Thursday, October 02, 2014

Off Topic

Utopia is being reduced to one night per week. If Fox cancels the show, do the people still have to stay for the live stream?


  1. Has anyone seen this show? I am traveling and can't stream it, but was really looking forward to seeing it.

    What a disappointment if it is not good. It had great promise.

  2. It was a novel idea, not well thought out and executed though.

  3. OOT: I really like North West's Biker Baby look all over the intarwebs today (with standard outrage)

  4. Don't look at her mother,c_limit,q_jpegmini/kgzjtutqalngdzvqbpqx.jpg

  5. Fox invested $50 million in this stupid thing. They gotta make that back somehow.

    1. I haven't seen an episode, and I may be mistaken and way, way off the mark, but what I read suggested that $50 million was the SET ONLY. For the life of me, I can't imagine what construction could consume all those millions.

  6. So I googled out of curiosity. It's a Fox reality show where 13 people are supposed to make the ideal society. And it tanked. And they're replacing it with "Masterchef Junior".

    This is why I do not have cable.

    1. The Knick & The Newsroom are two reasons why I do. Fascinating stuff and well worth the ugly furniture.

    2. @Jazz, Newsroom is brilliant! I can only watch it at certain times bc of the NSFW language and have only seen a few episodes, but I freaking love Jeff Daniels and Aaron Sorkin.

  7. LOL, 7!
    It could be worse. It could be Masterchef Junior Balloon Scuplture

  8. I haven't watched an episode but have seen the commercials. I think this show may have worked 10 years ago but there are so many good scripted shows now that people seem to be more interested in.

  9. Is this a different show?

    David Fincher Will Direct The Entire First Season Of HBO's 'Utopia' In 2015

    If Fincher is directing this series I would watch.

  10. I find these kid chefs frightening. They seem like the robot kid from Extant.

  11. I watched Utopia a couple of times. It was trash TV at its worst or is it best? Whatever, don't waste your time.

  12. WHAT?!!

    this is our favorite show and we even went to visit.. Its much smaller in real life

    I think a whole year of it will be difficult to achieve only because they aren't really doing anything

  13. I was so excited for this show, but it's so BAD. I gave it a couple tries but quite frankly I rather watch New Jersey Housewives then this.

    Don't waste your time.

    1. Ouch!!! What a disparaging way to refer to something.

    2. Ouch again!! I apologize for my grammer.

  14. To me, this is the jumping of the reality show shark. Enough, already. And that hipster who hosts the show - makes me want to slap his moustache, glasses, and hat off. Is he not capable of looking directly into the camera? He's the ultimate hipster stereotype.

  15. It was a terrific idea. Fox didn't execute it properly. They purposely cast people that wouldn't get along. They cast people that understand that fluoride is a toxic neurotoxin with people that would live on ramen noodles alone just to create drama. The people interested in watching weren't looking for typical reality show drama, we were looking for something different - how a unique singular society started from scratch would work and how to build that. If anything they should've divided the land and let the hippies, teabaggers, violent felons (really they cast a violent felon) each try to build their own society and see how each one worked out. Initially I liked the show but the typical reality bullshit drama is too much/

  16. Groovy re your last comment - everyone saw how the first season of Survivor played (office politics on the beach), and pretty much everyone on these types of shows have played the same kind of game. The only real exception that comes to mind is the 2nd season of Survivor, when they were in Australia. I found everyone was much kinder to one another. Now it's about hooking up and telling people you've just met, "I love you". Give television back to the writers/actors/directors, but they bloody well better have some great ideas as opposed to ripping off shows from overseas (Broadchurch/Grace Point). The only reality show (which should really be called a game show) worth watching is The Amazing Race. Can't fake those challenges and reactions.
