Wednesday, October 29, 2014

No Questions About Tom Cruise In Kneepads Cover Story

Katie Holmes is on the cover of People this week. You know, because she is a huge actress. OK, well not so much. But hey, she did just land a role as Jackie Kennedy again which of course the entire Kennedy clan hates because she was so awful the first time. Realizing that acting might not be her thing, Katie is also going to start directing because, yeah, I don't know why either but the producers really wanted her in some movie and she would only agree to be in it if she could direct. So, now she is a director. One glaring omission from the very long interview is a question about how often Tom Cruise sees Suri or how come there are such huge gaps between visits. That is a question everyone wants to know about and I would gladly have replaced her dinner and bedtime routine with Suri to some paragraphs about Suri's relationship with Tom Cruise and discussing Scientology more. Katie Holmes is an actress who only gets work at this point because of her name recognition from being married to Tom Cruise. I'm sorry, but her track record over the past decade has been miserable and one indie Thanksgiving movie that was shot before her marriage to Cruise is not a resume builder for the ages. So, ignoring all of that and talking about some random musings of life is not what people care about or want. I don't want to spend money on a magazine that is going to talk about how you are ready to love again or your mantras for life. I want to know about the separate bedrooms, the marriage contract and the nitty gritty of being married to Tom Cruise. 


  1. We get it. Enties hates People.

  2. It's kneepads. Why is anyone surprised?? Especially you Enty darling.

  3. She's so boring. Her marriage to Tom Cruise is probably the only thing keeping her in the media.

  4. She's not going to answer those questions unless she wants the bed next to Shelly.

  5. She prob prefers to keep living. Or doesn't want to go stay with Shelly.

  6. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Couldn't they have picked a better photo of her? Something less... Lethargic?

    1. Looks like a wannabe-Angelina-sexy-face-slash-director right there.

  7. Enty you've been around long enough top know her PR people set up guidelines for the interview before they even let her say a word. And one must be no questions at all about TommyGirl and they agree because the know US Weekly will if they get the chance to do it. It's all about the exclusive get.

  8. Heeeey, I just pulled that "indie Thanksgiving Movie" out of my DVD annals prep for the holidays!!! don't knock it I love that movie!!!

  9. Well said Enty.

    What's Kkkkkatie (throw-back to The Way We Were *wink*) so worried about? Is Suri not Tom's after all?

  10. Those are questions that no reporter would ever ask any other star so why would they do that with Katie?

  11. @Katie, ha ha. It's not the best picture. I think she was making her "sultry" face, but forgot what it looked like (lack of use), so ended up with her "I'm tired and want to go to bed" face.

  12. @SYF- I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought it! Now I'm gonna go make sure my doors are locked. Lol

    1. (Literally I just L O L'd)
      The locked doors occurred to me too. Weird.

  13. I'm seeing on that Cover Renee Zelwegger"My NewLife,My New Look"-
    Did You guys hear that she's been pretty traumatized by all the negative attn. & they've now offered the new Bridget Jones Movie Role to Reese Witherspoon??!!

  14. Those are questions for Tom, not Katie.

  15. because she signed a confidentiality agreement, duh

  16. Too bad, Enty--she doesn't have to talk about SHIT if she doesn't want to and obviously that pisses you off. If you really thought she'd talk about Tommy Girl and just lay it all out there, then you are People's audience.

  17. @rolo
    Good reportin. Yeah - how could she not be traumatized? Felt a little bad for her.
    I can't beleive they're already recasting. Unless they're about to begin shooting. What a blow!
    They could have just written BJ got all insecure and had plastic surgery into the story. Duh.
    I can't imagine Reese. Argh. But she's usually good.

  18. She has a confidentially agreement for which she is paid piles of money. End of story.

  19. I'm kinda with Enty. I hate People too, and I don't care about Katie's bad choices and survival BS, with her millions in her bank account.

    Guess what Katie...I have struggles too. I don't have millions and I got screwed over by 5 different guys in 2 years, and still haven't found love. Compete with that!!!

    They should have "REAL People" magazine. That I would be able to relate to.

    1. @crilla
      Even this post of your sis far more interesting than Holmes generic BS.
      Sorry about the Dudes. :-(.

  20. @SYF, yeah, I felt ALOT bad for her-damn,it took soo much for her to make an appearance in the First place & then,she was next day's fodder,EVERYWHERE..even by supposedly 'Real' was quite sad to watch it all go down..bothered me a lot.

