Thursday, October 16, 2014

Stephen Collins Molested His Daughter's Babysitter

Not a nice way to start the day. Someone better arrest this POS soon. Turns out that the third victim of Stephen Collins' abuse was his daughter's babysitter. Collins admitted to his therapist that he would expose himself to the 13 year old girl when driving her home, while his daughter sat in the back seat. Apparently it's all good, though, because Stephen says his daughter didn't see his exposed penis. So, we all know this monster needs to go to jail, but I'm so f*cking angry. Why the f*ck didn't his wife go to the police that same day that he admitted the abuse?? Why didn't the therapist?? Too many people failed these children and now lives have likely been destroyed.

TMZ says that Collins' ex wife sent the audio tapes of his confession to the LAPD two years ago, after he refused to get help. WHAT??? Molesting children is not like drug abuse. You don't get a pass as long as you're getting help. You touch a child like that, you are finished. If you know, and do nothing, you are just as horrible, as far as I'm concerned. I have no idea if he molested his daughter, but if one child isn't safe in his presence, none are.

I feel sick. I'd say I need a drink, but a bathtub of moonshine isn't going to help this nightmare. I hope those girls have found some peace in their lives. 


  1. This just in:
    John Grisham says many men who watch child porn aren't pedophiles and that the U.S. jail terms are too harsh.

    never practiced my clicky lessons sorry :(

    1. No! I love his books, seemed like a good guy. Wtf?!!!

    2. @sandybrook WHAT?! I wonder if he'd feel the same if any of the children in his life were violated.
      Never read his books. Not about to start!

    3. Great, now I have to quit reading his books. :(

  2. No offense Enty, but that's a lot of outrage coming from someone who posts blinds about pedophiles in Hollywood but doesn't report it. Pot, kettle?

  3. Angry Enty makes me laugh.

  4. DeeNance hit the nail on the head.

  5. whichever enty this is - this is not your drama or your nightmare. Allow that for the real victims.

  6. Disgusting excuse for a man, father & husband. His wife is just as bad, what kind of mother doesn't say something especially when you have a little girl.

  7. As someone who was raped and molested for 12 years, (my mother knew and did nothing) it doesn't have to destroy your life. It's not something you ever forget, but I'm a happy, healthy person, who doesn't let that define me.

    And it's disgusting that his wife knew and did nothing. If he's charged, she should be also. (And any therapist who knew, as a mandatory reporter, and didn't do shit about it.)

  8. What is going on with women who know they children or other children are abused by their partners and they either ignore it or even help them?

  9. It's early and the writing is off.

    Welcome new Entern!

  10. Pink Cashmere I'm so sorry you lived through that. I'm very happy you survived.

    The outrage by Enty would be laughable, if it wasn't so tragic.
    The person who knows about child trafficking and pimping, about rapes and incest but this is what the freakout is for?!?

  11. If Enty was a practicing attorney, I doubt he'd be so breathlessly shocked that a practicing pedophile does pedophile things.
    It just doesn't ring true.
    Once a pedophile is exposed, victims come forward.
    I work for Penn State, Ask Me About Active Pedophiles!

  12. I'm sorry that happened to you, Pink Cashmere. How marvelous that you haven't let it define you.
    And I'm so bloody envious of your screen name!

  13. Enty should also know that the therapist might not have been able to report the abuse if it wasn't viewed as a future threat to others.

  14. Enty doesn't seem to be too outraged when one of his blinds tells of some movie or music producer demanding sexual favors from "tween" actresses/singers in exchange for desired roles, albums, etc. Granted, it looks as if Collins has behaved despicably, but let's not forget that thus far there's been no trial. In fact, no one's even filed charges against him as yet. Even if he's guilty as hell, he's as entitled to his day in court as anyone else would be.

  15. I just don't understand the desire to want to molest or sexually assault a young child. I just don't see what drives these men(and women) to want to do it. It makes absolutely no sense to me.

  16. ...and John Grisham is wrong. The desire to watch child porn is a form of pedophilia. They just don't act on it physically...but mentally, they're all over it. It's also these scumbags who watch the child porn that keeps it high in demand. As long as there is demand and money in it, these scumbags will keep kidnapping and raping these young children. Just the thought that there is forced child porn out there, absolutely infuriates me.

  17. TMZ says that Collins' ex wife sent the audio tapes of his confession to the LAPD two years ago, after he refused to get help.


