Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Random Photos Part Four

Jessica Chastain sure does get papped a lot for someone who likes to be reclusive.
James Marsden and Michelle Monaghan at the premiere of their new movie.
JK Simmons was also there and wouldn't stop talking about insurance.
Kaley Cuoco gets back up on her horse.
Alicia Keys in NYC getting ready for the lunar eclipse.
Keira Knightley and Benedict Cumberbatch at the premiere of their new movie.
Keri Russell takes her bike for a walk.
Dakota Fanning and Kristen Stewart reunited for a night of partying.
Lauren Cohan sideways in a magazine shoot.


  1. Love Chastain's look! MUST HAVE IT!

    Did KStew borrow that hat from Ellen Page?

    Lauren Cohan is awesome. That is all.

  2. Michelle! Keri! Jessica!

    Beautiful gals

  3. I love Chastain. She can show up every day.
    Redheads in navy are always fab. At least one of them has figured it out.
    What is Keira Knightley doing with her mouth? Nothing pleasant is being said here.

  4. Sorry to dbl post
    Marsden/Monaghan are having THE MOST AWKWARD small talk chat in the history of conversation.

  5. I have LOVED JK Simmons since "Oz" was on HBO.

  6. Wow, Chastain wearing an outfit that isn't hideous. And we all know that she calls the paps when she leaves the house.

  7. On a flight I once sat next to JK Simmons. I had no clue who he was, and only figured he was someone special when a man came up to compliment him as we were exiting the plane. I still at that point didn't put two and two together. He was a nice down to earth normal dude, hence me not realizing he was freaking JK Simmons.

  8. I like Keira's dress.

  9. JK Simmons was in GUYS AND DOLLS when I saw it a gazillion yrs ago. All singing all dancing - just like his buddy Jerry Orbach.

  10. Holy Notebook it's Marsden, bitch!

    Maggie 4 life <3

    Alicia's Keys were tickled by the Fart Monster this week as Queen Bey ran for cover!

    1. Thank you @seven! I loved it! I would totes share my umbrella ella eh ehhh with you any day! I love it when I gif(t)ed! <3

    2. *get gif(t)ed, derp!

  11. I'm not keen on her particularly or the whole Twilight hype thing but I do love Kristen Stewart's hair as it is right now. Really suits her & I'm kinda jealous, wish I could carry off a similar cut. Same with Jennifer Lawrence's hair too actually.

  12. Kscrewed is goes SWF on whoever she's currently with, the haircut is just like her girlfriend's, who some are now saying she's married to.

  13. Dear Penny, Olsen twins, etc: nobody appreciates it when you invite papparazzi to the barn, have some class.

  14. Kaley needs a breastcollar, and no, that's not something dirty.

  15. Anyone else think it's weird that Kristen is with Dakota in NY while Rob is with Dakota's boyfriend, Jamie Strachan in LA????

  16. So what's the deal about Dakota and Kristen being married?

  17. Jessica Chastain is aging backwards.

    Kristen Stewart seems like she's clawing at the closet door and slowly morphing into Ellen Page.

  18. entern.. its oscar campaign season..chast-aint-a-winner yet will be papped by surprise evary day until oscars

  19. thought kscrew married alicia

    1. Who knows pumpkintits? She hasn't been wearing a ring on it this week, I've been looking out for that LOL

    2. LadyH: you said "ring". Tee hee
