Friday, October 24, 2014

Mr. X Blind Item #1

"I just couldn't take anymore of the 'poor me, poor me' crap, she's become a completely different person from the one I knew. She needs to get her head out of her ass and stop blaming everyone for something she knew would bring her more attention." - B-list actress/model on why her friendship with that A+ list actress and Oscar winner/nominee dissolved.


  1. Zoe Kravitz and JLaw?

  2. Laura Simpson her ex-BFF

  3. JLaw and Zoe k guesss sounds good

  4. Mr X needs ex-lax to get rid of the crap he's full of. Zoe is still friends with JLaw and called her genuine, beautiful, honest and talented in August. And back in February, she talked about texting with JLaw about her Oscar win.

  5. I'm not quite getting this BI.& JLaw-
    The thing that she knew would bring her attention I gather is stepping out with Chris Martin???

  6. i'm not buying it.. I call B.S.

  7. I don't think it's Jlaw. I think it sounds like Goop but I can't make it work.
    Maybe the whole 'consiously uncoupling' shite she came out with.

  8. If it were Gwynnie, wouldn't "she's become a completely different person from the one I knew" be a good thing?

    If this is JLaw, I wonder if rather than referring to her dating Chris Martin it refers to the release of all the nude pics of her? I could sort of see that. Not defending whoever released them, but simply the fact that she seems to love taking pictures of herself in her birthday suit. There must have been a couple hundred of them. At some point aren't you sort of tempting fate?

  9. Think Andrew's's about the pics and her feeling victimized..if it's her..

  10. JLaw did bitch about the pics being leaked and that the people who looked at them were just as big a criminal as the hacker for looking.

    1. Sandy-and she could not be more right.

  11. @AndrewBW, oh Thaaaaaaat...*derp.
    -im an idiot b/c I LITERALLY have November's Vanity Fair ON MY COFFEE TABLE W/JLaw Looking right at me-so,I just read part of her interview & yeah,she's really whiny & then indignant & throws serious shade at Perez Hilton..
    -so,now I agree Zoe & JLaw

  12. Perhaps JLaw was naive for trusting the Apple cloud but weren't an incredible number of famous others too?
    And I'm sure it was a pretty traumatic experience to go through. I don't envy any of the victims.
    Fair weather friends are a dime a dozen, so I doubt JLaw will be missing Zoe much.
    Zoe reads to me like someone who thinks she's just too good, or perhaps it's actually Oscar envy because she knows that'll be the day.

    1. @maxxy-- I totally agree. If it is JLaw, I feel for the girl.

      A friend who would bail out on her like that is best to leave in the dust.

  13. I was more shocked that Zoe K. is touring with Miley Cyrus- I would've never put those two together...eva.

  14. @Seven I think you're unnecessarily maligning Mr. X. Just because somebody guessed JLaw doesn't mean that's the subject of the blind. Not to mention, between January and now the photo hacking happened so - that was then, this is now.

  15. Oops, sorry, I see you said February and August. Still, both of those were before the photo hacking, weren't they?

  16. If it's ZK & JL, context matters. If Zoe's referring to the hacking, then poor form. If she's talking about Martin, clapclapclap.

    Question: How's JLaw's relationship w/ her family & friends in Ky.? I think there are hints it's not great.

  17. J law stunt queen stuff Is pre planned. She ran her whole miley Cyrus barfing bit that she did on Seth myers by the miley camp before the interview and then months after the pre taped sm interview miley called her out on twitter and said it never happened.
    The fact that she needed to run it by miley's camp first sniffs of pr fakery.
    many people thought her tripping a 2nd time at the Oscars was on purpose and pr stunt queen bs as well. .
    she's just a little to composed when she needs to be..
    never see her falling at fashion shows or in front of Karl Lagerfeld. .
    people are catching on to her fakery shtick.

    1. Her 1st Oscars red carpet for winter's bone she was posed and elegant and much younger and with Much less media pr training. And she managed to walk just fine.. But no one noticed her... A fate worse than death. . What do you do next???
      Get a gimmick with a good pr team
      no one remembered her wb Oscar walk because she didn't trip and make an ass of herself. .. exactly. ..
      no one remembered her at all that year... the invisible starlet..

    2. Oh, people remembered her WB Oscar appearance all right - she looked stunning in the dress she wore, it was the night she became a sex symbol. I'm not buying this is JLaw or Kravitz - it doesn't sound like either of them.

  18. I think the actress is Halle Berry(who leaks the false stories to TMZ). Model: not sure. Maybe Iman who still talks to Gabriel from what I understand.

  19. @sugarbread: I'll buy the 2nd trip as planned, but not '13. You don't plan that, IMHO. And yes, her '11 appearance was memorable. That said...

    You know, Jen, you don't HAVE to be a world-famous star. That's your choice. Oh, and paps & awful hackers don't represent all of humanity, which is what I suspect she's started to think.

    Ideally, I think her team would like her to become a new Meryl. A Very Serious Person that (some) people will listen to, but is VERY private.
