Friday, October 03, 2014

Off Topic

I love Broadchurch and want to love Gracepoint as much. I am waiting until this weekend to watch the first episode of Gracepoint. 


The Real Dragon said...

Any cheating diet tips?

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

Lost me here. Off to Shop.

Brin said...

Me too! It looks good.

Seven of Eleven said...

With the same story, characters, scenes, dialogue, male lead and screenwriter, episode one of Fox’s Gracepoint is no fuzzy “inspired by” adaptation, but a shot-for-shot impersonation of the Broadchurch opener. If Fox hadn’t paid what is probably a handsome sum for the privilege, we’d rap its knuckles with a ruler for copying ITV’s homework.

When they remade The Office, they took the same structure and general characteristics, but made it something American rather than British. (I loved both of them.) Remaking a foreign show step by step, with even the same lead, is like when Psycho was remade frame by frame. Everyone knows how well that went.

All Lace no Leather said...

I didn't see the original so I have nothing to compare it to. I watched last night. It wasn't fabulous, but it kept my interest and I'll watch it again next week.

Gayeld said...

Damn, did you have to remind me of that? Although, Vince Vaughn is no Anthony Perkins. There was no sense of menace about Anthony, which is what still makes it so shocking after all these years. Vince is larger and hulking to start with. He was never going to pull it off.

That said, I didn't actually watch that remake it.

Jessi said...

Totally agree Seven. I couldn't' believe they have even have the same lead for this remake. It's like Girl With a Dragon Tattoo all over again.

MISCH said...

It was o.k

Unknown said...

Can we talk about Tom Hiddleson playing Hank Williams? I am so excited.

Kaye said...

give it a chance, it builds

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

Is this Shakespearean English? I didn't understand shit. I guess it's about some series, programs or something American, but my knowledge ends there.

AKM said...

I liked it. I haven't watched BROADCHURCH yet, though, although I will. I also heard that the killer will be revealed to be someone totally different than who it was in the original, so fans of both can have a new reveal.

Anothergrayhare said...

I watched Gracepoint last night as there was nothing else on in what used to be prime time (or I'm really old, one or the other). I enjoyed it, will watch again. Just didn't like the slooooww motion camera shots now and again, thought it was something wrong with the cable. Does it take all season to let us know who the killer is? Don't spoil it for me please....

Unknown said...

I don't see the point in remaking something with exactly the same script only the american version, by that i mean american actors because the script is exactly the same, just like mistresses.

The original british version was perfectly fine and adequate. I dont see the need to waste money remaking something that was only made a year ago... use the money to make new original gripping dramas i say.

Sherry said...

Oh but unknown H'wd knows it was a hot overseas so why not make it with American (and a British star everyone here knows and loves)?

The American version of Coupling was the same idea, word for word. We fucked up the first epi so bad no one wanted to see anymore. The British version was just perfect. Don't mess with perfection.

audrey said...

I really liked it...and will watch all10 episodes.

Sandy said...

I KNEW it - I knew Futterman and his wife would change the identity of the killer. So basically this is the new The Killing, isn't it?

I love Tennant but his American accent is terrible. The supporting cast is pretty wan, and without the shock ending of the original series, there's no point in watching.

MinPinGirl said...

We had a storm and the cable signal went out right in the middle of recording the first episode....I'm already going to be playing catch up dammit!

MinPinGirl said...

I will say I enjoy watching an "American made version" of the British original - Strike Back. Love me some Phillip Winchester & Sullivan Stapleton. It's not as good now as the first couple of seasons but I think this year is the final one. Just ordered season 1 yesterday as a matter of fact. You can keep Magic Mike I'd rather watch Stonebridge & Scott getting in and out of trouble.

bekH said...

Super excited about this!

Unknown said...

AKM: Broadchurch was brilliant I'm always iffy when the US remake anything.

Unknown said...

I agree 100% Sherry.

HippieChick said...

For Broadchurch, I had to hire a Scottish brogue translator(it was fun, but I lagged a scene behind while I tried to figure out what the lead actor just said) - I noticed that he toned it down for Gracepoint.


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