  21. Holy Countoring Make Up Batman!!!

    I'm still expecting her to become a trophy wife of some investment banker or hedge fund manager in NYC, attending society & fashion events sometimes looking good but not really doing anything else.

    She's pretty, but boring like oatmeal.

  22. @Shelly Shell, that was my reaction entirely! It was like the makeup was the cover star, with Katie's face in the background.

    I agree that she's dull and not particularly bright. For the moment, I think she's too ambitious for a trophy wife position, but that could come once she's exhausted her other options.

    I'm more interested in why People thought she would sell magazines. Is it because they still have a substantial set of buyers in the run-Katie-run segment? Women in X age and income group, whatever. Or did somebody make a deal? Could even be Cruise's people, arranging something to shut her up. Maybe she was threatening to go on-record about something that was in some way not covered by the divorce arrangement.

    At any rate, People doesn't have near the circulation it once did. It has to direct its coverage towards the people who still buy print celebrity magazines, and I'm not sure who that is any more.

  23. @Shelly (O, there you are!) You are SO right! Why hasn't she done that?? Or like an "intellectual" from old money? That would suit her so well.

    What does not suit her is this creepy cover pic. Pop culture (sorry guys but its mostly US pop culture) has mutated the female beauty symbol to look like space aliens. ET phone home...smh

  24. Team Katie. She was smart enough to get out from under the control of Tom Cruise, and Scientology, with full custody of her daughter.

    1. Exactly! She pulled it off brilliantly.

  25. Is she going for a sultry look here or is she just stoned off her ass?

    Also, she reminds me of Stockard Channing...from waaaay back in the day.

  26. I thought she looked stoned too..Great minds and all...

    Can't wait to see this "directing" she's going to do. It's not as easy as it looks.

  27. She's still trying to make something happen, but she isn't a good enough actress or an interesting enough person to make it without the Tom Cruise connection. I'm hoping that she has saved her money and can go back to shopping and making coffee runs. Her directing will work out as well as her fashion design career.

  28. She is such a snooze. Why is she even relevant anymore?

  29. What I don't understand is why Enty includes Katie Holmes in daily pics almost every day. She is a no-talent.

  30. They photoshopped that picture of Renee Zelwegger to almost look like Renee Zelwegger. It doesn't look much like her new face.

  31. Right, Enty. Holmes will come clean just as soon as Rogers and Kidman do.

    Hey now - that's an idea! A round table of his three exes discussing their marriages! Penelope Cruz can pop in for ten minutes, too!

    For real, though: I would love to know if Kidman ever really had contact with Holmes before, during or after the divorce. Like, maybe Holmes gave her updates on the kids in exchange for advice.

    1. @NomNom, that round table would be amazing! I rarely watch TV, as in almost never... but I would definitely tune in for that!

  32. She is the very definition of milquetoast. But you have to give her (or her Dad, whatever) mad fucking props for leaving that marriage with custody of Suri.

  33. Wow. That photo. It's like the photoshopped Michelle Pfeiffer's face onto Katie's head.

  34. Uh, Katiecat, I wouldn't have any fear if I had a few mill in the bank either.

  35. So what if she doesnt want to talk about tom and hiw often he sees Suri, which i hope is alot under the radar. Mb she cant legally speak of it. Mb she doesnt speak of it for Suri's sake. Let it go enty, we all interested but its none if our business really. And apparently she is a crappy actress and a bit boring. She aint the only one, lol!!

    1. And btw, what was the moment jlo's marriage fell apart??

  36. She doesn't talk about her ex hubby the same way MOST actors don't talk about their exes unless it was a really bitter break up. "We are still friends and wish them well".

    As for CO$, why blame Katie for not saying anything about it when Leah Rimini or LMP hasn't said anything either despite our high expectations.

  37. So she has a movie to plug so she got People to give her a cover.
    @Brenda- but dumb enough to join in the first place
    @Norm, I think Nicole came out after Tomkat divorce and said there was no truth to the rumors she spoke to Katie about anything.

  38. I would believe Tom sees Suri in secret because he can't afford for the Co$ community to know about it. He really seemed smitten with that child so I have a hard time thinking he woudn't, especially with how close he seems with Connor, etc.

    Katie looks stoned in that cover photo.

  39. She looks stoned out of her mind. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

  40. Of course, but we all know she was paid some benjamins to keep her mouth shut just as nicole was. She's never going to talk unless some surrogate does it for her. Never gonna happen