    TMZ says that Collins' ex wife CLAIMS sent the audio tapes of his confession to the LAPD two years ago, after he refused to get help.

  18. You can't report someone on charges of pedophilia on hearsay several times removed.

    I am not sure what the rules are for therapists and psychiatrists regarding patient-doctor confidentiality vs their obligations regarding reporting sexual abuse of children.

    Ironic I noticed the other day that Collins made a movie recently and he played a pedophile priest. Wonder if that movie will be hitting the light of day.

    Definitely something very wrong with the brain wiring on these pedophiles though many pedophiles were sexually abused themselves.

  19. Oh Pink Cashmere I see you answered my one question. Power to you on being a survivor.

  20. Grishom should stf up, for many reasons. First, he's wrong and second, he is killing his career. Collins needs to be arrested and locked ip. Its so obivoous he's a pedophile and has already stained enough lies. My understanding is wife did everything she cld to get cops going on this, and nothing happened. If wrong and she kept silent, then she is as bad as him.

  21. Pink Cashmere - I'm sorry for what you went through, but so glad you came out the other side.

    This story just gets worse and worse.

  22. It is an outrage when this happens to anyone. You should be upset. Maybe his wife was quiet because he's the main income provider? Also, I find it hard to believe the LAPD would turn a blind eye to an audio confession. So I'm wondering if she actually turned it in. Also, I thought a psychologists and the like are supposed to report such crimes to authorities. If he did it in the past and got away with it don't you think that he's still doing it? Expecting the same outcome?

  23. It's not as easy to report as some people think. A friend dated a guy who was a little quirky and weird but never seemed threatening. As they dated he confessed to her he watched child porn, and thought about children. That it started off fantasizing about teenagers then younger and younger. He kept a USB drive filled with child porn. Young children. Immediately she was disgusted and disturbed but also scared, because he "loved her and trusted her" to tell his secret to but she worried if she broke up with him, he would hurt her or do something crazy because of what she knew. So she stayed with him for a little while longer out of fear. Then final broke up with him and reported what she knew to the police, who did nothing! They asked him if he had child porn, he said no, end of story. No interrogation, no search warrant. My friend then got fired because they worked together and of course he told people he broke up with her and she was upset and made it up for revenge. Nothing happened to him, and she lost her job, and then her apartment. This guy, as far as I know, never touched children but thought about it obsessively for years and possessed child porn and cops didn't care! Now I'm not standing up for Stephen Collins wife not reporting immediately but I will say there is a lot of confusion, fear, and manipulation going on when you find something like this out.

  24. Jeannie, you are correct. TMZ (and the court papers) has stated that the wife took the taped confession to police, and they have sat on it for 2 years, doing a lot of nothing.

  25. As a social worker in my area, I would HAVE to report this. HAVE to. No choice. Abuse of a child or elderly person, and/or threat to hurt oneself or someone else. I'm not certain if it's different in CA, but I can't fathom why the therapist didn't report it.

    FWIW, I'm not going to excuse what he did, but if someone seeks help, they should get help. It doesn't make them any less culpable, but it might be indicative of remorse and a desire to change or fight that abusive urge. Mandatory reporting, though, prevents people from seeking help. It's a catch-22, and I'm not sure of a better solution.

    In this case, I'm a little unsure why his wife is saying that he refused to get help. Did he not confess during marriage therapy? Therapy is still therapy, which Overall, the whole situation is still a bit confusing to me, and dribs and drabs of the story keep coming out, yet they don't really clarify much that I can see. Sad all the way around.

  26. Whatever happened to mandatory reporters? Certainly these people are? The therapist HAS to be. In my profession i have to report anything i hear. This is ridiculous. I hope he kills himself. The wife too preferably

  27. I don't think that's quite right. The babysitter came forward, not new tapes.

    This is interesting. If true, she's a horrible person, too.

    Kaplan, Collins' attorney, has declined to discuss specifics about the claims, but he has described the accusations as an attempt by Grant to obtain a more favorable settlement of the couple's divorce. He added that Grant has allegedly been blackmailing Collins with the audio recording for a long time.

  28. What's also creepy is there's a tv movie from the 90's where he seduce's his kids babysitter (Keri Russell) becuz he murdered his wife, and needed to frame someone. This is terrible, I hope his victims can get the strength to come forward!

