopez's Book

Earlier this week an excerpt from the new book by Mario Lopez was released. In it, he says that he should never have married Ali Landry and that he was not in love with her when they got married. If he had stopped there and said nothing else, that probably would have been ok. I'm not going to start suddenly liking the guy or send him Christmas cards, but at least I would have been ok with that sentence. Instead though, he went on and said that during his five day bachelor party he got drunk one night and cheated. Do we really think it was just one night he cheated while going from college campus to college campus in the south? More likely is that he was only busted during one of those times so that is the only one he copped to after photos were sent to Ali.

The part that makes me hate him even more is that he says that the reason he stopped loving Ali is that she became materialistic and fake and too Hollywood and he wanted someone who was real because he hates all of that. So, he is essentially blaming her for him cheating and wants us to think that makes it ok and that he is a great guy who is happily married to a woman who never gets to talk and who he keeps out of the spotlight while he takes off his wedding ring except for right when he is about to go on camera. Yeah, he is really spectacular. 


  1. Typical male chauvinistic pig..nothing knew here folks.. move along

  2. @SM and ladies....the forum is yours!!

  3. Can't stand him, he just oozes slime.

  4. Whatever bank he makes on that Extra show, he's overpaid. Glad its on at 2am in my area.

  5. And that's why we call him Mario HOpez #douchetasticasshole

  6. This person is an "author" in much the same way that I'm Ingrid Bergman c. 1936.

  7. Heh, my mom likes him. Thinks he's sweet and charming on X Factor. I don't feel much about him either way but he sets my gaydar off.

  8. Shame on you Slater

  9. I wld like to meet anyone pathetic enough to buy his book. I can help them, im sure of it.

  10. I'm gonna pull a Jucky and say I don't believe a word.

    I also believe in unicorns, sunshine candles and that Elvis is on an island with Jim Morrison.

    Sugar, what's up with the male bashing? I've got proof that bad behavior isn't linked to a single chromosome.

  11. "fake and too hollywood" from a guy who wears more makeup than all Kardashian sisters combined...

  12. Courtney Mazza should be winning Tonys at this stage in her career.

  13. What a skid mark.

  14. To me he is coming off a little to bitchy. Writing a tell-all!? Really!?

  15. Slime Ball. Look it up, his picture is there.

  16. I cannot believe that asshole found a publisher to take on his book. If you HAVE to read it, take it out of the library, or stand there in the bookstore and read it.

  17. Oy, he's been everywhere promoting this book.
    He seems to have this view of himself that is so arrogant and smug.
    If I was his current wife, I'd be reading this and thinking about how he treated his first wife....that kind of thing is not one-time behavior--its a symptom of how his character probably really is--and I'd be preparing for him to do it to me.

  18. Well I never! That Mr Lopez would have written an entirely DIFFERENT book under my care.....

    1. Annie, you are hilarious. Get your block if wood and mallet ready

    2. Oh. Thanks Rosie. I think Derek has been mean to nice people recently, so I recant.

    3. What in the cockadoodie HELL are y'all talkin about? I ain't no Derek...come over HERE and say that!

  19. He is a disgusting person.

  20. That photo is so cheese!

  21. His life story filled a book? A pamphlet maybe. Publisher must've used a very large font and double spaced to get into triple digit pagination.

  22. I remember reading this article when it came out. Ali Landry met her second husband at a theology class and is, by all accounts, very happily married now. Living well is the best revenge.

    Anyhow, that she tapped his phone and confronted him with the proof of his cheating and he still denies all but the one instance of cheating from the bachelor party tells me all I need to know about that guy.

  23. who knew Mario was a fiction writer. He is the quintessential fake Hollywood stereotype. He has neon warning signs emanating from his aura.

  24. Of course Mario was never in love with Ali. He's already in love with himself. How can anyone compete with that?

    He cheated on Ali, she busted him and left his @ss. If she didn't bust him, they'd have stayed married...longer.

    He cheats on his current one too. How is he going to explain that? Until he can be cloned and can be with himself, he'll never know what real love is.

  25. @Aunt, I'll buy his book in a few months when it is at the dollar store, 4 for $1.00.

  26. A book from a has-been talking about all the women he slept with, cheated on, and/or treated like shit.

    Wow, he's a prize.

  27. He's a douche. I'm not going to argue about the degree of douchiness.

    When I'm at the library or on Amazon, I am amazed at the people who have actually penned memoirs, and multiple memoirs. I'm sure that Valerie Bertinelli has some interesting stories but not enough for me to read about in several books.

  28. He got rid of Maria menewnass because she wouldn't sleep with him. He replaced her with 2 single women who would. . Hmmph.
    And hey got rid of Terry seymour too.. no sex no job..

  29. Why do TV people still hire this d-bag?

  30. I was going to pile on to this commentary but I don't think I could have said it better than the people who have already commented. He comes off like a total bag of shit for sure.

  31. He "admits" he cheated at his bachelor party. And she's materialistic and fake.


  32. He just proves that show a guy a hot looking chick and you'll se a guy that's sick of screwing her

  33. He just proves that show a guy a hot looking chick and you'll se a guy that's sick of screwing her

  34. Just when I thought I coulnd't dislike this guy more... he oozes up the douche smarm factor!

  35. He is a rabid right wing republican..and from what i hear deeeep in the closet.
