Friday, October 03, 2014

Random Photos Part One

Five parts today.

Rihanna in more clothes than she has worn all year combined.
Rosie Perez out last night at an event honoring Muhammad Ali.
Reese Witherspoon is remarkably cheery after yoga class.
Sarah Jessica Parker found a check on the ground and some really strange pants.
Sofia Vergara just refuses to give up on bell bottoms.
Ashley Tisdale at the Walking Dead season premiere.
Norman Reedus was there flanked by Lauren Cohan and Andrew Lincoln.
Danai Gurira looks really good here.
Vanessa Paradis out shopping with her boyfriend.


  1. Yippeee Walking Dead is back on soon!!

  2. Leave riri alone! She can wear as little or as many clothes as she wants and she always looks great.

    Danai is gorgeous. Love her.

    Vanessa must like the fact that this bf showers.

    Norman, I still would.

    1. I need some riri gifs, lady!

    2. @ducky sorry boo! I have been busy packing and gettin my did!!! Here is a side of Cara with that two-way RiRi shake!
      I looooove me some mmmm mmmm Maggie!! She looks like my Jessica Rabbit who came to wife me up after surviving the zombie apocalypse and dumping Glenn! :D

      I'm also in love with Alison Brie who was in another pic set. I love her as Marilyn too, but she's no Malkovich!. I can't wait to catch up on blinds 1-6 now! ;)

    3. *nails did LOL
      However, not gunna lie...

  3. Why is Rhianna carrying a sleeping bag?

    Lauren Cohan is gorgeous off-screen, too!

    Tisdale's attempt to look like the walking dead is a success.

    Booties! Everywhere!

  4. I do rather <3 scruffy, grimy, dirty Norman.

  5. Saw the trailer for Reese's new movie, Wild, shocking to see her on a big screen with no make up on or made to look like it, very angsty is this her Oscar hope for this year?

  6. @tina-That movie looks so good! And, I have been reading that she is getting Oscar buzz.

    I think this movie is based on a true story too? I might be mistaken..

  7. Lauren cohan looks stunning. can't wait for next sunday!

  8. Wash yoself Reedus you you reek.

  9. Sjp tries way to hard to be trendy and "noticed" . She wears her jeans 1 leg rolled up trying to start a trend on her daily pap walks to school

  10. @JasonB E- Lol.

    Danai is pretty. Never heard if her, but she's striking. She does look a little like ? star Jones. ?

    Vanessa looks back to her self, which is good.

    Norman Norman Norman. I'd sure contemplate it. However, at the same time he reminds me if the character Christine Boransku's recently deceased husband played on GH, Billy ______. Argh. He was great at it, the character was pure hick-thug and gross. And not hot. But Norman is both.

    1. Billy Clyde Tuggle! I haaaaated him at first when he was Estelle's pimp, but I seem to remember that they became kind of comedic? That was more years ago than I'd like to admit. Totally get the resemblance to Norman Reedus!

      Danai is on Walking Dead also, and she is completely flawless, much more beautiful than Star Jones : )

  11. Demure Rosie Perez... not a bet I would have made.

    Rosie, I'm pulling for you.

  12. Miss Cohen is gorgeous but Reedus looks drunk.

    What is the name of Reese's new movie. Haven't heard of it. She sure looks happy here.

  13. Ashley Tisdale looks like one of the prostitution whores on SOA (rip)

  14. Mmmmmmmmmmmm.... Andrew Lincoln is giving me the Friday Faps :))))

  15. Norman Needus is so dirty hot

    But Andrew Lincoln is indeed bringing it here too

  16. Marisa looks good

  17. Ri Ri you need to straighten your weave girl.

    Does Rosie Perez have a whiplash collar on? WTF is she wearing? Looks like she got that outfit at School Marms R Us.

    Ashley Tisdale! Joe Elliot called and said you need to return his 80's jeans from the Pour Some Sugar On Me video shoot.

    I <3 Lauren Cohan! (Supernatural fan girl)

    And all this time everybody was so worried about Vanessa Paradis. Yeah she really looks lonely....

  18. My show is coming back! Andrew Lincoln looks good and the next season looks great.

  19. What is Ashley Tisdale even known for, besides that high school musical stuff from eons ago? The Tizz has the fashion sense of a suburban mom who hit it big at the outlet mall shopping. Ooh, TJ Maxx! Snore.

  20. I want the drugs Norman was on when that photo was shot.