  29. I'm not an attorney, but it seems to me the wife could hide under the umbrella of Spousal Privilege and the therapist could hide behind "doctor/patient confidentiality, " both of which make them complicit (in my opinion) and both of which make me SICK.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. The wife said he made a sexual remark when she was pregnant about their unborn child. She was contacted by his victims over the years. She got him on tape 2 years ago admitting what he did. She only sets it public during the divorce in a cash grab.

    I hope they give her a cell right next to him. The victims should sue them both.Their child is better off not being around either of those scumbags anymore.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. @Pink Cashmere,Kudos To You!
    I believe that Your empowering & very personal Reveal just gave strength,hope & relief to alot of readers who've remained silent & in alot of pain. amazing how it helps. 0:)

  34. Pink, plus one.

    Good for you. My best friend was abused by his father and his momk.ew,, did nothing. He struggled so hard and made great progress. But its a violation of trust that's so incredibly difficult overcome.

    Good for you on your journey. God bless you. -guido.

  35. Predictable that people are trying to call out Enty for blinds that involve young celebs. To begin with, these are stories told to Enty, but not reported. plus itsit's not clear if they are first party, or third party stories.

    Finally, I doubt there's a person on here that doesn't know of some questionable activity going on in their life via work, school, family etc that they have not reported for various reasons including unsubstantiated gossip.

    Chill out

  36. @sandybrook here's your clicky:

    John Grisham on Child Porn

    And here's how to do it. In the example below replace { with <, and } with > and it becomes clicky:

    {a href=""}John Grisham on Child Porn{/a}

  37. I think pedo blinds are wrong. Entry invites commenters to "guess", which often boils down to saying someone "looks" like a pedo (really, wtf?)while protecting Enty's back.

    It's not like knowing someone cheats on their taxes, pedophilia is a sex crime. Some people want to brush it off, as though it's just part of growing up. You're wrong.

    And as for John Grisham, someone needs to remind this idiot that children in porn can't give the kind of consent that is meaningful. It's not a victimless crime, as he seems to believe.

  38. Boning the babysitter fantasies are only cool if the bim is legal.

  39. I'm not certain of the law in California, but in many states a recording of someone made while they were unaware of being recorded cannot be used as evidence, add on top of that the privilege that is associated with the tape potentially being made in a therapy session and/or with a spouse and you might have your answer as to why this tape hasn't been used as evidence in anythibg

  40. Well, I know a bit about the law in California, at least in terms of audio recordings. It is illegal to record audio of someone in California without their permission if they have a reasonable expectation of privacy. Recording video is always permitted although I think if some skeevy janitor is recording underage girls through a peephole he created, that's probably not legal.

    So, in California you can record someone without his/her knowledge in a public setting where there's no reasonable expectation of privacy.

    In a private setting such as a therapist's office, if Collins's wife recorded him (and the therapist) without his knowledge, then it would be illegal to have done so.

    However, that's a separate issue from whether the tapes would be admissible as evidence to prosecute him criminally. I don't know the answer to that.

  41. What I find interesting is that there have been no victims come forward yet. What is going on with that? You would think by now they would be coming forward.

  42. Dude's a dirty old man and definitely needs dealing with, but honestly Enty, if you think that a kid seeing an old guy's weiner is the absolute worst thing that can ever happen to're so precious.

  43. TMZ said on their show today that the woman who came forward heard the tape when the story broke, and that's how she realized she was the victim he was talking about exposing himself to.

    I feel sorry for her but I'm glad she came forward to the police.

  44. Indecent exposure / flashing is a mental disorder of very deep-rooted psychopathology. Here's one of the stories of forensic science which I find most fascinating, because it relates to the first time that DNA was used to prove guilt (and in this case, innocence).

    This story also illustrates how indecent exposure led to far worse acts, though I'm not sure it necessarily does in most or even any cases. I'd be interesting to see a study of what percentage of flashers graduate to physical contact, then rape or worse.

  45. We don't know that Enty doesn't report it. Also, Enty, I would not be a bit surprised if you were actually a woman. Your sensibilities mirror my own often.

  46. I'm tired of people coming here and whining about Enty not reporting suspected cases of pedophilia or rape. How do you know? These cases are very, very difficult and as we know some parents think nothing of pimping their children out if fame is the payoff.

    That said in this case people close to him knew. And when they did try to report it the LAPD seems to have filed the reports in the round file.

    It's out now. Let's see what happens to Collins.

    Oh and I have to say I was stunned at John Grisham's comments.
